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NFL 2K5 vs Madden 10 
Posted on July 23, 2009 at 02:17 AM.
does anyone else think it is sad that it takes EA 5 years to come close to NFL 2K5 and even if madden 10 is as good as it looks i still dont know if it will beat NFL 2K5! Get rid of EAs liscense and bring back the NFL 2K series its time for a more perfect football game that EA simply can not deliver! Any thoughts?
# 31 Sherman91587 @ Jul 24
Hey man both games that were the last of their kind have huge cult followings. I heard recently that there are still people who update the rosters for MVP. I think that has been gone for around 5 years also if I am correct.

I just think that since they are not here that is when people will come out and say something, you know? Like if it was the other way around I am sure tons of Madden fans would come out saying how EA could do it if the had the NFL back.
# 32 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 24
yea i see what u r saying but while 2K5 was out it was considered 1 of the greatest sports game ever even in '04. its not like people came out last year and said how much they missed it. people have been made ever since it was announced that madden had the liscense. MVP baseball is the same way. everyone wanted to buy MVP 06 more than anything but it was simply impossible. i think ur point would make much more sense if people started bringing this up a year or 2 ago but its been happening since 05 when it was announced. in my opinion they should get rid of both the ea and the 2k liscense and just see what happens. i could b wrong but i have a pretty good feeling that i am right.
# 33 bigsmallwood @ Jul 24
Anybody who does not recognize that 2K5 destroyed Madden 05~09 is an absolute fool! And you know very little about football. 2K5 is a monster...Madden 10 has a lot to prove! And I honestly think Madden needs to pass it at this point....I don't wanna hear about what can and can't be done in one year...2K5 has proved what can be done!
# 34 Sherman91587 @ Jul 24
AMEN to that man.... Plus there is always the guy who is just hardcore sport (ME) who will get both games anyway haha so heres to hoping the license stops soon. Same with the whole UFC thing if they ban fighters then I loose a ton of respect for UFC. If people say they are the best and most realistic than just go out and prove it dont stop others from trying to bring us games.

And one last thing that prob nobody who reads this will care about...... but bring back RUGBY.... who in their right mind doesnt like football and soccer all in one haha.
# 35 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 24
haha i remember the rugby game for xbox it actually was really fun. but yea man i dont care if u think madden is better or 2K is better but i think we would all agree that there should not b an exclusive liscense in any sport no matter what that sport is. we should all b able to go to eb games, look on the shelf and see both 2ks and eas versions of every sport, and pick which 1 better fulfills our likes and needs.
# 36 Sherman91587 @ Jul 24
I agree 95 % percent with what you said man, but almost anyone can agree that MLB 2K9 is straight up garbage. I wish they could get it right but to me it is almost unplayable. It almost makes me wish XBox would start to remake Inside Pitch I think it was, haha it sometimes makes me wish I had a PS3 because the Show is amazing.
# 37 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 24
yea u r right madden definately has the graphics down perfectly but to me great gameplay and good graphics beats great graphics and good gameplay any day. the madden 10 demo is still really good but its way to slow. u run 10 yards in about 8 sec. if u can change that somehow in the real game madden has so good potential this year and can finally compete with 2K5. but i will not say it is overall better than 2K until i have the actual game in my hands.
# 38 bigsmallwood @ Jul 25
Not really alot of 2K Fanboys....just people who know football! lol
# 39 stlstudios189 @ Jul 25
I am into both games 2k5 is a blast to play (I'm doing a dynasty with the Lions now) I will however get Madden 10 just like I bought 92-09
# 40 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 26
yea i agree that madden 10 looks good and i will also buy it but what does the disc space have anything to do with anything. a 360 elite has plenty of space for whatever madden wants to put on their games.
# 41 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 26
the ps3 may have 25 or 50 gb the elite has 120gb so ur point makes no sense to me
# 42 TracerBullet @ Jul 26
He was refering to disc space on the 9gb thing. Xbox 360 disc have considerably less space than a PS3 disc. So since they are making it for a both systems, there are limitaions what they can do because of the Xbox lacking disc space. If they worked exclusively with PS3 then you'd probably have a lot more stuff including realistic players on the sideline.
# 43 capn_razzamataz @ Jul 26
Madden devs (Ian in particular) have already stated that system memory as in RAM is the limiting factor for BOTH 360 and PS3. Just FYI.
# 44 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 26
apple is coming out with a video game console and im sure they will make it big enough for ea. so we will see what else madden uses as an excuse to say their game is bad.
# 45 Hells6Angel66 @ Jul 26
also how about madden get rid of some of their uses features and maybe that will free up some space for them.

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