Feature Article
Don't Expect a Change in the NFL License Status Quo

This past month has been a very eventful one for Electronic Arts and EA Sports. On Monday, March 18th, Electronic Arts announced that John Ricccitiello had stepped down as CEO. This was only weeks after Sim City released with terrible issues and was a company wide embarrassment. While both events may or may not be completely connected, this was industry changing news and it could perhaps signal a new direction for EA in the future.

At the same time, we are coming to the end of this console generation. Also of importance is that we are near the end of the exclusive deal between EA and the NFL/NFLPA.

If there was ever a time we could believe in the chance to see a change in the football gaming market, the end of a monopoly, and a return to competition, this is the time, right?

The Winds of Change, Calm As Ever

Both EA and the NFL have both been publicly happy with the current exclusive deal, with no comments from either side signaling that the business deal has been less than ideal for either party. The current deal technically ends after Madden NFL 25 releases and before the next iteration of Madden next summer. The NFL and EA Sports have already renewed the deal twice, once in 2008 and again in 2011.

Assistant Executive Director of External Affairs for the NFLPA, George Atallah actually took to Reddit recently and stated that "We have an agreement with EA and Madden. I have heard some opinions like yours, but honestly, EA is one of our best partners. I know they hear some of your input as well and work to improve the game every year.”

Attallah added, "One thing to clarify though, my job and the job of the NFLPA, is to ensure that the players' interests are top priority. I know that might not be the most popular answer, but it's our mission."

We haven't heard anything from the NFL publicly regarding it's position on the deal but one can only assume that they are satisfied with the control that they get by licensing the game only to EA Sports and working closely to decide what is included and how it's official video game is marketed.

Make no mistake, the exclusive license is all about money and control for everyone involved. The NFL wants to closely control it's image as a business and a sport and Electronic Arts wants the exclusive license to the most popular sport in the United States for it's flagship sports franchise in America.

Consequently, the NFL has possibly created a situation where EA Sports is their only potential dance partner if they are to continue the exclusivity that they desire in video gaming and in other areas of their business. EA knows this, as no other company is ready to take on the massive task that is building an NFL game from scratch and having it release within a year on a level that could compete with what EA does with Madden today. Pipe dreams aside, 2K's technology is incredibly dated at this point and their marketing prowess and ability to afford a deal that EA themselves wouldn't already be able to afford makes for an unlikely combination of the status quo changing.

Major League Baseball found themselves in a similar situation as the NFL, with no realistic options at the conclusion of an exclusive license but a strong desire to get another game out. The NFL will be wise not to repeat the same mistakes, and likely they are trying to not bend too much to Electronic Arts' desires. For their part, EA is likely negotiating far more favorable terms for themselves both financially and possibly with regards to length, as they do likely recognize the strength of their negotiating position.

The End of Competition

For every gamer hoping that 2K Sports will be able to “save” them from Madden NFL, it's tough to say, but it's time to snuff out the torch. 2K Sports hasn't made a licensed NFL game since ESPN NFL 2K5 on the Playstation 2 and Xbox. We are now almost two full console generations since that game was released in 2004. That leap is the equivalent of making a game on the PSOne and then having to jump to the Playstation 3 to develop a game in the same sport/genre.

All Pro Football 2K8 was considered a good but not great game, and the expectations for sports gaming and football games are even higher now. 2K Sports simply isn't in a position to make the jump to new hardware AND build a new football engine that could compete with Madden all within one year at this point. NFL 2K5 was an outstanding game for it's time, but it's also easy to recognize that the gameplay in 2K football is well behind Madden in most respects today.

The writing is on the wall, it is time to start talking about the end of NFL video game competition as the present situation and future outlook. Barring a huge string of unforseen events, EA isn't letting the NFL license go so long as the NFL will have them, and that continued partnership between both organizations appears to be exactly what the NFL wants with no evidence to the contrary. EA will be able to likely get a much more favorable deal than in 2004, possibly locking up the license through this upcoming console generation.

This isn't the end of 2K Sports though. NBA 2K, WWE, perhaps MLB, and other potential projects will all continue to flourish. However, when it comes to more than one NFL game releasing yearly, don't bet on it. That ship has sailed, as competition appears to be over in NFL gaming and Madden is almost certainly the only future option for sports gamers. As a football fan this is definitely not my favorite outcome, but it is the outcome we will get.

The continued persistence of the status quo may indicate competition may be over, but NFL gaming is not. Here is to hoping Madden NFL 25 is the best yet, it's our only option after all.

Member Comments
# 21 roadman @ 03/28/13 11:14 PM
I'm not so sure Take 2 enters the foray.

Their stock price is a dollar a share lower than EA's.

Plus, they just finished a liscense agreement with MLB that made the company lose money.

