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whats wrong with the NBA 
Posted on December 5, 2010 at 12:43 PM.
whats wrong with the NBA? We all seen it during LBJ recent return to Cleveland where he was allowed to score 38 points without anyone on the CAVS laying him out. Never did I see a Patrick Ewing or Starks talking to Jordan or Miller on the court like they were friends, sure they may have been friends after the game but during the game.... Enemies... During this CAVS vs Heats game LBJ spoke with "boobie" Gibson, shook hands with other players while he was driving daggers into the hearts of the CAVS and their fans.. who were great that night booing him every time he touched the ball, maybe the players should have followed the fans lead... Whats wrong with the NBA? No Rivalries just friendship...on and off the court.
# 1 Clarke_311 @ Dec 5
I agree 100% with you. It's like the Cavs fans were the only ones who cared.
# 2 kareem434 @ Dec 5
I also agree. On one hand its about the biz side of things. Management is destroying everyone in the leauge so Lebron is not there enemy. On the other had that fool left the cavs disrespctfuly I might add. If this was the 80's he would have got killed trying to go to the basket like that. I mis those heartfelt rivalries and this was a perfect oppirtunity to take it back to those days.
# 3 SilentYetViolent @ Dec 5
I gotta agree, it's like rivalries in the NBA aren't what they used to be like back in the day. The Cavs could've took a page out of the fans' playbook and gave him hell on the court instead of bein buddy-buddy...that was ridiculous to me.
# 4 BlackRome @ Dec 5
You do know they weren't sharing dinner times.

MIAMI -- Despite some awkward moments and some tough talk during and after his return to Cleveland this week, LeBron James and former Cleveland Cavaliers teammate Daniel Gibson remain friends.
James said he called Gibson Saturday after Gibson implied in an interview Friday that his four-year friendship with James had been damaged after the Heat's 118-90 win over the Cavs on Thursday.


James implied that Gibson felt he was misquoted and said everything is now patched up between the two.
"Did he say that? Did he actually be quoted as me and LeBron's friendship is [over]?" James said. "I talked to Daniel today and it is all good. We're still friends."
When asked about the conversation before the Cavs took on the Timberwolves in Minneapolis, Gibson didn't want to elaborate to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Yeah, we did [talk]," Gibson said. "I'd rather not say exactly what it was about. It was more that we're both competitive people. We both want to win. That's what it's all about."
Friday Gibson said he was upset by James coming over and talking to the Cavs bench during the game and also making some gestures to ex-teammates during his 24-point third quarter.
James ended the game with a season-high 38 points.
"He did some things and made some gestures," Gibson said then. "It was some of the things that he'd do when he was here on our team that we would ride with. Him being the opponent he did some of those same things, I, for one, didn't like it."
The reaction James got from ex-teammates became a lingering issue over the last few days. While cameras caught James talking to the Cavs bench on several occasions, most players actually ignored him or gave him a cold reaction.
"I didn't expect too much, I didn't ask for too much for any of my ex-teammates, " James said. "For the most part, everyone's reception was kind of cold."

But I agree with you. They should have laid him out.
# 5 rudeworld @ Dec 5
BlackRome what made me even more pissed about this game was Gibson's comment after the game, with him saying that he didn't like how James acted and some of the things that were actually said can't be said again... He lied point blank!! I never respect a liar!! if he came out and said it was hard playing him after he was on the teammate for all his career.... if they are friends, cool, good for you....but that was a slap in the face to all of the Cleveland Cavs fans, would not be shocked if Gibson ends up a Heat...

