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Crookid is offline
# 1
Crookid @ Dec 26, 2014
Originally Posted by schemin318
Lol point proven this patch is not all that good as folks trying claim it is. Hey do like I did when someone picks a beasty team use the clippers and spam off 3s with Jamal Crawford I bet you make about all them. This patch is a joke, put it like dis 2k is a game full animation don't get me wrong its nOthing wrong with having signature animation for certain players. But balance it out give the gamer some kind user control damn
The patch has plagued the game with even more bugs and glitches than before. Movement is borderline awful and unresponsive on offense and I am often forced into a post stance when trying to isolate around a screen.

I had no issues before this patch besides the CPU out rebounding on HOF by 20+. I can still win on HOF and I have been dominating, but it seems like every time 2K tries to fix something, they make something that worked fine worse.

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