Once burned, twice shy sometimes.

The NFL needs to explode their business model if they decide to divy up the liscense to other companies. Just don't see that happening, my stance hasn't changed since Big had his Ides of March thread.

Also, let's not forget Madden is an advisor to Goodell. I doubt if Goodell and the NFL kick John Madden to the curb.
# 22 m1ke_nyc @ 03/28/13 11:45 PM
Anyone still thinking this deal will end anytime soon is only fooling themselves. 2K football is done. Madden will be the only NFL game on the market for the next decade ATLEAST. The only way this doesnt happen is for EA to hit rock bottom.
# 23 pietasterp @ 03/29/13 12:06 AM
I said essentially everything that was in this piece back in 2004 when the exclusivity was first announced (I wonder if those old posts still exist to prove it...). Not that a lot of other people didn't also see that, but when it was made public that EA would be the only licensed NFL partner in '04, I said we would never see another non-EA football game. Ever. Going on a decade now, with no end in sight. But at least my falling out of love with sports gaming has rekindled my interest in other, non-sports games. So I got that goin' for me...
# 24 ryan36 @ 03/29/13 12:06 AM
I thoroughly disagree with 2k's tech being "well behind " ... that's just ridiculous.
# 25 tril @ 03/29/13 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
The only part I disagree with is 2k5 being well behind Madden in most of the gameplay, .

if EA gets an exclusive license again, then 2k should just make a generic totally customizable football game. They should make another APF2k title with generic players and a franchise mode, add a names data base like they've done with other sports titles, and give us the option to edit team uniforms and citys,
add 2k presentation elements similar to NBA2k and MLB2k. They could create generic story lines for players etc, and the ever developing data created by stats and an association mode would work wonders for dynamic commentary.
IT wont sell as much as EA but I think it would still be profitable.
# 26 SkillzKillz719 @ 03/29/13 01:17 AM
Well this sucks.
# 27 m1ke_nyc @ 03/29/13 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by tril

if EA gets an exclusive license again, then 2k should just make a generic totally customizable football game. They should make another APF2k title with generic players and a franchise mode, add a names data base like they've done with other sports titles, and give us the option to edit team uniforms and citys,
add 2k presentation elements similar to NBA2k and MLB2k. They could create generic story lines for players etc, and the ever developing data created by stats and an association mode would work wonders for dynamic commentary.
IT wont sell as much as EA but I think it would still be profitable.
It would sell to us here at OS yes, but the ****** gamer which is BY FAR the majority wont pick up the game.
# 28 KomicJ @ 03/29/13 04:56 AM
This is exactly why 2K should've made generic (or at least story-driven ala Blitz the League) football games these past two years. Sure, it isn't gonna outsell Madden without the NFLPA license, but with NBA 2K, the new WWE lisence, and their other franchises, this would've give them time to work on their football engine, make a stronger push, and be able to compete right from day-1 with Madden.

While I agree that 2K5 might not be as good today as some of us still remember it, 2K proved in their other franchises that they are still the best outhere in terms of presentation. Which leads me to belive that a generic story-driven football game could do very well, if (and only if) they give the production team the same budget, or close to it, as an NFL game (which I don't think was the case for 2k8). Hell, partner with Rockstar/TTWO if you have to...at least until you can get the lisence back.
# 29 HiTEqMETHOD @ 03/29/13 07:44 AM
It's amazing really. I remember the first time I viewed the Madden '06 next gen trailer. I was blown away. I never would of guessed an entire console generation would go by and I'd still be waiting for the game I thought I'd be getting when I watched that video.

One of the biggest tragedies of my life. Right up there with the twist at the end of The Village. Never again.
# 30 tril @ 03/29/13 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by KomicJ
This is exactly why 2K should've made generic (or at least story-driven ala Blitz the League) football games these past two years. Sure, it isn't gonna outsell Madden without the NFLPA license, but with NBA 2K, the new WWE lisence, and their other franchises, this would've give them time to work on their football engine, make a stronger push, and be able to compete right from day-1 with Madden.

While I agree that 2K5 might not be as good today as some of us still remember it, 2K proved in their other franchises that they are still the best outhere in terms of presentation. Which leads me to belive that a generic story-driven football game could do very well, if (and only if) they give the production team the same budget, or close to it, as an NFL game (which I don't think was the case for 2k8). Hell, partner with Rockstar/TTWO if you have to...at least until you can get the lisence back.
Thats the sad thing MAdden made huge strides this past year. Its unfortunate that it took them this long to make a game nearly equivalent to NFL2k5. This makes me wonder if the reason why MAdden improved so much in one year is because the licenses is about to expire, and they may want to exetend the exclusive license. IM sure the NFL and EA uses metrics to figure out what is really being said about their game. Poor metrics would most likely lead to the loss of an exlusive license.
IMO, 2k5 is still as good as it has always been. the game always surprises me with new animations etc..
# 31 roadman @ 03/29/13 10:03 AM
Not so sure the NFL cares much about the metrics and what's said about an NFL video game, they have other things that would take higher priority imho.

