Feature Article
How NBA Live Could Dethrone NBA 2K

It will take several years and good games along the way, but Live has a chance.

The gaming landscape has changed greatly in the four years since NBA Live and NBA 2K last faced off in competition.

NBA Live went on vacation; NBA 2K grew into a juggernaut.

If EA Sports tries to recapture the basketball gaming market out of the gate, it will be like Jose Calderon trying to guard Kobe. To return to relevance, the Live team needs to rebuild brick by brick.

By focusing on delighting one segment of the community at a time, they can win over different groups of gamers and convert them into loyal customers. To optimize this process, EA can focus on gamers who feel that 2K falls short of satisfying their main desires.

Thankfully, EA picked the perfect way to start.

Despite the many joys of playing NBA 2K14, its one-on-one dribble game has never felt quite as responsive and rewarding as it could.

NBA Live 14's introduction of BounceTek – coupled with the series' historical success in that area – underscores its devotion to nailing that aspect of the game. To many basketball fans and gamers, nothing captures the sport's allure quite like a tight crossover leading to broken ankles and a high-flying dunk. By making this part of NBA Live as rewarding as possible, EA can start winning people over.

Live has to win gamers back piece by piece.

From there, EA can move on to dominating another subset of the market.

Resurrecting Be A Pro mode (it's now called Rising Star) could make a huge difference. Especially with the joy of using BounceTek dribbling to pull off highlight reel plays.

Rising Star mode also lets you go online, allowing would-be NBA All-Stars to take their players into tournaments and leagues with their online teams. With some gamers feeling a bit underwhelmed with NBA 2K14's Crew mode return, NBA Live 14 could snag a few more fans if Rising Star impresses.

NBA Live could possibly develop Rising Star into a more full-featured mode like Connected Careers in Madden. This mode satisfies both the competitive one-on-one diehards, as well as the gamers who crave a more immersive franchise experience.

But NBA Live won’t become a contender in a day. Building a complete basketball game, both in terms of modes and gameplay, takes time and practice. Trial and error plays a role in finding balance and success.

2K Sports had years to build what they offer now. EA can't hope to close the chasm between the two in the span of a year or two. They can, however, eliminate small gaps one at a time.

With strong first impressions from Rising Star and BounceTek, EA can jump back into the basketball gaming world and make an impact this year regardless of how rough other areas of the game turn out. They will start building a devoted, loyal NBA Live following immediately. Adding a new segment of customers to that group each year will build the momentum necessary to get even more gamers on the bandwagon.

And if NBA 2K can't counter this strategy, they will eventually find themselves looking up at NBA Live as they did during the heyday of the PlayStation 2.

NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 bumpyface @ 10/10/13 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Cold_Fries
I'm sorry but I think ea is gonna cancel this one too, they saw that small next gen 2k clip and they realized that **** was real.. Literally
Lol, Right. I'm not a 2k fanboy but seriously EA, come on. They can talk bouncetek this, physics that but ACTION speaks louder than words. The fact that they haven't shown any gameplay says it all. There going to scrap this like the scrapped the last 1. So I guess we have to continue with the canamations and blooper gameplay for now.
# 62 Subversion @ 10/10/13 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by bumpyface
Lol, Right. I'm not a 2k fanboy but seriously EA, come on. They can talk bouncetek this, physics that but ACTION speaks louder than words. The fact that they haven't shown any gameplay says it all. There going to scrap this like the scrapped the last 1. So I guess we have to continue with the canamations and blooper gameplay for now.
Last three - Live 11-13'

This is the fourth failure to properly launch Live, and they have become exceedingly efficient at it.
# 63 syxxness @ 10/10/13 02:19 AM
EA should think to go back to PC market ... with the community help, there will be a bunch realistic cyberfaces that can help to build their next installment of the game ... pc gamer like me wont mine the so so quality product or gameplay ... as long as the game on PC we'll happily helping it by creating something to make this game better ... remember when 2k9 on pc?? it was like "who's that dude??" the CF is like nothing close ... but every installment its getting better ... wether 2k gonna admit or not ... but similarity between community made cf and what they got on their released product are really close ....

