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LeBron James: Cleveland Fallout 
Posted on July 9, 2010 at 07:44 AM.
A little sore Cleveland? I mean, you're acting like spoiled children.

Here's a quote from owner Dan Gilbert (courtesy of the Wall Street Journal Blog):
“As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier. This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his 'decision' unlike anything ever 'witnessed' in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment. On the prized championship rings sought by many, Gilbert stated “I personally guarantee that the Cleveland Cavaliers will win an NBA Championship before Self-Titled 'King' wins one.”

WOW. Hurt much? Maybe if you surrounded him with more capable, younger talent, he wouldn't have left. Instead, he had a center that's long past his prime (Shaq), another center who can't stay healthy (Ilgauskas), a point guard not many had heard of (Moe Williams), an overrated forward (Jamison), and a forward who is more passive than the French army (Varejao).

No wonder he left. I'd leave too.

Leave your comments on this whole fiasco.

Also, to Dan Gilbert: get some Vagisil.
# 1 John_Wall_R*O*Y @ Jul 9
I fill what u talkin bout i think what Dan did was a bit of a low blow even though lebron is......well was there hometown hero.If he chooses to leave ur organization after 7yrs giving it all that he could with little talent from players and poor effort from the coaches i think people tend to forget the he gave them 210 percent who else gave the Cavaliers back 2 back 60 winning seasons, back 2 MVP's.....yet LeBron gets criticized for not winning at least 1 game in the finals "BY HIS SELF" i mean respect the man's decision.
# 2 icicle22 @ Jul 9
So let's get this right....for years people all over the country have been saying Lebron is self righteous, selfish, crowned himself king and chosens one and cares only about himself and marketing his image. People in Cleveland have been defending him because he was our hometown kid with class and loyalty and was going to bring a championship to Cleveland. We were blind to his selfish and "me, me, me" ways because we wanted to embrace the local hero who was going to right by his fans. Now, only in the final weeks of his career as a Cavalier are we begining to see that the only thing that really matters to Lebron. Suddenly we are able to see the writing that has been on the wall all along. And hurts. All of us can deal with him leaving Cleveland for greener happens all the time in sports...especially Cleveland. But the manner in which he did it....drawing all of the media to him and dragging this on and on and not being upfront about it. It would have been nice to see him have a little class and bow out gracefully. But it is obvious now that he doesn't really care about anything but himself. I'm not saying he should have stayed here....but he could have left in a more classy way and not crapped all over his fans in Cleveland on national TV.

So I am actually happy to see the owner speak out...even if it is a little harsh. At least he is showing some emotion. Primarily the bitterness of all Cleveland fans is the total disrespect and crappy way he left. He went out like a thief in the night...going to announce it in a faraway city on national television just to prove how pompous and self centered he is. I really think he is watching too much reality TV.....maybe he should have walked over to Pat Riley and given him a rose while the other five teams wept. Now that's good reality television....unfortunately I am a sports fan and think pompous selfish actions (the TV special and such, not the changing teams) like this don't belong in sports.

Having been a Lebron Fan for years, I have always kind of disliked Kobe because of all that he has accomplished that Lebron hasn't. Sadly....Kobe is starting to look more like a loyal team player now and our hometown kid is just another spoiled millionaire jock who is no different than all the rest except that he demands all of the attention like a 5 year old brat..

Yes I am bitter.
# 3 hawkeye2188 @ Jul 9
I completely agree with the blogger and JWROY, Cleveland had their chance this past year at keeping Lebron by signing Amare instead of Shaq. Then they go out and get an aging Jamison, Cleveland didnt help their cause. Dan Gilbert needs to quit blasting Lebron and saying stupid stuff about how the Cavs will a ring before the King.
# 4 deaduck @ Jul 9
I'd like to see that game plan for winning a ring before Lebron does...and why didn't they use it when they HAD Lebron?
# 5 rrrdawg2 @ Jul 9
Thanks for the comments, guys.

One thing I neglected to mention is that it's a business. For Lebron, it's a business of winning championships. Let's face it, he wasn't going to win one anytime soon in Cleveland.

Also, go to the Cleveland Cavaliers team website and look at their current roster. You tell me, does that look like a roster that can challenge the Lakers and Celtics?
# 6 TreyIM2 @ Jul 9
Gilbert came off like a spurned lover. That posted rant on Cleveland's website as well as the phone interview where he talked about James quitting on the team was quite outrageous. No more words for that classless cat.

As for Bron going to Miami, while he and co. may be trying to create a "new thing" in the league where young, "top shelf" players join forces on one team to try to win titles, I think Bron has just tarnished his brand and legacy as "The King". If Wade and Bosh came to him, it'd be a different story because Bron would have continued to help build his own championship team like MJ, Magic, and Bird but his going to Wade's team in Miami makes him look weak, to me. He's basically saying that I can't build my own team and win titles with it (I will say that Gilbert saying that he would NOT consult Lebron in their coaching search, a while back. That and other things behind the scenes could have lead to him leaving.)

Jordan took 7yrs before getting his first. He had to go through the battles with Detroit and Cleveland before getting over the hump. Those got he and his team battle tested and prepared to win 6 titles, INCLUDING 2 three-peats. Bron showed no patience, heart, or fortitude. He further shows that he doesn't have the eye of the tiger like MJ or Kobe.