By the way I am NOT A CAVS fan!! A Knick fan and lover of good competition and that game or most games in the NBA lack the competitive fire that it use to have
# 6 RUFFNREADY @ Dec 6
I'll tell you what's wrong with the NBA; it's not the NBA anymore, it's the Toddler/EURO-League; but then again, i've seen more fights in the EURO-League this year, than i have seen in the NBA in the past 5 years. The toughness is GONE! Everybody just wants to bomb 3's all game and try to win. You got high schoolers all over (immature), College Freshman all trying to get into the league and don't even understand the game; but want a big contract, so they can bling with the rest of them. This league is a pure shooters league; if you cant shoot the rock, and are under 6'7, the league don't want you! And that's why euro-ball is so rampant in the NBA now. Look at how many U.S college ball players don't even get a shot at the NBA anymore; because they are being taught the wrong game in College; they are taught the pound the rock inside to their big-man scheme for so long they have fallen behind with what's happeneing in the actuall league right now. The league now wants more big-man that can shot the rock. Shaq is the last of the bigs that do that same scheme, and look at how much he plays? Big body bangers are a thing of the past; and that's why you don't see the type of rivalries that we old schoolers are/were so accustomed to. The big man all can step out now, and shoot from the great beyond, and have no intention of going down on the blocks and banging it out with a 6'11 295 pounder. So that's why i call it the Toddler/Euro league; because that is what it has become.
# 7 RUFFNREADY @ Dec 6
nice topic RUDEWORLD.
# 8 rudeworld @ Dec 6
RUFFNREADY you are so right, It all started when they took away the hand check... if you put your hands on the guy with the ball a foul is called.... not saying KDurant is not a good player, but he shoots a lot of free throws, so does Dirk and the reason I named these two are because the are jump shooting forwards. I think MJ is right, in this league the way it is now he would be even more dominate maybe averaging 50 per game.
And whats with this respect the game tech.?
the NBA need to worry about fixing the league instead of striking/lock out.... or they might become like the NHL.... IRRELEVANT.
# 9 Galarius @ Dec 6
The NBA has been on a fast downward spiral since DaBulls broke up......Back then I would watch just about every team that was decent..Now I TRY to watch it and like it and I can't..I do think it has improved slightly the last few years, but not much..Doesn't make sense with so much talent
# 10 BlackRome @ Dec 6
I'm not defending the Cavs for not taking a hard foul.

What happened when James was over there talking to the bench was misconstrued by the announcers.

They were not having a friendly conversation.

I saw the tape on a website and one of the guys on the bench actually told James.

"Shut the F*ck Up you "Bit^H".

# 11 rudeworld @ Dec 6
Stick and stone may break my bones but words may never hurt me.... and words did not hurt and will never hurt LBJ... he played that game probably like he use to play in practice as a CAV with the red jersey... come on CAVS, come on NBA its time to allow rougher and tougher play... thats what made player like Rodman, Oakley, X. McDaniel, and Sir Charles house hold names these players would average 15-20 boards per game in this league today or just scare other player to not even show up the night of the game.
# 12 tril @ Dec 7
There's nothing wrong with the NBA!!!.
David Stern has cleaned up the NBA and its for the better. There was a time not too long agao where it seemed like the majority of the public were calling these same players overpaid thugs and baffoons.
The NBA in the 70s and 80s was a very physical, violent, and racist league. Im glad these perceptions are changing.

Only perception that doesn't seem to change is the consistent comments about these over payed players not caring about winning. Which IMO isnt true, Any athlete will tell you that its about the spirit of competition. To want to win in sport is a natural instinct and no amount of money will ever change that for the majority of players.
# 13 ghostlight85 @ Dec 7
Patrick Ewing and Jon Starks weren't teammates with Jordan for 5+ seasons. This is a bit overblown. He played with many of the Cavs for quite some time, it's not unreasonable to think that most of them still have a solid relationship. I think fandom is getting out of hand when they expect the players to harbor some deep animosity toward LeBron just because they (the fans) feel slighted.
# 14 poilbrun @ Dec 8
Don't forget that his friends from last year would probably do exactly the same thing he did if given the chance, so they can't be too mad at him.

But I agree and would also have liked to see 100% commitment to show some pride in proving they did not need him to play well as a team. For all they did in that game, they might as well have unrolled the red carpet!
# 15 str8balla @ Dec 8
Not the and my friend was just talking about this...can you imagine Detroit Bad Boys playing goodness..they would have trouble having a starting five every nite.....everybody is just too soft nowadays.....Imagine Jordan playing today with no hand checking.....he would average 45 points a game....easy.........The First time LBJ went to hole they was supposed to 3 man converge on his head........They laffing and joking.....Stern with this dress code......Too many things

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