bottom line .... back to PC world first ...
# 64 yungflo @ 10/10/13 03:30 AM
NBA 2k Never looked up to Live, I disagree, NBA 2k at first wasn't available to a broader fanbase, and the marketing giant that is EA was the reason it sold more. But critically acclaimed, it was the better game since it came into existence. If I can spit that actual, factual[as shake puts it] ea has been looking up at 2k for a long time
# 65 yungflo @ 10/10/13 03:36 AM
I thin EA's Live Died when 06 when they started introduce modifiers for flashy passes and what not. That was 06. Now another basketball game is putting flashy passes on a modifier. What is up with flashy passes being a feature in a simulation basketball game? That should be a random occurrence, like the type of situation dunks. How often does someone[not elite] make a flashy pass?
# 66 Saviour @ 10/10/13 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Durdur752
This just supports Saviour's case (which he is right). When Kyrie is dribbling in place, Knight only shifts his feet. It's not until Kyrie dips forward to start his stepback that Knight moves and then proceeds to get all his ankles broke. Dribbling may be big in basketball but that's never been a big issue with basketball games (maybe signature dribbling though). It's always been physics in the paint with body collisions and footwork. Live hasn't shown anything hinting at physics outside of bounceTek. 2K, on the other hand, put in work for current (and obviously next-gen) with collisions between players. Live just may flop again this year.
Thanks DurDur752. I was wondering if anyone would actually notice what happened in that video. Sizeup dribbles are only to setup a move. Size up dribbles do not make a defender move because you are taught not to move until the offensive player moves his body. Any coach worth his salt will bench you immediately if you are following the ball when someone is dribbling in front of you.
Knight was crossed up after Kyrie stepped to his right then used a step back to his left to create space. Basic basketball move that made Knight look foolish.
# 67 Saviour @ 10/10/13 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
If you watch it closely, he doesn't really step to the right. He does a small stutter step after a series of size-ups, then crosses over and steps back. The size-ups set him to fake right and go left by getting Knight off balance. Knight reacted to the in-and-out dribble, then got crossed over the other way.

In either case, it's exactly what happened in the trailer. Kyrie faked left and crossed to the right.
Ok..so he leaned right, then came back to the left. Either way the defender reacted to the movement of the body. Kyrie used the stepback dribble to create space...not the size up. You use a size up to see where the defender is leaning so you can setup your move. Anyway...why are we disecting a move performed in a all star game? lol.

How does this NBA video explain the lack of gameplay video of EA NBA Live on Next Gen? We are losing focus. LOL. We need 5 vs 5 gameplay video to get a true feeling of whether this franchise replicate basketball properly. The trailer that has been released to this point doesn't make me want to stay away from 2K. That trailer actually strengthen 2K's hold on the market because they are clearly hiding 5 on 5 basketball. Show something EA!!!!
# 68 yungflo @ 10/10/13 03:29 PM
This article is like the "How to beat the heat" articles. People read them, but they in real life don't hold much weight.

That being said Live can rebuild, but its any lower than nba live 10, no one is going to restore faith in the product. Live 10 was the building block.

I hope they can do it. I'm not going to sh-t on them. After five years, thats kinda gets boring and I'm sure the nba is frustrated with them cancelling all the time. So I expect something decent.
# 69 Boilerbuzz @ 10/10/13 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
If you watch it closely, he doesn't really step to the right. He does a small stutter step after a series of size-ups, then crosses over and steps back. The size-ups set him to fake right and go left by getting Knight off balance. Knight reacted to the in-and-out dribble, then got crossed over the other way.

In either case, it's exactly what happened in the trailer. Kyrie faked left and crossed to the right.
Dude, if you're REALLY trying to go on the premise that a defender primarily follows the ball, then your knowledge of basketball needs to be questioned. The ball is no more than a tell. Defenders don't look at the ball. You're coached to NOT follow the ball. You'd be a idiot to move on the ball. Now, you DO use the ball as a clue to what the dribbler will do. No one denies that. Showing a video of someone getting BROKE actually defeats your point.
# 70 yungflo @ 10/10/13 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by SoAwesome
Everybody saying Live has no shot of dethroning 2k are being ridiculous. I bet yall are the same people who said 2k will never dethrone Live. LOOK WHERE WE ARE NOW!
I think people saying it isn't possible with live 14. Its a process, not a home run, which is essentially what the article is saying, but a lot of people don't read. Lol. Given the history though, 2k always has been criticially acclaimed higher than live since it came into existence. Just because something sells more, doesn't mean its better. 2k didn't have the backing it back then it has now.

