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NFL 2K5 vs Madden 10 
Posted on July 23, 2009 at 02:17 AM.
does anyone else think it is sad that it takes EA 5 years to come close to NFL 2K5 and even if madden 10 is as good as it looks i still dont know if it will beat NFL 2K5! Get rid of EAs liscense and bring back the NFL 2K series its time for a more perfect football game that EA simply can not deliver! Any thoughts?
# 1 dejo32@ @ Jul 23
# 2 dejo32@ @ Jul 23
# 3 ruffdhc @ Jul 23
madden is trying but i know they will never really get close until they have that pressure from another maker. i agree they should share the nfl liscense and let the games begain again lol.
# 4 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 23
yea i know if they were so confident in the games they were making they wouldnt have to get a liscense with the NFL. I just feet that since they dont have to worry about another NFL game beating them out they just come out with a game that is decent at best every year and im getting tired of it!
# 5 ruffdhc @ Jul 23
dont get me wrong i think they did a great job on the new madden compared to the last one but it been like 5 years since the last one and its like dang, EA you just getting that lol.
# 6 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 23
haha yea thats what im saying! If NFL 2K5 had been making games for the past 5 years idk if EA would even make an NFL game anymore. 2K did better 5 years ago than EA has done up until now. 2K 10 could have been the best game of all time and i think EA knows that and thats why they need the liscense so they can keep madden in business.
# 7 jdareal21 @ Jul 23
People have revisionist history, NFL 2K5 I believe is more beloved for what was ATTEMPTED, rather than what was achieved.

Yes, certainly, the presentation was far and away the best I had ever experienced, and Madden probably should have implemented those things way before this year. That being said however, those things are now here, and outside of that, there's absolutely no comparison between Madden 10 & 2K5. Heck, 2K5 didn't even play better than Madden 2005 IMHO.

Point being, 2K5 is remembered, and should be remembered, for the presentation aspects. But don't feed me that bull that it PLAYS BETTER than the current Madden, that's just crazy
# 8 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 23
ok jdareal21 do u believe that if NFL 2K was allowed to make their game for the last 5 years that they would not have a better game than EAs Madden? U r right NFL 2K5 did attempt new things and in my opinion if they had 5 more years to expand on these ideas and implement new ones each year then i honestly feel that Madden might have been run out of business by now.
# 9 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 23
i completely agree with u cowboys22 and i will also be getting madden this year at midnight because it is a very good game but i still wonder what it would be like if 2K had continued to make the game up till now and i just hope when the liscense is reviewed which im sure is fairly soon that the loose the liscense and we can see what happens.
# 10 fsufan4423 @ Jul 23
First of all, who knows what would have been if 2K was still around, their basketball game to me is still the same since the regular XBOX. 2K brings a kind of street ball/arena football to their games...which appeals to many.

Although EA games lack atmosphere in most of their games, the realism is what I like.

All Pro Football could have been 2K's chance to improve on their football game and let the world see what could have been! But instead, more of the same.
# 11 TreyIM2 @ Jul 23
5 YEARS AGO, PEOPLE!! Come off it, please and the gameplay WAS NOT THAT GREAT!! People got sucked in moreso by the presentation. If it were the other way around with the presentation and Madden had all the bells and whistles of 2K5, then people would see how not so good 2K5 REALLY was.
And I'm not saying this as a 2K5 *****. I've said it a million times that I did enjoy 2K5 but there were control issues (animations covered arcade type controls and charging up a move?? That was arcade to the fullest), blocking, passing issues, yada, etc, etc. I preferred the gameplay of Madden and that's what kept me more a Madden fan more so than a 2K football fan. And I bet that many of the 2K5 die hards that are now giving the Madden 10 demos so much praise is because of the presentation. It's almost the same thing as when children don't want to eat the whole cupcake and just eat all the icing. The icing isn't what makes a cupcake...
# 12 jdareal21 @ Jul 23

Do I believe 2K would have a better GAME than Madden? No I don't. I believe 2K does certain things better, chief among them is presentation. But when we get into actual gameplay, I don't think 2K5 was better than Madden 05 at all. They both had issues, IMO, and the defensive AI in both of them was suspect.

I don't want it to seem like I'm picking sides here because I owned every single 2K football that's ever existed, it was the reason I had a Dreamcast in the first place, but people seem to prop the game on a pedestal as the best football experience ever when it wasn't. Best presentation, no doubt. But for gamers to act like they would rather play 2K5 for the rest of their life is laughable. I only see posts like that on a Madden review, or article anyway, so why bother even keeping up with any new Madden developments? Fire up the PS2 and have at it
# 13 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 24
If NFL 2K5 were to update the rosters every year i would definately play it more often now... It is the same thing with all pro football while the customizing with insanely good with all of things you could do and the game was fun to play it is just not the same using the Jets and dropping back with vinny testaverde as apposed to now Mark Sanchez... You want to play with current players and that is y i do not play it as much as i would... And the only reason madden 10 has all of this hype now is because they are finally starting to model it after 2K5. If NFL 2K5 wansnt that good then there would have been no reason to get the liscense in the first place.
# 14 ruffdhc @ Jul 24
i just want madden to have some really comp...
# 15 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 24
why would u want madden to have a competition because they are great without it like madden 06 (Xbox 360) literally the worst game (not only football simply game) ive ever played. This is the first year that madden is changing anything about their game and all they are doing is trying to make it like 2K5.

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