Feature Article
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 Impressions


Hitting is not a purely timing-based mechanic nor is it an abstract round cursor. Instead, you get a bat-shaped cursor that's anchored near the batter's hands, which is certainly more lifelike than a moveable set of crosshairs. If you have played PYS’ American cousin, MLB Power Pros, you’ll be familiar with this mechanic. It also reminds me a bit of Acclaim’s All-Star Baseball series when it appeared on the Nintendo 64. In some ways, the hitting system seems like a throwback, yet changes in size allow for a higher degree of batter individuality.

Within the cursor is a sweet spot that maximizes a swing's chances of success. A small, but important, touch is how dynamic the sweet spot is depending on the situation. As you approach a batter's hot zones -- represented by various shades of red -- the spot naturally and subtly increases in size. The opposite applies to cold zones.

In addition to the bat-shaped cursor and sweet spot, you can elect to attempt to pull the ball or push it the opposite way. This is handled via two distinct buttons rather than an analog movement before or during the swing. I’m not sure this is better than the way the MVP series handled "going with the pitch," but it does make that batting decision very concrete. Swing type is something you need to think about and put into action if you want to be successful.

Pitching and Defense

On the other side of the plate, pitching is handled with a shrinking cursor mechanic, similar to a lot of iPhone and downloadable baseball games. This is not revolutionary, but it is effective. I think, however, I would still take MLB 2K or The Show’s analog method in a showdown.

He is just in awe of how good this game can be.

On the fielding side of things, the game plays very fluidly. In fact, I’d say this game animates better and has a greater sense of control than any of the American games currently available. Things like changing a throw mid-stride and various degrees of dives and stretches make playing defense one of the best parts of the game.


Layered on top of all these very functional and effective control methods is a dynamic skill set. It’s sort of lifted out of an RPG game, but it does a great job representing a player's unique skills and greatly enhances the game.

For example, the “Sticky Hitter” skill makes a batter a better hitter with two strikes, which is handled by giving the player a slight ratings increase. Streaky players and natural momentum are handled through skills like “Consecutive Shots” and “Multi-hit” skills. Some skills, like the “Intimidation” skill, even cause a pitcher's ratings to dip.

Not all these skills are positive either. A hitter who can only pull the ball will lose power when you elect to swing to the opposite field. Pitchers have a larger range of negative skills, representing the shaky reliever who gets rattled when things go wrong or a slow-starting starter who has trouble in the first few innings.

Again, these are outstanding additions that really mold each batter-pitcher duel into a test of individual ratings and skills. I would love to see something like this added to other baseball titles.


Graphically, this game is on par with our top-tier American games. The stadiums look great, and again, the animations are superb. There are some arcade-like flares, like a subtle ball trail and some moments that seem to play out in nuanced slow motion, that might be a positive or negative depending on your outlook.

The only graphical element that I can really complain about relates to the player models. They look good from a distance, but in some close-ups, the faces have a sheen that seems a bit off.

The audio and presentation elements are also very good. I think the announcing, despite not understanding any of it, effectively communicates the drama on the field; the same goes for the crowd noise and chants. The camera angles and cut scenes also do a good job of re-creating a televised experience. All in all, the game creates a fantastic baseball atmosphere.

Final Thoughts

The only thing truly holding me back from recommending this game to everyone (other than the language barrier) is my lack of player knowledge. Even if this game was entirely in English, it would lose a bit of appeal based on the player set. I don’t know much about Japanese baseball. If you do, you are a way ahead of me when it comes to appreciating this game in its entirety.

Still, if you are a connoisseur of baseball games -- and are willing to work through the language problem -- Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 is worth a try. I wouldn’t be the first to wish that this were turned into a full-featured MLB game; if that were to happen, it might rival The Show for American baseball supremacy.

Member Comments
# 21 cheechoo98 @ 05/25/11 04:48 PM
The only problem i see w the hitting, is, that cursor hitting ( which this is ) makes you look at the spot hilighted in the strike zone, instead of the actual ball/pitch in play. Kind of unrealistic IMO...

Is there a Hitting Mode in PYS that lets you watch the pitch from the pitcher's hand instead? ( instead of looking into your strike zone and trying to align the cursor?)

The game does look AMAZING though!!!! I've longingly watch Youtube videos of this game for years...!
# 22 swaldo @ 05/25/11 06:30 PM
Batting animations are more advanced than anything out there. Shoot, I think some batters have something like 20 different animations depending on how they swing or hit the ball. I cant wait to face Tracy from the Carp because his swing animations are a thing of beauty, and every time they look different to me.

