Feature Article
Community Support Breathes New Life into Backbreaker

Fed up with NCAA 11's Dynasty mode bugs? Unimpressed by the Madden 11 demo?

Well, fret not football fans, your favorite sport's season need not be hampered by a lack of new games to play.

Behind the public eye, in forums ill-frequented, an old, forgotten football game has quietly been reborn:

Natural Motion's Backbreaker.

Backbreaker "NFL 11" - Steelers at Bengals

With its sharp learning curve and "heretic" rendition of video game football, critics and casual football fans seemed collectively flustered by this bizarre football game from an unknown, British developer -- perhaps with good reason:

To enjoy Backbreaker's groundbreaking physics engine, football gamers had to look past a number of bugs, quirks and AI issues, all of which made Backbreaker's single-player gameplay a quintessential "love" or "hate" experience.

But while most gamers were quick to delete the Backbreaker demo and recoil to the cold, constrictive embrace of their aged Madden mistress, reports began to surface of an industrious group of football fans, who, with untold hundreds of man-hours, endeavored to re-skin Natural Motion's Backbreaker. This group set out to customize the game so it would no longer be a bald, albino outcast that continued to gather dust on store shelves. Instead, it would become a game for the face-painted, foam-fingered football fan whose high-fives and tireless hollering echoed each Sunday in stadiums throughout the National Football League.

Playstation 3

NFL Team Kits

While the PS3 lacks a "definitive" set of NFL rosters, it does have a great set of logos, end zones, helmets and uniforms, all created by OS user, jondoe123.

"Little Manning" draws up the G-Men's next big play.
Source: imageshack.com

The rosters on this file are only complete for about a third of the NFL teams, but with the long, tedious work of logo-designing and uniform-editing already done (and done better than any other roster file on the PS3), jondoe123's edits are definitely the best-looking team kits the PS3 community has to offer.

War breaks loose along the trench line.
Source: imageshack.com

Manually editing the remaining two-thirds of jondoe123's PS3 roster requires only a quick comb-over of NFL depth charts, available for free on Web sites like Yahoo Sports.

The one caveat to Backbreaker's editing system is that all player and team names must include an extra space (e.g., Green Bay SPACE SPACE Packers) to throw off the "name police," which was installed to keep NFL names from appearing during Backbreaker's online gameplay.

Complete NFL Package

For PS3 users who do not want to spend time entering player names, the OS user sketchone2K9 has created a complete NFL file, which makes the Backbreaker "NFL" conversion a more simplified, "plug and play" experience.

While the logos and uniforms are not quite as authentic as the ones found on jondoe123's edits, the roster portion of sketchone2K9's file covers all 32 NFL teams, eliminating the need to manually enter player names for the remaining teams.

In the end, both sketchone2K9's and jondoe123's edits have provided a great service for the PS3 community, and it's simply a matter of preference as to which file PS3 users would want to download.

Xbox 360

Complete NFL Package

Due to a tremendous effort by OS users gjsii13 and Ba10, this roster file brings the full NFL experience to the Xbox 360 version of Backbreaker with a fine eye for detail and authenticity.

Backbreaker "NFL 11" - Official Trailer

Only a few negligible backup players are missing from the team depth charts (backup offensive linemen, backup quarterbacks for teams like New England and Indianapolis, etc.), and while the logos and uniforms do not look quite as good as jondoe123's PS3 edits, they nonetheless capture the feeling that the user is not simply playing Backbreaker, but also a real NFL game.

Without question, gjsii13's and Ba10's "Backbreaker NFL 11" roster is the star performer for the Xbox 360.

Backbreaker PC Editor

NFL 2K5 fans are no doubt familiar with the OS user FlyingFinn and his PC editor, which helped turned Visual Concepts' final NFL game into an all-time legend.

To help solve some of the AI issues that plague Backbreaker's offline experience, Finn has launched a new edition of his PC editor that is designed for the Xbox 360 version of Backbreaker.

