Feature Article
The Top Five Features That Should Return to Madden

Anyone who has ever played Madden NFL knows that with each iteration there are changes. There are almost always additions combined with subtractions, whether they be game modes, features, or menu options. In anticipation of Madden NFL 25, we're going to focus on the five features that we miss the most from past editions of Madden.

One feature sorely missing from prior editions is Michael Vick's invincibility. We kid, we kid.

Import Draft Class from NCAA Football - This feature was seemingly removed in Madden NFL 13 in order to accommodate the new "Connected Careers" mode. Madden NFL 13 featured fictional draft classes that were commented on in the game via the virtual twitter feed. The omission of the draft class import feature was the first time that a Madden game had shipped without the feature since Madden NFL 2003. Much of the NCAA Football series' sales in the months of September and October have had a lot to do with the ability to import draft classes into Madden in my opinion. Many gamers were left frustrated when this feature was scrapped for Madden NFL 13. The option to use the players that you recruited in NCAA Football inside of Madden is a huge factor in immersion. Let's hope we see a return of the draft class import feature in Madden NFL 25.

The Tony Bruno Show - New to Madden NFL 2005 was the Tony Bruno radio show. Billed as EA Sports Radio, the Bruno-hosted show played each week, and if users listened to the show they could hear interviews with players and coaches, hear Tony take calls fans, and hear about things happening in the your NFL world. It was another feature that took immersion to another level. Also tied in with this, was EA's Storyline Central, which included licensed, real newspapers from every NFL city. Players would also email you to complain about playing time or to thank you for an opportunity to start for example. To this day, Madden NFL 2005 is still considered one of the most feature rich Maddens of all-time.

Madden NFL 09 had fair play, which forced players to play non-cheese games of Madden.

EA Sports Fair Play - Madden NFL 2004 saw the debut of what was dubbed EA Sports Fair Play. What this feature did was to force players to call plays against other users like a real NFL coach would. That meant forcing users to punt on 4th down from their own side of the field and trying to restrict other forms of online "cheese" and super aggressive play calling. With some real life NFL coaches calling plays in non-traditional ways recently, this feature might have to be tweaked, but it's still worth revisiting. This has been a hot button issue for the community since it's removal after Madden NFL 09. I don't think there is any question that the option of a fair play lobby should be present for users who want a sim experience while playing online. I really don't understand why this was removed and I would say it's one of things that keeps me from personally playing Madden online more often.

QB Vision Control - Madden NFL 06 featured a very polarizing new feature: The QB Vision Cone. Basically, the QB Vision Control directly tied a quarterback's awareness rating to how he viewed the field. Quarterbacks with higher awareness that would cover more ground on the field, and could make more accurate throws within that field of vision. Users could shift the vision cone using the thumbstick, to simulate the quarterback scanning the field. Users could also push the triggers to change receivers and simulate a quarterback going through his route progression. Throwing on the run became much more difficult as well.

The QB Vision Control feature helped to create a fun cat-and-mouse game on the field. Skilled defensive users could track a quarterbacks's vision as he scanned the field and try to jump the route as the ball was thrown. On the offensive side, users could use the vision cone to fake out a defender and switch to the truly intended receiver at the last minute. It was one of the most truly innovative features in Madden history and the debate rages on to this day. I would love to see the option to use QB Vision Control put back into the game in the very near future.

Pre-release promo material for Madden NFL 25 hints at the return of Owner Mode into Connected Franchise.

Owner Mode - Madden NFL 2004 saw the introduction of "Owner Mode." Owner Mode allowed you to play up to 30 seasons in the game and it was deep. When I say it was deep, there are still tutorials to this day on the internet for Owner Mode and Madden NFL 2004 even shipped with a four minute video tutorial on Owner Mode, which was narrated by Melissa Stark and Al Michaels. The feature also included "Advisors" to help users make changes based on team weaknesses and your team's success. Users could check out fan support, attendance numbers, cash assets, income and expenses, and more.

Something that was more at home on the PC text-sim market, Madden NFL 2004 added a graphic interface that allowed users to set ticket prices, concession prices, parking prices, merchandising, and advertising prices. Even these were broken down into individual items such as hot dogs, foam fingers, and billboards. The amount of depth was a breath of fresh air for a franchise mode that needed one. The offseason was really emphasized in Owner Mode, allowing you direct control over your coaching staff and even your trainers. You could promote coordinators, fire head coaches, and generally do everything that happens in the NFL offseason. You could even relocate your team to a new city. Owner Mode was probably the deepest mode ever created in a console football game. It was a true nod to the hardcore sim players.

It has been hinted that Owner Mode is coming back for Madden NFL 25, it would be a moment none too soon.