Personally, I think live will turn things around like fifa did. I don't know if it will be better than 2k. I still think Wang is a boss. Live 10 is an example and Nba 2k11 is an example[after he came back and 2k9 and ten weren't as highly rated] but we'll see. I'm excited. I want to see both companies push the envelope. Without competion, I think take two has cruised on some of their efforts [nba2k9, nba2k10, and nba2k14 current gen]
# 71 sirjam @ 10/10/13 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Husband73
Keep dreaming it's not gonna happen. Nba2k14 plays the closest to Nba, plus with With next gen graphics.. C'MON SON!!
this won't be popular and won't happen. but if 2k would just slow the game down it would be like the nba. as it is the pace is way to fast. now I know this won't happen bc only sim heads would enjoy this type of game but it would be perfect if it did.
so on topic of how, thats how live could takeover. make 5 on 5 gameplay smooth and defense a priority and maybe that could happen.
# 72 UNabomb @ 10/10/13 08:55 PM
I don't think that NBA Live will dethrone NBA 2k anytime soon,even when i think that NBA Live will finally deliver this year,NBA 2k will reign supreme
# 73 btrapp @ 10/11/13 05:12 AM
At this point, the only way live can dethrone 2k is to either get an exclusive license with the nba, or hire someone to assassinate the developers of the nba 2k series. Both are unlikely.
# 74 Halfamazing @ 10/11/13 05:21 AM
To those arguing about whether live will be a victim of stagnant, size up dribbling - I just don't think Live will fall in that way, soley based on this vid man.

The movement of dribbling looks legit this year, at least Kyrie's. I believe they said you could branch out of a move at anytime, I'd like to see that actually being done in the next showings instead of written and preached. I wonder if that size up/jordan move can be changed out of. If not then that's just weak.

And I'm sorry, I know this will offend the 2kers, but it's my truth. I can't think of a game more of a victim to what's being argued than 2k13 - where players literally fall off tootsie-roll, size-ups and standstills as simple as a change of hands as if they've been shot. It was like that kid at the park who thinks he can dribble and cross people, looking down at his dribble the whole time.

Fixed now in 2k14, but it was bad in 13.
# 75 bigeastbumrush @ 10/11/13 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Halfamazing
To those arguing about whether live will be a victim of stagnant, size up dribbling - I just don't think Live will fall in that way, soley based on this vid man.

The movement of dribbling looks legit this year, at least Kyrie's. I believe they said you could branch out of a move at anytime, I'd like to see that actually being done in the next showings instead of written and preached. I wonder if that size up/jordan move can be changed out of. If not then that's just weak.

And I'm sorry, I know this will offend the 2kers, but it's my truth. I can't think of a game more of a victim to what's being argued than 2k13 - where players literally fall off tootsie-roll, size-ups and standstills as simple as a change of hands as if they've been shot. It was like that kid at the park who thinks he can dribble and cross people, looking down at his dribble the whole time.

Fixed now in 2k14, but it was bad in 13.
Look. It's time to put this dribbling nonsense to bed.

I'm all for signature dribbling. I think we all are. And I think it's a good idea that the Live crew is borrowing some of the "ball physics" concepts from FIFA using shared technology.

But dribbling was never a sore point for the Live series. If anything, it was one of their advantages going back to the implementation of Freestyle vs IsoMotion.

So, in essence, Live has improved one of their already strong points. Kudos.

But it's seriously time to stop all the talk about size ups and breaking ankles because a regulation NBA game has very few perimeter clear out size up moments during a game. It's a pick and roll league.

That being said, what has been done to improve Live's weakest points which is player animations? The only trailer we saw had Raymond Felton being stuck in an animation. He didn't even move.

Do you care about that or is it just about how you can Shammgod your way to the hole?

The Live team has done nothing in my opinion that warrants a purchase, besides actually releasing the game.

Until they show 10 guys on a court animating fluidly together, they can flush this entire dribbling agenda down the toilet along with all of their other buzzwords and rhetoric.
# 76 Jay Jay @ 10/11/13 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Look. It's time to put this dribbling nonsense to bed.

I'm all for signature dribbling. I think we all are. And I think it's a good idea that the Live crew is borrowing some of the "ball physics" concepts from FIFA using shared technology.

But dribbling was never a sore point for the Live series. If anything, it was one of their advantages going back to the implementation of Freestyle vs IsoMotion.