While some bugs currently hamper the editor's "export/import team" feature, the "global attribute edit" function has been a tremendous help in solving gameplay issues, such as rampant CPU interceptions or the CPU offensive lines being too easy to break through.

With a massive Backbreaker patch recently announced by Natural Motion, FlyingFinn's PC editor may or may not become an unfortunate causality -- keep an eye on the OS Backbreaker forums for further news as it develops.

Official Patch Looms

With so much community support already available for Backbreaker, it's impressive to see that the game's developers, too, are putting a major effort into bringing out an official patch "sometime soon."

The major features of Backbreaker's first patch, codenamed "Greathouse," include:

  • Brand new replay system with the addition of seven fully functional cameras, including free flight mode and a cinematic ‘ball-lock’ option.
  • More than 100 new plays added, including an additional nine formations.
  • A "user-catch" system, giving the player a much greater level of control over the on-field action.
  • Comprehensive review of all football rules and penalty bugs.
  • Improved quarterback AI logic.
  • The quarterback camera has been pulled back and raised a little, keeping the feeling of being down in the action, but providing a slightly wider view and vision over the line.
  • Added a "glance" button that allows quarterbacks to instantly check their blind-side.
  • Improved pocket protection and general offensive line play.
  • Reduced INT frequency.
  • New running back focus mode and "stumble" mechanic.
  • New ability to "show" and "hide" blitzes, pre-snap, by pressing the shoulder button.
  • Users playing the defensive line can now bat down the ball (pull down on the right joystick).
  • Spins, rips and swims are now more effective to help users get to the quarterback.
  • Online lag reduced slightly.
  • Built in a new protection system against people hacking the game to create a "super team" and taking it online.
  • Tweaks made to prevent user exploits on the following: RB spinning through the line, QB sneak, FG block, punt block, and "nanoblitz."
  • Stopped P.O.D.'s “Boom” from playing every kickoff. It now only occurs at the start of each half.

For an in-depth look at the "Greathouse" patch, head over to the official Backbreaker forums, which contain a complete log of all the gameplay changes (too many to list here!).

Though it remains a mystery as to when the first Backbreaker patch will finally be made public for download (today perhaps), Natural Motion's support bodes well for the future of the franchise and its small but dedicated fan base.

Backbreaker Videos
Member Comments
# 21 alliance4g63 @ 08/05/10 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by uiucjpo
My point is that this was all done POST release for FREE. Not in support of an upcoming full price game. Its almost unprecedented in the level of response to community input. Extremely impressive.
Not to mention that the CD guys say alot of things are different from when they are there and what is in the final game. CD is just PR for EA.
# 22 turftickler @ 08/06/10 09:24 AM
I loved Backbreaker before the patch, but it was difficult to play QB. I have only played with the patch update for about 5 minutes, but I can already feel the difference. It feels like a new game to me. Some people said they feel no difference, but how much did those people really play the game before. My son was one of those people and he played 3 times since I got it. He said Backbreaker is too realistic for him and that he would rather play Madden 11 because it's easier to win because it's not as realistic and it has the "Real NFL Players".

Check This!

1. If you have never played Backbreaker before, you will need to go to training mode to be really successful on your journey to sim style football.
2. If you have played Backbreaker before but skipped the training and complained that the game was too hard or you just plain disliked it, please go back and do the training.
3. After training, go to tackle alley to learn how to pull of all the moves really well.
4. Go play at least 2 exhibition games before starting a season or going online.

# 23 Phobia @ 08/06/10 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by turftickler
I loved Backbreaker before the patch, but it was difficult to play QB. I have only played with the patch update for about 5 minutes, but I can already feel the difference. It feels like a new game to me. Some people said they feel no difference, but how much did those people really play the game before. My son was one of those people and he played 3 times since I got it. He said Backbreaker is too realistic for him and that he would rather play Madden 11 because it's easier to win because it's not as realistic and it has the "Real NFL Players".

Check This!

