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prono is offline
# 5
prono @ Sep 15, 2020
Hoping you might have an answer, I just started using your revival mod yesterday, game worked great! However went to try to play a game today and it crashes everytime I try to start a game on the loading screen after the jersey select screen. Any ideas? I deleted the MOD folder in the program files/madden like I found to do, but still having the issue
shadesofalan is offline
# 4
shadesofalan @ Jul 14, 2020
Good Morning Sabo quick question and a comment if I might, using the progression mod I didn't zero out the xp's before start of CFM will this affect the progression of players when or if using the progression tool? Second followed you write up on playbooks which I found was very helpful in creation of such. Thanks to you and the guys who helped put the mods together you have advanced Madden overall which is a God send for us who were waiting for something just like it. Kudos to you and those responsible, by the way have connected to the Discord site, the work you all do is fantastic.
servo75 is offline
# 3
servo75 @ Jan 1, 2020
Hi, are you the one who made The College Football Mod 20?
Eduardo_Pena is offline
# 2
Eduardo_Pena @ Nov 5, 2019
Thanks for all the hard work and hours you are putting in to make Madden the best playable version it can be. I am currently part way through a season with the 1.3 mod after running a completely stock version of sliders and no Madden mods at all to compare the game play/stats.

The biggest differences I am seeing are in the pass coverage and the pass rush. Even if guys don't get home but hurry the QB it throws them off their game and causes wayward passes. I am not seeing a slew of games with every QB in the upper 80's to 90's for comp%.
toprank42 is offline
# 1
toprank42 @ Aug 10, 2018
Hey there I’m probably one of your biggest fans of what you do with playbooks and wondering what are your plans with this year madden if so .. (ps a lot of what I do revolves around your playbooks lol and I wouldn’t mind helping out to speed up the process I’m aware of how those can be trick)

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