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Member Comments
# 81 azdawgpound @ 05/17/13 12:07 PM
1. in game saves.
2. old franchise.
3. full player edit like the ps2 had.
4. half time show like 2k had.
5. fair play.
# 82 Jblack900 @ 05/17/13 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by avwhitechic
1) User-defined camera
2) In game saves
3) Lead block feature (I loved being and o-lineman and pancaking players
4) Import draft classes
5) Create a player combine (your created player was only as good as you competed in the drills. I think this was in Ps2 Madden 04

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Lead block is a fabulous idea to bring back man, I was wondering what happen to that feature, I'd be like trying to click on my blocker to block and it wouldn't work, I forgot that was a special feature. I like that idea.

Import draft class
Lead block
Qb vision-Dont know why people hate this, kevin kolb shouldnt be able to see the field like Tom Brady or Andruw Luck for that matter...(GO COLTS!) hahaha.
Half time show...etc etc..basically all the great things that they for some reason got rid of.
# 83 Armor and Sword @ 05/17/13 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ueauvan
1/ 32 team control
2/ custom playbooks
3/ in game save (offline only would be fine)
4/ formation subs
5/ player edit (even if only positions/numbers)

What I find insane is 4 of those 5 requests are on M12. SMH.

What a mess 13 really turned out to be. And I embraced the CCM change before the game was released. Once I got my hands on it and played it for a couple of months (yes I gave it 8 weeks of my life) I was SMH.

Anyway....Let's see if M25 can right so many wrongs.
# 84 avwhitechic @ 05/17/13 10:34 PM
1 Fairplay
3 faaaaaiiiirrrrplllllaaaayyy
4 repeat lines 123
5 then again how about everyone Play Fair

Sent from the deepest crevice of my ***
# 85 Trick13 @ 05/18/13 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by avwhitechic
1 Fairplay
3 faaaaaiiiirrrrplllllaaaayyy
4 repeat lines 123
5 then again how about everyone Play Fair

Sent from the deepest crevice of my ***
Would like to see that come back as well, but expanded and with "flexible" sub settings - ie limit hot routes, score/ time left settings for customizing when you can go for it on fourth down - not just what it was - it needs a little customization for it...
# 86 tanchl @ 05/18/13 09:32 AM
I find this topic a moot point: without proper penalty implementation, the game is falls miles from being "What you see on Sundays." There was a day that there were more penalties.

With that said, classic teams and user defined camera would go along way to make up for the lack of penalties.
# 87 Rounder003 @ 05/18/13 08:02 PM
If you're making a top 5 list of features, it seems criminal to not include defensive assignments. Having my super stud CB line up on a scrub WR because my opponent used the R1 button to put his best WR in the slot is too irritating for words
# 88 JBreezeNY @ 05/19/13 01:18 PM
Owner Mode please come back.
# 89 Tyrant8RDFL @ 05/19/13 11:09 PM
Count me as one of those that agree 100% with your list. I agree with another poster here that mentioned in game saves. That is badly needed also.
# 90 turk @ 05/20/13 05:07 AM
Bring Maden 25 back for PS2 users. There's still a ton of them that enjoy it more than PS3/360
# 91 droopizzle34 @ 05/20/13 04:19 PM
man it would be awesome for fair play to return. would stop a bunch of cheese and make online play a more enjoyable experience....
# 92 jseward92 @ 05/21/13 06:41 PM
Sure glad we get draft classes back!!!
# 93 ripp1p @ 05/22/13 01:26 PM
I hope they do keep the salary cap info. It let you know if it was worth trading/cutting a guy based on his salary hit you would get by doing one of these.
# 94 Instant C1a55ic @ 05/24/13 03:45 PM
How about just a complete working game with as minimal of game killing bugs as possible? How about a working franchise/CC Mode?
# 95 jcofor25 @ 05/25/13 08:51 AM
It's nice to see that someone else actually liked the vision cone. It really did start to feel like a qb; looking off the intended receiver until the last moment. I would actually like to see it today baiting DBs to one side of the field with the cone AND a pump fake!?!
# 96 I3raiNfreezE @ 05/26/13 01:49 AM
They should add more trick plays like the RB and WR passes from Madden 08
# 97 Eski33 @ 05/27/13 12:44 AM
Bring back the fumble recovery mini-game, chain gangs, in-game highlights of other games (circa Madden 92 - yes, Madden 92 had this), classic teams (Madden 93 had this), The Extra Point.
# 98 jeraldisdope @ 05/27/13 03:31 AM
The drills anyone who is awesome at user knows those drills contributed tremendously lol....

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
# 99 cubsfans2323 @ 05/27/13 01:53 PM
i would also enjoy for the draft classes to have the real pictures of the guys instead of the fake pictures that were in Madden 12
# 100 MaxxBoogieWS @ 05/28/13 01:58 AM
I think creating your own plays would be good. It can keep the game fresh at a time like now. I actually thought about buying Head Coach 09 just for this feature.

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