The NFL has their money.
# 32 cuttingteeth @ 03/29/13 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by tril

if EA gets an exclusive license again, then 2k should just make a generic totally customizable football game. They should make another APF2k title with generic players and a franchise mode, add a names data base like they've done with other sports titles, and give us the option to edit team uniforms and citys,
add 2k presentation elements similar to NBA2k and MLB2k. They could create generic story lines for players etc, and the ever developing data created by stats and an association mode would work wonders for dynamic commentary.
IT wont sell as much as EA but I think it would still be profitable.
I've mentioned this before, too. Anyone that makes a generic-per-customizing football game that just simply plays solid on the field and keeps solid stats...and then allows us to customize all 32 teams (at least) via a teambuilder kind of website...would rule the land. Bank on it.
# 33 simfballcritic @ 03/29/13 11:14 AM
This is interesting, but very believable in my opinion. This is another reason why I'm doing what I can to help Madden get where us "Sim Heads" want it to be. It is possible that Madden may be our only NFL football game for a very long time. I personally think competition needs to be in the Football genre, that's brings out the best in everybody and we the consumers win. No competition sucks, but you guys have my word that as a GC I will always represent the SIM COMMUNITY. What up Dame?
# 34 simfballcritic @ 03/29/13 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by simfballcritic
This is interesting, but very believable in my opinion. This is another reason why I'm doing what I can to help Madden get where us "Sim Heads" want it to be. It is possible that Madden may be our only NFL football game for a very long time. I personally think competition needs to be in the Football genre, that's brings out the best in everybody and we the consumers win. No competition sucks, but you guys have my word that as a GC I will always represent the SIM COMMUNITY. What up Dame?
*That, not that's
# 35 m1ke_nyc @ 03/29/13 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
I've mentioned this before, too. Anyone that makes a generic-per-customizing football game that just simply plays solid on the field and keeps solid stats...and then allows us to customize all 32 teams (at least) via a teambuilder kind of website...would rule the land. Bank on it.
Again that game would sell to us here on OS. But the ****** gamer just looking for his NFL fix would not buy it. The ****** gamer by far out number us.
# 36 DocHolliday @ 03/29/13 11:47 AM
Such a bummer. There is really just not much we can do about this though.
# 37 cuttingteeth @ 03/29/13 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ratedmoney
Again that game would sell to us here on OS. But the ****** gamer just looking for his NFL fix would not buy it. The ****** gamer by far out number us.
...and again I will contend that thinking because when games like The Sims (one of EA's own games) sells like crazy, it goes against your logic of what a ****** gamer has to be. If creating and customizing are so bad, then why do games that offer more of it sell so much? Even for games that don't specifically offer modifications, they end up being modded by people and offered online. If modding something as simple as rosters on a football game isn't that big of a deal...why does every football forum seemingly have someone there offering a means of modded, customizable and/or updated rosters..?
# 38 m1ke_nyc @ 03/29/13 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
...and again I will contend that thinking because when games like The Sims (one of EA's own games) sells like crazy, it goes against your logic of what a ****** gamer has to be. If creating and customizing are so bad, then why do games that offer more of it sell so much? Even for games that don't specifically offer modifications, they end up being modded by people and offered online. If modding something as simple as rosters on a football game isn't that big of a deal...why does every football forum seemingly have someone there offering a means of modded, customizable and/or updated rosters..?
Sports games are different. The ****** gamer wants to play with their favorite teams, not the Atlanta Rockers. Look at Backbreaker and All Pro Football. Decent games for what they had to offer but the lack of being actual NFL games ultimately hurt them with the ****** gamer. You cant compare the Sims to video game football. Name the last generic sports title to come close to selling as much as the pro licensed sports title in its genre ? YOU CANT As far as your modding question goes THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT THE ****** SPORTS FANS. Those are the die hards like me and you. The ****** sports fans are not on the forums looking for customizable rosters.
# 39 Bull_Dozer @ 03/29/13 12:46 PM
I don't care about the NFL license. If an game comes out that is just generic football, and it's a good game, I will buy it. Hell, just give me the ability to edit everything and I'll be happy.
# 40 gr18 @ 03/29/13 12:50 PM
2k football still plays better than Madden.The lack of a franchises mode,and ability to customize 32 teams into it is the main reason many people aren't playing it now instead of sticking with their preferred Madden version.

I highly doubt we'll see anything change but I have no doubt that 2k would come out with a better product right away if given the opportunity.

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