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NBA 2K11 vs NBA Elite 11 
Posted on September 20, 2010 at 11:14 PM.
I just wanted to know who is getting what. I have been playing the 2K11 demo for days and I am amazed at how the game is playing so far, and that wasnt even the final build. It was a three week old build of the game. I feel like the developoers of both games have put their all into the making of these games. Elite has improved, but I think that 2K has gone furthur this year with interacting with the community and analyzing what they had to offer and actually implied it to their game. So just an answer on which game you may be purchasing come October 5. Feel free to leave your questions and comments about these games as well.
# 1 Blak_Baki_Hanma @ Sep 20
Waiting for Elite's demo... but 2k11 is a pre-order.
# 2 IV THA UNITY @ Sep 21
My two favorite players outside of the most notablew fan favorites were larry johnson and Alonzo mourning, when alonzo went to the heat I became a fan of the heat ever since.
# 3 IV THA UNITY @ Sep 21
lmao i posted in the wrong thread sorry
# 4 yellowboy91 @ Sep 21
2k11 i feel like i can do more and kobe is actually kobe hes the superstar it is i was with live every year but now 2k all day this prob my last post so peace
# 5 theprocess @ Sep 21
Now that the demos are out 2k11 is the clear winner. I'm not bashing EA, I just feel *** far as presentation goes 2k prevails. The sound is the only thing that jumps out to me as far as EA goes, sound gets 10 out of ten but overall it's a 4.
# 6 Mr.Wednesday @ Sep 21
I was disappointed in Elite's game play. I'll eventually get both. 2K is a day one purchase, Elite will have to wait until the price drops below $20.
# 7 xRobertitox @ Sep 21

Live/Elite looks like a PSP game. Don't know how they think those graphics are acceptable.

But 2K is the better basketball game overall anyway.
# 8 Lbj6TheChosen1 @ Sep 21
2k11 all day and forever!!!!!
# 9 Jakeness23 @ Sep 21
DEFINITELY 2K11, and it looks like I'll be seeing y'all there. Everything in 2K is better, and by everything I mean, EVERYTHING. My 360 Gamertag is BetterHigh, so hit me up if yall wanna ball.
# 10 scatman @ Sep 21
I haven't pre-ordered anything because I live in NYC, kinda redundant since the mom and pops get early most of the time. I will get NBA 2K11 when ever I can get my hands on it.

Everyone who has played the demo knows how much different it is when compared to previous iterations of 2K sports games. It's really what we've been expecting in a basketball game since I can remember.

While I'm not shunning EA for what they've tried to do, I don't see how any one can compare the 2 with any seriousness. Elite 11 and its improvements are a small step for whatever EA's ultimate goal is. But, with the way 2K has marketed themselves, and for me making the most important improvement in gameplay (game has to play well no matter what gimmick or feature it has), I don't know if Elite will be have a chance to realize their goals.

I use to be huge live head (as most of us probably were) but 2K has clearly out done most if not all of my expectations when it comes to virtual basketball. I cannot wait to play this game. I probably haven't been this excited for a game since Metal Gear Solid 4 and Modern Warfare 2 (classics).
# 11 Blak_Baki_Hanma @ Sep 21
Well I waited for the Elite demo... and I played it... and it is officially the worst current gen basketball title.
I'm glad EA changed the name because NBA Live deserved to die with SOME dignity.
And for those that "would rather just pay for NBA Jams as a standalone"... well...

# 12 sammy g @ Sep 21
I haven't bought 2k since 2k5, but after playing both of the demos, 2k11 is just flat out better. I'm really disappointed in the direction they chose to take elite 11. I believe they had a great game with live 10, but I don't know what happened..
# 13 TMURDER625 @ Sep 21
It kinda funny how most of us were live fans couple years ago. Last live I bought was 09 and the only reason I bought it was because I got tons of christmas money but also because most of my friends had it. But when 2k10 came I said to myself I'm gonna review both games and whichever is better I will buy. 2k10 won the battle and I've been hooked since. 2k still has work to do but I can honestly see 2k being considered the perfect basketball sim in upcoming years.
# 14 armando2002 @ Sep 22
I'm picking 2K11 this year. I feel that Elite was a step backwards compared to last year's Live. I'm not sure what they did with the game engine, but it's not the same. I just finished a game of Live 10 and then played Elite 11 for comparison and they are like night and day. Even when I turn the controls to Alternate it just feels wonky. Almost like the NCAA EA titles. Uuurgh.
# 15 ccoaxum @ Sep 22
im getting both, to me they both need to some improvements in certain areas, i wnt to 2k11 so i can play with jordan, n i understand Elite is behind in ceratain areas compared to 2k11 but i know that will change in the next couple of years, n soon we all will really be trying to figure out what basketball brand game to get. i always played both games cause im a gamer not saying your not a gamer if you don't do what i do but "im just talking about me" i'm going to continue to play both games. i like what both games are trying to offer. i feel if you have pick one then it should be the one that fits you and not off of what other people say, and thats for the people who do not have a mind of their own and can't think for themselves lol...but yea im done!

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