Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Yup, say good-bye. In about an hour, they will be removed. I'm jumping for joy at the anticipation of it all, can you tell? Probably won't be around much today, just depends on how I feel, I've heard the bad and the good stories, now it's time to see which category I fall into. I'm having 3 of them removed, as the 4th one is nowhere to be seen. Wish me luck.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just downloaded the demo for Mirror's Edge. I knew of this game, but it wasn't on my radar...until playing through the demo. What an interesting game. It controls much better than you would think.

I may bring the "Morning News Other Stuff" post here, if there is enough interest, we'll see how that goes, eh?
Looking around at a few dogs at the moment, might get one by Christmas, something that Nat will enjoy, probably more-so than the other presents she will receive.
I have quite a few games that I am trying to get around to playing, just have no time. I just finished Dead Space about a week or so ago. But I'm currently at about 50% on Saint's Row 2, games of NBA 2K9 and NBA Live 09 on the PS3, a little bit of Madden 09 and of course the list of games that I haven't even opened yet, which include...
Little Big Planet
Fallout 3
Resistance 2
Gears 2
and need to get back into GTA...
Jeez. What to do...
We have fixed a nasty issue that was stopping everyone from being able to comment on blogs. You are now free to comment on all blogs on the site. Enjoy!
04:01 PM - November 10, 2008. Written by JohnDoe8865
So here we are, November the 10th, 2008. I first joined Operation Sports back on July 21st, 2002. We had probably less than 700 members and maybe 50 that were regulars and active at the time. Many of those regulars from back then are sadly gone now for one reason or another. I miss many of the old guard, some of them were like real friends to me. It was indeed a sad day when OS splintered. I won't get into the issues that caused the riff, I just wanted to give a nod to all of those that were "OS Originals", and are no longer here. You all made OS possible so that it could be what it has become today.I can't believe I've (mostly) been here for 6+ years. OS has become like a second home to me. It is usually my first stop on the internet when I log on, and my last stop before I log off.
The evolution of this website has been, whether you agree or disagree with the direction, incredible. Back in 2002 the front page was something that everyone skipped to get to the forum. A lot of people still do that, but now you at least know that OS has a front page. And while the writing and content, in my opinion is a far cry from what it was back when Shawn, Clay, Mark and others were here, at least there is content. I want to give Daniel Hee (hdaniel)a huge shout out for the work he has done over the years updating the news on the front page and so much more for the site. Also Steve absolutely deserves a huge high five and a frosty beverage for dedicating himself to a site that we all love. He has also worked tirelessly to ensure OS' future.
The idea of using OS as a hybrid kind of social networking site is a brilliant one in my opinion. Social networking sites are not just for 15 year old girls and perverted old men, despite what many would have everyone believe. I personally believe this will be an unqualified success. I know it has renewed my interest in the site and the idea of more user created content is the future of the website in my lowly opinion.
I was once a moderator for Operation Sports way back when. We used to have a Rosters forum where people would send me their roster for whatever the hot game was at the time, and I would upload it to the OS server via FTP. I was a roster admin, lol. It was a simpler time and sometimes I do find myself missing it. But there is no doubt that the one constant in life is change.
This website and the forums that made it famous have undergone many changes over the past 6 years. The forums have been upgraded to new providers, new code, they have seen the Everything Else forum come and go and even briefly saw a Babes forum. I wish my memory was good enough to detail and chronicle every change that I have seen and been a part of here at OS. They are too numerous to mention.
OS is still, at it's core what it intended to be in my opinion. It is a place where sports and video game fans from all over the world, from all backgrounds, from all walks of life can come together and discuss the happenings of the day, the week, the year in the sports and video game world.
It's a place to exchange ideas on the latest games, to nitpick the latest annoyances with the new games, a place to argue that your team is better than mine. But it is a place that at the end of the day, most of us even if we don't agree with others, at least respect the opinions of those we disagree with. No place is perfect, but I think by and large the mostly 21+ crowd here at OS are some of the best, most intelligent people using the internet in 2008.
And that is why I stay.
Turns out blog comments are currently not working. Will let you know when we have it fixed.
Update: this has been fixed... comment away!
Update: this has been fixed... comment away!
Today we launched OS Arena.
Everyone now has access to their own dedicated OS homepage (operationsports.com/username) where you are able to blog, make friends, post screenshots and videos, leave comments and do just about everything a good social network has to offer.
We have developed OS Arena to give Operation Sports members a universal identity in the world of sports video games. Our goal is not to compete with websites such as EA Sports World and the 2K Sports Community but to work along side them as a central destination where the best content from your sports video games career is put on display for others to see.
As we grow OS Arena we'll be adding features designed to expand and pro-long the enjoyment of your sports games. I'll be revealing these features over the coming weeks in this blog.
OS Arena has been in development for over six months. Many people contributed to its creation. I'd like to thank the staff members and forum mods who spent countless hours beta testing OS Arena on our dev server. Most of all, I'd like to thank our highly dedicated coder, Diego, who has spent many sleepless nights coding and integrating OS Arena into the rest of the site.
Like all sports video games these days (outside of the ones I worked on
), OS Arena is bound to have some bugs in it. If you experience something that either doesn't work or just looks out of place we have opened an OS Arena Bugs thread in the forums. Thankfully Microsoft and Sony do not have to approve our patches, so rest assured any issues will be fixed as soon as we read about them.
Keep an eye on my blog for regular updates from behind the scenes at OS.
Everyone now has access to their own dedicated OS homepage (operationsports.com/username) where you are able to blog, make friends, post screenshots and videos, leave comments and do just about everything a good social network has to offer.
We have developed OS Arena to give Operation Sports members a universal identity in the world of sports video games. Our goal is not to compete with websites such as EA Sports World and the 2K Sports Community but to work along side them as a central destination where the best content from your sports video games career is put on display for others to see.
As we grow OS Arena we'll be adding features designed to expand and pro-long the enjoyment of your sports games. I'll be revealing these features over the coming weeks in this blog.
OS Arena has been in development for over six months. Many people contributed to its creation. I'd like to thank the staff members and forum mods who spent countless hours beta testing OS Arena on our dev server. Most of all, I'd like to thank our highly dedicated coder, Diego, who has spent many sleepless nights coding and integrating OS Arena into the rest of the site.
Like all sports video games these days (outside of the ones I worked on

Keep an eye on my blog for regular updates from behind the scenes at OS.