theskinsfan1000's Blog
I just wanted to know who is getting what. I have been playing the 2K11 demo for days and I am amazed at how the game is playing so far, and that wasnt even the final build. It was a three week old build of the game. I feel like the developoers of both games have put their all into the making of these games. Elite has improved, but I think that 2K has gone furthur this year with interacting with the community and analyzing what they had to offer and actually implied it to their game. So just an answer on which game you may be purchasing come October 5. Feel free to leave your questions and comments about these games as well.
# 17
Raymundo87 @ Sep 22
NBA Elite is one of the worst basketball games I've ever played. I'm a huge 2K fan but I was kind of excited about elite because it seemed to be the innovative boost that EA needed. Wow was I wrong! I honestly believe the sony NBA titles would be better than this. It's such a shame. They dominate the soccer and hockey titles but can't get it right when it comes to basketball.
# 19
urbinaa22 @ Sep 23
It's 2k11 this year It was the first year since the dreamcast that I thought about making a switch because live had something last year and 2k10 had alot of bugs but wow NBA elite is a waste of yr time and money 1 of the worst basketball games ever made by ea with the highstanderds that people expected
# 20
ssblazer @ Sep 23
Usually I buy Live, but this year i am gonna skip it and buy 2k11. I haven't played a 2k basketball game since Iverson was on the cover. I think it was 2k3
# 21
headlion23 @ Sep 24
man i feel bad for live/elite but i kind of saw this happening thats why they tried to do the same thing the did in football and that was to buy the rights to the nba but sorry ea 2k is the live of the future welcome home mj i waited years for this and now i can play as the real mj no caps need ...... ballgame
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