shavane's Blog

I don't consider myself a 2K fanboy because I have owned at least 18 out of 21 copies of Madden, but I have waited 5 long years for Madden to improve and show us that they cared enough about the quality of their product that we were buying year end and year out.
I will say this I played the demo and I saw some small improvements but after almost a full year of daily updates on the official 2010 page and coutless other Madden websites I was somewhat disapointed. I stand in line and pick up my reserved copy and about 12:30 am I pop Madden in and was blown away...I can truly say that I was astounded by the difference from the demo to the finished product.
I expected better graphics, presentation, and gameplay but this exceded my expectations from what I had come to expect from Madden year in and year out. I wanted to hug Ian and his staff for giving our beloved Madden a much needed shot in the arm.
Everything from graphics, presentation and gameplay is much improved. This edition of Madden gives me hope for the future that our perfect football game is just over the horizon.
The game runs so smoothly compared to the demo and past editions. Running lanes open better, the signature QB throwing motions is amazing and like I said I imagine that in the very near future they will apply these signature styles to the rest of the players throughout the game.
I love the depth of field in the passing game and how the WRs track the ball with their hands and make over the shoulder and in traffic with contact catches. Defensively CBs and safeties react well to the ball, all defenders leap realistically when attempting to intercept or knock balls away, and even though there is some suction with the DL/OL interaction it is tremendously improved. I imagine that once I master using the right analog stick to perform moves this will be even less of an issue. The couple of times I've used it correctly I was able to come off the OL for some nice sacks and tackles.
My absolute favorite thing about this game is that this is the 1st game ever that you can feel your players ratings ...ever! I don't only mean speed because every game can duplicate speed, I mean you feel your actual ratings like never before. AGL, PWR, ACC, FM, PM, ACC, TWP, AWR you will feel all these and more depending on who you use.
There are so many subtle improvements that come along with this that some people may not even notice. I'll use an example of a 90+ spd WR catching a drag route acroos the middle with a 75 spd LB trailing him. In past editions it was a 5 yard catch and tackle but this year your WR will catch and because his ACC and SPD is higher pull away from the slower linebacker.
This goes a long ways to how you use the personel on your team and not only that but how you attack other teams personel.
I know the more I play this game I will discover glitches and things that need improved but this is a giant leap forward for Madden. The only issues I have so far with 2010 are sideline and endzone catches, are you really telling me that after the catch made by S. Holmes in the superbowl we still don't have toe taps on catches going out of bounds or in the back of the endzone.
So far the commentating, crowd, and atmosphere seem canned. I know that there was mention that you would feel the difference in playoff and rivalry games but so far it just sounds like a monotone loop of sound and commentary. When you watch football or go to the stadium the crowd takes on a life of its own and adds to the moment and can sometimes play sway with things like momentum, big plays, and penalties. It would be great if at certain times the crowd got so loud you couldn't hear your QB calling the cadence or the crowd actually explode after a game winning touchdown. A clutch rating would be perfect for moments like this in determining if your players could perform at key moments of the game under pressure but these are the moments that would add great atmosphere to a football game.
My last very small thing is player size. The players look great but they are so tiny I think if they were a little larger it would feel like there was more physics and weight to the players but thats just a personal preference of mine.
Overall this is the best football game I've played to date and I'm actually giddy about playing Madden again for reasons other than having the most current players on my roster. With all of this being said its safe to say that 2K can now pass the torch back to the gridiron king Madden 2010.
# 4
Sherman91587 @ Aug 14
Wow man I can't wait to get home and pop this in my 360. This might just get me to stop going after a high gamerscore and play to get in the top rankings overall.
# 5
matt8204 @ Aug 14
I'm sure the guys at EA are happy to read reviews like this. They're probably sick of hearing about 2K5 after five years, lol. Nice work, Ian and Co!
