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pinbw is offline
# 1
pinbw @ Jun 7, 2018
How to View Roster files on PC by converting them to excel:
*PS3 has encryption (to open with Brute force).
*Xbox360 has encryption (but opens with Modio 3).
-On Xbox360 you have to use Modio3 which is a little confusing to extract file contents. And PS3 requires Brute Force which is a tricky loading the file to Decrypt.
The USR-data in PS3 file (and Xbox360 file contents) can be viewed with editors NCAA DYNASTY EDITOR or EA DB EDITOR. (I prefer EA DB EDITOR, but first need to load config-I prefer Roster_NCAA14_config over Xan's Dynasty configs.)
-You can extract CSV EXCEL file for Players, Teams, CSKL, and Coaches files using EA DB EDITOR.
I MADE A PORTING guide to use Excel files to convert NCAA 14 to NCAA 13. (I tried with NCAA 12 but a no go, due to different number of maximum players on each team; and ratings were all screwed up after trying with 2017 season roster.)

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