1. If you have never played Backbreaker before, you will need to go to training mode to be really successful on your journey to sim style football.
2. If you have played Backbreaker before but skipped the training and complained that the game was too hard or you just plain disliked it, please go back and do the training.
3. After training, go to tackle alley to learn how to pull of all the moves really well.
4. Go play at least 2 exhibition games before starting a season or going online.

Sup Turf!!! Long time no see brother.

I agree with what you said. It is not a game the impatient can just pick up and be great at the game. It has a steep learning curve and will require you to put some time in learning the game and how to play it successfully. There are things to think about that you don't need to in other football games.

For instance: Where is the blitz coming from? In other football games, you can clearly see the blitz coming from anywhere weather it be the Cornerback or blindside linebackers. You can see it the instance they start their blitz for you. In BackBreaker, scanning the field PRE-PLAY and reading who is possibly coming and who is not, is a big thing. If you are looking at the wrong part of the field. You won't be able to see that blindside linebacker coming to clean your clock. Just subtle things such as that make a HUGE difference in keeping the chains moving and putting points on the board.
# 24 1WEiRDguy @ 08/06/10 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by alliance4g63
Not to mention that the CD guys say alot of things are different from when they are there and what is in the final game. CD is just PR for EA.
I was gonna say the same thing...but all of that aside, I for one am not forcing anyone to spend their money on BB. I merely offerering an alternative to "other" football titles. Its amazing how many people have just not honestly given the game a chance and just immediately knocked it b/c it didnt have the GOD cam. Playing as QB took sometime to get used to, but now, I cant play the game any other way. I tried playing the demo to "other" football titles, and they just didnt have that feel I had grown accustomed to in my short time with BB.

Is the game perfect? Far from it if you ask me, but I cant emphasize enough of how much I would like an alternative to spend my money on. Its a shame we are in a day and age where if you wanna play a football game, you either "pay for this one" or dont play a game at all. Natural Motion has a decent sized hill to climb if they want their game to be considered a legitimate football title, but its not fair to write them off after their first offering. I would still love to see some possible hot routing (esp making my RB stay in the backfield to block), a more efficient play calling screen, a PROPERLY implemented injury system, etc...There are a lot of other things but for the purposes of this post, I will just save them for the appropriate thread. But bottomline is, if you want change, then you must support people when they are trying.
# 25 shavane @ 08/06/10 10:22 AM
The patch really has made a difference. Everything is much more responsive now controls and camera
# 26 Bodizzy @ 08/07/10 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by 1WEiRDguy
I was gonna say the same thing...but all of that aside, I for one am not forcing anyone to spend their money on BB. I merely offerering an alternative to "other" football titles. Its amazing how many people have just not honestly given the game a chance and just immediately knocked it b/c it didnt have the GOD cam. Playing as QB took sometime to get used to, but now, I cant play the game any other way. I tried playing the demo to "other" football titles, and they just didnt have that feel I had grown accustomed to in my short time with BB.

Is the game perfect? Far from it if you ask me, but I cant emphasize enough of how much I would like an alternative to spend my money on. Its a shame we are in a day and age where if you wanna play a football game, you either "pay for this one" or dont play a game at all. Natural Motion has a decent sized hill to climb if they want their game to be considered a legitimate football title, but its not fair to write them off after their first offering. I would still love to see some possible hot routing (esp making my RB stay in the backfield to block), a more efficient play calling screen, a PROPERLY implemented injury system, etc...There are a lot of other things but for the purposes of this post, I will just save them for the appropriate thread. But bottomline is, if you want change, then you must support people when they are trying.
Agreed. After reading the impressions post-patch I went out and purchased Backbreaker new. As you mention, it is FAR from a perfect game and VERY rough around the edges, but it is truly a breath of fresh air. And fun. NM has a ton of stuff to put into this game, and I think maybe even more work ahead of them now that they've got a foundation, but if they play their cards right they can have a killer on their hands the next go at it.

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