And Cheech, there is "timing" based hitting and you can turn off the spot in the strike zone (Batting Point.) I dont like timing based because it takes some of the hit variety away (which is what this game does great.) Hitting without the Batting Point on would be difficult though; you'd almost need to have a zone based system for that to work. I like the Batting Point because it shows you the strength of the pitch and spin of the ball. And some people do watch the pitch out of the pitchers hand with the BP in the periphral. Others watch the BP all the way, it's a personal thing.

Every game has something technically unrealistic: The Show has no spin and results at times dont match up with how you swing the bat. 2K replicates spin by flashing "breaking ball" and you have limited control where you hit the ball. You might be able to control left/right/grounder/flyball but again overall results are dictated for you. And I'm not slamming those games, I enjoy all the baseball games this year but I think they are more geared towards the casual user.

In PYS it actually shows you the spin, and if you hit the ball the same way you will get the same result every single time. You're totally in control so to me it has the most realistic batting mechanic. Even if you stare at the BP it's still very challenging. You have to guage speed in your periphral, pick up spin and determine where the balls ending point will be. If the pitcher had a good release you may not see spin and have to take an educated guess where to swing. I dont know anyone who can play this game on max settings.
# 23 falcons2003 @ 05/25/11 10:21 PM
The game play reminds me of High Heat which is a good thing.

The animations are very subtle and not overdone, that's what makes the game so good, very fluid.
# 24 tvman @ 05/25/11 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by cheechoo98
The only problem i see w the hitting, is, that cursor hitting ( which this is ) makes you look at the spot hilighted in the strike zone, instead of the actual ball/pitch in play. Kind of unrealistic IMO...

Is there a Hitting Mode in PYS that lets you watch the pitch from the pitcher's hand instead? ( instead of looking into your strike zone and trying to align the cursor?)

The game does look AMAZING though!!!! I've longingly watch Youtube videos of this game for years...!
I can't really just watch for the cursor to appear in the K zone because i find i'm always late on the pitch then. What i like to do is watch the pitcher throw and then i will see the cursor appear in my peripheral vision and move my cursor to that area before i swing. That helps my timing. I'd have to reduce pitch speed in order to just watch the K zone for the cursor.

Like Swaldo said it's whatever works for you and i'm still trying to figure that part out, lol.
# 25 tvman @ 05/26/11 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by ReetCestin
I'm getting this game soon. How long is season mode?
Pennant mode is 20 years.
# 26 Cyphre @ 05/26/11 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by cheechoo98
The only problem i see w the hitting, is, that cursor hitting ( which this is ) makes you look at the spot hilighted in the strike zone, instead of the actual ball/pitch in play. Kind of unrealistic IMO...

Is there a Hitting Mode in PYS that lets you watch the pitch from the pitcher's hand instead? ( instead of looking into your strike zone and trying to align the cursor?)

The game does look AMAZING though!!!! I've longingly watch Youtube videos of this game for years...!
I don't know if you have played the game yet, but when it comes to hitting, you cannot be affix to looking at the "spot" in the zone if you want to get good at hitting. There are several elements that come in play which is what makes this game feel more realistic than ANY other game....YES, INCLUDING THE SHOW!

The "spot" is just an indicator that actually helps you get to know opposing pitchers as you play.....it shows you how their "stuff" rotates, how much it breaks and to what direction. It also serves as a tool to get a feel for the speed difference in each pitchers arsenal which varies greatly from one pitcher to another....you know late movement, tailing fastball, bottom falls off, high heat, etc.

The other component to successful hitting is knowing your batters, and what they are and are not capable of......if you have a "pull" hitter at the plate don't try to "slap" the ball the other way.....but at the same time be patient and learn how to take a pitch...... you will learn names of pitchers like Iwakuma, Wakui, Suguichi, Maeda and other great pitchers in the game very quickly.... they have some stuff that's more electifying than the Rock.

Take for example Yu Darvish.....considered to be the best pitcher in NPB...and scouted by basically every MLB team.....when you play against him come with a game plan on how to attack him and don't expect alot of HR's ....as the game portrays him as his real counterpart....he has a fastball mid to upper 90's, a cutter/slider that is 85-90 but has so much late movement and a breaking ball that is more like a 12-4 than a 12-6 and has tons of down and out movement......think of him as a King Felix

As opposed to Daisuke Miura.....who can eat up some innings but his prime days are way past him.....think of him as the Greg Maddux that returned to the Cubs after giving his best years to Atlanta.

