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milldaddy35 is offline
# 4
milldaddy35 @ Sep 5, 2016
Originally Posted by RainbowBeefcake
Do you have a website or page w/ the rules and what not? Also, what teams are available?
Right now we have a waiting list, and the rules can be found here:
milldaddy35 is offline
# 3
milldaddy35 @ Sep 5, 2016
Hello I run the CDNFL, we are advancing to week 3 tonight. We are a sim league, and are wondering if you are interested in joining. We use groupme to communicate. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks!
Akodo is offline
# 2
Akodo @ Sep 5, 2016
The Madden League of Legends, 5th season starting on Madden 17. Powered by DaddyLeague.

We're looking for a player to take over:


We completed our fantasy draft last night, and are currently in week 1 of the preseason. I can answer some specifics about the team that was drafted, if need be. With the preseason, we advance every 24hrs, but during the regular season, we advance every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 11PM EST. We're looking for people who will compete, have fun, respect each other, not be an overall *******, and can follow the bylaws of the league.

Please read the rules here - MLoL Bylaws/Rules

Again, this is on the PS4. Please read the rules above, and if your game with them - Click here to apply

Madden League of Legends Daddy League Site
DirectFX is offline
# 1
DirectFX @ Apr 24, 2015
Originally Posted by RainbowBeefcake
Did you ever organize that world league you did by transfer budget? If so I'd love a link so I could use it!
No I only think I got it by stars/quality of teams but I did put budgets next to teams if you wanna see I can send email it's in my notepad still I hope. Only thing is budgets were few months back but gives u good idea how AC Milan should be in Championship in England not BPL as they have low transfer budget compared to other teams like Shaktar, Zenit, and couple other Italian clubs which don't have as high quality or history but budget is higher.

Lmk if you do a CM for it love to see like 5-10 years each level BPL-League 2 winners of leagues/cups , Relegations and promotions. Be interesting if any team with lowest budgets in League 1-2 would make it to BPL with the giants or if any Giants fell from BPL to League 1 or lower. Wonder how the non European teams do vs Europe also see if any pull off good runs.

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