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Hells6Angel66's Blog
NFL 2K5 vs Madden 10 
Posted on July 23, 2009 at 01:17 AM.
does anyone else think it is sad that it takes EA 5 years to come close to NFL 2K5 and even if madden 10 is as good as it looks i still dont know if it will beat NFL 2K5! Get rid of EAs liscense and bring back the NFL 2K series its time for a more perfect football game that EA simply can not deliver! Any thoughts?
# 46 Michael Vick @ Jul 26
they both cant match my NFL game known as NFL Fever!
# 47 stlstudios189 @ Jul 26
is NFL Fever a good game? I can get it at a store for $0.75 I mean you can't go wrong at that price but, I have never played it before.
# 48 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 26
actually nfl fever is a pretty good game... not as good as 2k or madden in my opinion but $0.75 get it!
# 49 ruffdhc @ Jul 26
i want everyone to youtube nfl 2k through nfl 2k5 and listen to the commentary, its hard to see why madden can't get better commentary, its like the same old stuff. YES, this year they added more commentary in madden 10 but when you look at the nfl 2k youtube you will see a big difference in how the comments cont. until the next play is about to start. i just want madden to get it right!!!!!!!!!!!! also i think T.J. is faster than a 81 spd lol....
# 50 redgoose2112 @ Jul 26
By the way. I hooked up my original X-box and played 2K5 ALL weekend long. I forgot how great the game was. I can't believe it has been 5 years since that game came out. The controls are spot on. They have plenty of options to make your game as hard or as easy as you want and the replays are fantastic. 2K is still a blast to play. The graphics are not as good as Madden, but remember, it was over five years ago. All the extra's make the game more interesting and more involved. I gaurantee that Madden even in this day and age won't come close to all that was put on a disc in this game. And yes that does suck that there is not ONE company that can even touch the NFL licence anymore but I at least know this. Even if my original X-box breaks, I know all I need is the disk and it works just the same on the 360. Thanks 2K for the fine piece of software.
# 51 Sherman91587 @ Jul 27
Wow I totally forgot about NFL Fever. I never heard anything but bad reviews for that so I never touched it. Plus by the time I finally got a orginal XBox the game was dead already. Who where the comentators in that game?
# 52 Michael Vick @ Jul 28
fever is good. its a little arcadey. i have never played 2K5 but i hate 2K3 so. in nfl fever the dumbest thing is that when you win the SB some random old team omes out. in ine it was the 89 49ers and you hvae to play them. if you win the QB RB TE LB and WR come into free agency for no reason with the NCAA names lke 89QB 49#17. its stupid and also all you have to do is blitz in my one season mikey vrabel had 37 sacks and antonio pierce had 41 so besides that i think its a better play. also the best NFL game is madden 07 for ps2 and best overall football game is NCAA 07 on 360
# 53 ruffdhc @ Jul 29
i still say nfl 2k5 just based on game understood football and how its played. i just got the 5 min qtr demo and the first thing i notice was the speed of the game slowed down but slowing down the game speed dont make the game better. next the cut scence were not fluid it like they just looked at the game and said let but a cut scene here and put one here. also when i score a TD i want to see the play develope for atlease five sec. before going to a cut scene. other than that this years madden is very close to what i expect from a game thats showing football the way it should be... 2k5 and 2k8 are two different games for one with out the nfl players it just feel different but ea just need to share the wealth. but good job EA.

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