With Miura you might have a field day and think hitting in this game is very good but maybe a bit easy....then you face Darvish and you get fooled at the plate (and I do mean FOOLED), trying to figure out if the AI changed your settings randomly and your ego might get bruised.....then your thinking....MAN, THIS GAME DOES FEEL VERY REALISTIC....

That's why I recommend to friends that ask me for tips....to stick with one team and play with them...online, exhibition, season mode....whatever, until you get to know every player and what they can do....then move on to use other teams....it helped me.

So go ahead and look at the "spot" if you want to...you will have a hard time hitting as you will find yourself hitting alot of pop-ups and/or grounders.....or just looking
# 27 falcons2003 @ 05/26/11 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Cyphre
Take for example Yu Darvish.....considered to be the best pitcher in NPB...and scouted by basically every MLB team.....when you play against him come with a game plan on how to attack him and don't expect alot of HR's
I was playing against him for the first time last night. 1st inning, I hit a MONSTER HR probably the biggest blast I've hit in the game. It did one of those cut scenes were the batter flips the bat up and watches, never saw it before ( I have no replays and all the cut scenes off or whatever) I was like damn! I was like this guy isn't so bad. Didn't get another hit until the 8th inning...lol.

Also does it have HR distances anywhere in the game? I haven't seen it anywhere, just curious.

Also didn't know you could install this game, saw it was posted in this thread, looked up directions and installed it. Wow, what a big difference. The game was great before, but now it looks and feels even better if you can imagine.
# 28 SqueakyD @ 05/26/11 12:37 PM
The distance should appear at the bottom of the screen when your guy circles the bases. In meters, of course.
# 29 falcons2003 @ 05/26/11 04:21 PM
Ok, thanks. I have the cut scenes or replays set on few, so maybe that's why I haven't seen it? I don't recall watching a player circle the bases. Just the replay of the HR and thats it.
# 30 Bat @ 05/26/11 10:12 PM
If it was in English I would buy for sure! I bought one a few years ago, and just couldn't get into it.. not knowing what the hell was written.
# 31 bizarro @ 05/27/11 10:46 AM
I'm playing the PSP version, which is excellent. Full presentation, great player faces, fully realized home plate umpire and base coaches. Makes you wonder what they know about the PSP that SCEA does not.
# 32 Doormat @ 05/27/11 10:22 PM
Amazing looking game
# 33 kingdevin @ 05/27/11 11:28 PM
can someone direct me as to how to install this game into my harddrive.
# 34 SqueakyD @ 05/27/11 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by kingdevin
can someone direct me as to how to install this game into my harddrive.
# 35 ELDoro @ 05/30/11 04:57 PM
wow I stink. Through 3 online games I'm 0-3 and have yet to score a run.
# 36 tvman @ 05/30/11 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by ELDoro
wow I stink. Through 3 online games I'm 0-3 and have yet to score a run.
Yeah online games are hard, mainly because real batting point is the default setting. Practice with real batting point and middle pitching speed to help improve your online play. I suck with real batting point by the way. If you check people online by pressing the square button you'll that most have poor batting avgs. and low era's.
# 37 Cyphre @ 05/30/11 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by ELDoro
wow I stink. Through 3 online games I'm 0-3 and have yet to score a run.
Man, you'll get the hang of it....my first year playing (PYS 4) I started off really bad....I actually won my first game.......but when I started playing the experienced guys I realized I stunk....but I just kept playing.....at one point my record was 57W-129L-27D.....I could've given up ...but I just love the way the game plays....and I started to implement some strategy and only played with the BayStars....and it actually worked .....I got better at the game because I adjusted to what my team had to offer and used them the best I could.....My final record after Konami shut down PYS 4 server was 423W-302L-103D..

You do know they have practice rooms online too....right?....I personally don't care for them but if you wish to play in one of those rooms....or just play online....send me an invite when you see me online...
# 38 ELDoro @ 05/30/11 05:30 PM
Also can you not use the same starting pitcher in back to back games? Does stanima carry on from game to game? I played one game using Darvish then the next another guy was starting.
# 39 Cyphre @ 05/30/11 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by ELDoro
Also can you not use the same starting pitcher in back to back games? Does stanima carry on from game to game? I played one game using Darvish then the next another guy was starting.
If your playing ranked matches....yes......you have to use your rotation....that's just to keep things kinda fair and realistic.....I actually love that part....but if you play non-ranked matches you can use the same pitcher....but games don't count towards your record.
# 40 tvman @ 05/30/11 05:43 PM
So what if you pick a different team in ranked online games, don't you just get assigned a random pitcher for each game?

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