So, in essence, Live has improved one of their already strong points. Kudos.

But it's seriously time to stop all the talk about size ups and breaking ankles because a regulation NBA game has very few perimeter clear out size up moments during a game. It's a pick and roll league.

That being said, what has been done to improve Live's weakest points which is player animations? The only trailer we saw had Raymond Felton being stuck in an animation. He didn't even move.

Do you care about that or is it just about how you can Shammgod your way to the hole?

The Live team has done nothing in my opinion that warrants a purchase, besides actually releasing the game.

Until they show 10 guys on a court animating fluidly together, they can flush this entire dribbling agenda down the toilet along with all of their other buzzwords and rhetoric.
I don't think Felton was stuck in a animation because player motion matters. Of course its all written but I think we should hold judgment until we see it in action but based on what they say players will get penalized for making unrealistic movements.
# 77 Halfamazing @ 10/11/13 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Look. It's time to put this dribbling nonsense to bed.

But it's seriously time to stop all the talk about size ups and breaking ankles because a regulation NBA game has very few perimeter clear out size up moments during a game. It's a pick and roll league.

That being said, what has been done to improve Live's weakest points which is player animations? The only trailer we saw had Raymond Felton being stuck in an animation. He didn't even move.

Do you care about that or is it just about how you can Shammgod your way to the hole?

The Live team has done nothing in my opinion that warrants a purchase, besides actually releasing the game.

Until they show 10 guys on a court animating fluidly together, they can flush this entire dribbling agenda down the toilet along with all of their other buzzwords and rhetoric.
I care about balanced game offensively and defensively, I prefer a game more defensive than offensive. Worried about that and other stuff which is why I said I don't think Live will fall in a dribbling way. The dribbling looks more fluid than everything else in the game, all else looks straight out of Live 10 animation wise.

Probably not really a question to me, but I'm a answerholic.
# 78 yungflo @ 10/11/13 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Look. It's time to put this dribbling nonsense to bed.

I'm all for signature dribbling. I think we all are. And I think it's a good idea that the Live crew is borrowing some of the "ball physics" concepts from FIFA using shared technology.

But dribbling was never a sore point for the Live series. If anything, it was one of their advantages going back to the implementation of Freestyle vs IsoMotion.

So, in essence, Live has improved one of their already strong points. Kudos.

But it's seriously time to stop all the talk about size ups and breaking ankles because a regulation NBA game has very few perimeter clear out size up moments during a game. It's a pick and roll league.

That being said, what has been done to improve Live's weakest points which is player animations? The only trailer we saw had Raymond Felton being stuck in an animation. He didn't even move.

Do you care about that or is it just about how you can Shammgod your way to the hole?

The Live team has done nothing in my opinion that warrants a purchase, besides actually releasing the game.

Until they show 10 guys on a court animating fluidly together, they can flush this entire dribbling agenda down the toilet along with all of their other buzzwords and rhetoric.
He got shook. You tend to freeze for a moment when you do. The same thing happens in 2k if it isn't an ankle breaker. The crossover was a slowmotion trailer. with various angles. I'm not saying you don't have a legitimate point, I'm just think thats heavy scrutiny and I guess I fail to see the issue?

I do agree with everything else. This dribbling tech is overstated. For the past for years, whenever EA started with gameplay improvements, they always mention dribbling first. They did this for Live 10, Elite 11. Dribbling the minor problems they have. I think they are trying to adapt the fifa philosophy to basketball.

Either way, if this game is a failrue, I hope EAC gets a chance again.
# 79 DBMcGee3 @ 10/14/13 10:21 AM
Same old song and dance from EA. If they were really holding such an ace up their sleeve, surely they would have tipped their hand just a little bit to get some momentum going. But no, here we are in mid-October and I've yet to see any gameplay footage, or anything at all behind the usual "sizzle" trailer. NBA Live '10 was one of my favorite hoops games ever, I'll never understand why they chose to blow that thing up instead of perfecting what they had, a la 2k.
# 80 stlpimpmonsta @ 10/15/13 11:56 AM
Anything is possible. To think otherwise is crazy especially since the landscape of video games can change drastically in a blind of an eye.

Remeber we wondered if 2K could overthrow Live a decade ago and they have. The same can happen to 2K. Nothing is untouchable in video games.

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