That being said, it WILL be entertaining to watch the Heat, this year, and you can very well bet they will get TONS of national broadcasts this upcoming season.
# 7 rrrdawg2 @ Jul 9
Response to TreyIM2:

I see what you're sayin. Yeah, it did wreck LeBron's persona to just jump ship and join Wade's team. He would've been hailed as a hero if he would've stayed in Cleveland and won a title. However, with the talent that is in Cleveland now, they weren't going to win a title anytime soon. Not with the Lakers, Celtics, and Magic all seeking next year's title. This is just something LeBron has to do. I don't see LeBron as "weak", "narcissitic", or "being a quitter", he's simply doing what's in his best interests to win as many NBA titles as soon as possible. Period.
# 8 Eski33 @ Jul 9
There is a whole lot about this situation that bothers me. First, LeBron needed a special to announce his move to Miami. When I heard that "The Decision" would be aired at 9 p.m EST, my first thought was WTF? Either LeBron loves himself that much or he received some shoddy advice from his PR team.

I think the decision to air his decision is what has set off this whole emotional outrage. If he would have announced it like any other player moving along I think this whole thing would not have been this explosive.

Who benefits from "The Decision"? Well, LeBron does. Miami loves him, Cleveland hates him. Sounds like a good way to sell t-shirts. Oh, let's not forget the NBA. Everyone in the NBA front offices have to love this. This debacle is going to bring a lot more attention to the NBA. And to have the game's biggest player (arguably) switch teams will no doubt boost ratings.

Now, on to the emotional outburst. Why? Personally, I don't care that LeBron left. Now, I am not a Cavs fan but I have seen guys come and go from my favorite teams and although I hated to see these guys change uniforms, I never went on a jersey burning, car flipping, cardboard cutout stomping rage that led to any arrests. I also never cried.

The site of fans crying in a Cleveland bar was more funny than anything.
# 9 Eski33 @ Jul 9
Let me add that the Magic's GM stated that great players stay with one team. There wasn't this much outrage when Garnett and Allen went to Boston.

Again, I think LeBron brought this on himself by having basically having a mini-series to announce his move but I think he is getting unfair criticism.

I know that the Miami Heat are going to be the most abused team online when playing 2K11 or Elite 11....
# 10 rrrdawg2 @ Jul 9
I don't agree with the media fiasco, but his decision to leave Cleveland was sound.

And yes, I see 75% of online players using the Heat.
# 11 Eski33 @ Jul 9
@TreyIM2....I don't think LeBron leaving Cleveland will tarnish his legacy. The one thing I have read and heard the past day is that LeBron couldn't win in Cleveland.

Let us all remember that basketball is a team sport and he had zero help. Yes, Cleveland won 61 games last year but they were not that good. Winning in the regular season is much different than playing a series.

If there is anyone to blame for Cleveland's failure to win it is the front office. LeBron had a menial supporting cast. People try to compare last year's Cavs teams to the Bulls teams and state how Jordan carried the Bulls.

First, the Bulls had a much better supporting cast and a second HOF in Scottie Pippen. John Paxson, Craig Hodges, Rodman, Luc Longley and company contributed. Many times, Paxson and Hodges would hit the big shots to help propel the Bulls. Having these guys elevated Jordan.

Cleveland is no where near the caliber of the Bulls in the 90's. Oh, let us not forget that the Bulls also had great coaching...Some guy named Phil Jackson....

In short, Cleveland never gave LeBron that one or two strong supporting players that are All-Star caliber to help push Cleveland to the next level. I cannot even name four other Cavs players and none that are worth mentioning. Jamison? Yeah, not the player he once was and not even close to being a HOF.
# 12 Bolt957 @ Jul 9
I do agree, the Heat will be cheese in the upcoming games, but LeBron did what he felt was right. I feel in some ways, LeBron was the Cleveland team, but they just couldn't get it done in the 7 years he was there. I think it was time for it, and I agree with LeBron when he said that you only live once and you should want to win a championship any way possible. I will still be a fan of LeBron, even though I dont live in Ohio.
# 13 VilleCity101 @ Jul 10
Who cares how he announced it he's Lebron it was going to be big anyway.This world is full of people who think their opinion matters when it concerns OTHER people.The economy didn't collapse because he aired his decision on t.v. people didn't starve to death because he choose miami.I thought it was called FREE agency as in FREE to do whatever i like.Lebron asked for help and asked for help and he kept getting jump shooters and old guys.And for the people that say he tarnished his brand i'm sure his MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars will help him sleep at night and once the season starts the only people who will still care are cavs fans.It's a business people teams get over on atletes EVERYDAY and nothing is said but when a player does it his way he's selfish.Some people need to grow up and realize this is the world we live in team loyality is overrated when it comes to players and owners.Teams are as loyal as the money you make for them.The "team" wants you to put your body through the ringer to milk every last ounce from you only to discard the player when they are no longer useful. I'm happy for Lebron and happy for the NBA.
# 14 sarlndr @ Jul 10
LeBron did what he had to do which is true, but he certainly could have done it with more class. He knew he was leaving as soon as the FA period started and he could have just told the people of NE Ohio and the Cavs organization what he was going to be doing on day one. Instead he chose to drag it out, make a soap opera out of it and rip out the hearts out of the people of Cleveland. It was and always has been all about him. Not even contacting the owner of the team until 2 minutes before announcing his decision was also foul.

With that said, I don't care what he does from now on in his career. He's dead to me.
# 15 Eski33 @ Jul 10
Dan Gilbert made himself look as bad as LeBron with his rant. As an owner, he should have prepared himself for LeBron's departure. That is what good business people do -- adapt.

Instead, he decides to take the low road and slam LeBron. What Gilbert should have done was to publicly wish LeBron the best. This would have settled some flames and emotions in the Cleveland area. Instead, he threw fuel on the fire.

As an owner, he has a responsibility to carry himself in a way that is above the line of professionalism. Instead, he acted like a little kid who lost his bag of Halloween candy. I understand his disappointment and how LeBron's departure is going to impact his financial bottom line but if you believe that you have a good roster then why throw a tantrum?

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