# 6
wjhix88 @ Aug 14
i got it this morning for the ps3 and shazaam! i am having a blast thus far. rock on ea! it can only get better from here on out, keep it up. p.s. good review man, i'm tired of 2k talk! give it one more year and 2k what?????
# 7
TreyIM2 @ Aug 14
Yea, the Madden 10 is lovely. I think the inclusion of sliders for the important things REALLY made a difference, for me, this year. My guys actually know how to block when upping the sliders for pass/run blocking and the slider to show the diff between slower and faster players is a godsend! At first, when playing it throughout the last week at Gamestops, I didn't know that the CPU Skill sliders would affect my squad. Not used to it being worded like that but then I adjusted them and could see that they actually work just like in NCAA 10. This is THE Madden of ALL Maddens! Everything else is pretty great, even if flawed but what videogame ISN'T flawed. Funny thing is that I actually popped 2K5 back in my PS3 earlier this week and got seriously entrenched in it, for a minute, but I was never the 2K5 "overkiller" and time to time, it may get back in my PS3 just for kicks.
At any rate, GREAT job, EA! Madden 11 should be SICK with the foundation laid in Madden 10/
At any rate, GREAT job, EA! Madden 11 should be SICK with the foundation laid in Madden 10/
# 9
kennyacid @ Aug 14
NOT SO FAST!!!!! Granted Madden 10 is a great game...but until it gets better animations and add in game highlights to the halftime / weekly show, it will always be compared to 2k5 . Luckly next year we might just be getting that :-) So wait until next year until u finally put the nails in the casket and burry it.
# 11
swiftychampleone @ Aug 15 Does Madden 10 have good commentary? No.
Does the Extra Point show deliver highlights like NFL 2K5 did? No.
Can you challenge multiple things in a challenge? No.
If EA does these things with Madden 10 and fixes Suction Blocking and Run Blocking and improve on DB/WR interaction and assignments AND works on the physics, we'll have a winner! Until then 2K5 is still the king. EA needs to look and study 2K5 and Madden 05 if they want to be the king.
Does the Extra Point show deliver highlights like NFL 2K5 did? No.
Can you challenge multiple things in a challenge? No.
If EA does these things with Madden 10 and fixes Suction Blocking and Run Blocking and improve on DB/WR interaction and assignments AND works on the physics, we'll have a winner! Until then 2K5 is still the king. EA needs to look and study 2K5 and Madden 05 if they want to be the king.
# 13
HiTEqMETHOD @ Aug 15
@ swiftychampleone
I have to agree with you on those points. However I'm glad EA is certainly trying to make us happy now. While Madden 10 still lacks those keys points, Extra Point lacking replays and specific commentary, etc. I think Madden 11 will be amazing and finally kill 2k5 for good if they polish those aspects up a bit. While I'm not yet ready to say 2k5 is dead I'll say it's on life support, now it just takes EA to pull the plug then goodnight sweet prince, I knew you so well. Here comes Madden 11!!
I have to agree with you on those points. However I'm glad EA is certainly trying to make us happy now. While Madden 10 still lacks those keys points, Extra Point lacking replays and specific commentary, etc. I think Madden 11 will be amazing and finally kill 2k5 for good if they polish those aspects up a bit. While I'm not yet ready to say 2k5 is dead I'll say it's on life support, now it just takes EA to pull the plug then goodnight sweet prince, I knew you so well. Here comes Madden 11!!
# 14
kcq71 @ Aug 15
Think about what we are saying.Madden 11 will finally kill a game made in 2004. The only way EA can ever shut up the 2k5 comparison is to hire 2k to make Madden 11 or hire some 2k5 people to help them.Route running is horrible , Line play is broken , suction blocking, Pro-Tak not doing what it is supposed to.These crazy eyes in the top of my head catches.Its bad ,man.My 9 year old will not even play it .
# 15
kcq71 @ Aug 15
Also I have yet to see any videos showing me anything Madden 10 does better than 2k5 or All Pro.Show me cause I do not see it.
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