MLB The Show 17 News Post

I put together this video of some of my early thoughts while still knocking around AA ball with my RTTS Character this year, the 'Magic Mullet' Harvey Honeycutt.

Overall the mode is still very solid, and 'Pave your Path' has a lot of potential -- but I'm early enough in the game I haven't seen much of where that might be heading. The documentary style hasn't really clicked for me and I'm not sure it actually adds to the mode.

The foundation to Road to the Show in MLB The Show 17 is still very good though. I have always enjoyed the character building aspect of the mode. Thanks to the tools introduced last year to speed up the progression, its still a must play -- especially if you haven't given the mode a try in awhile.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 jeffy777 @ 04/06/17 11:17 AM
I miss the drills. Are they even still there? I'm a few months in, but haven't hit a single one yet. I wish they were still a regular thing as it at least added a bit more depth to the mode.
# 2 HypoLuxa13 @ 04/06/17 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I miss the drills. Are they even still there? I'm a few months in, but haven't hit a single one yet. I wish they were still a regular thing as it at least added a bit more depth to the mode.
# 3 RoyceDa59 @ 04/06/17 01:04 PM
I have only carried over my Year 2021 save from MLB 16 with my 3B converted from SS with the Pittsburgh Pirates and I haven't experienced much of the new documentary style. I've few coaches coming up to me and commenting on my hitting streak or the coach gathering the team together to give a pep talk before a division/rival game and those have been really underwhelming. I assume most of it is due to my guy already being an all star caliber player, the twitter feed is pretty cool to read and hearing the commentaries mention you as the player of the month is nice as well.

I will say the best thing I have read has been people on the twitter feed commenting on how I will be a much targeted play due to me entering my contract ending in the following year so I will become a free agent. Also one of the coolest things I experienced was my agent working a trade in late July to get me off the struggling Pirates and into a playoff contender team which happened to be the Mets! I am curious to see how the off season turns out which has been a let down for many years now in The Show.
# 4 Moose Factory @ 04/06/17 01:17 PM
"He's mowing AA hitters down with his good looks, along with an impressive repertoire of 3 pitches just about any other person can throw" Hahaha. Classic. Keep it up, Ace.
# 5 bamawaz @ 04/06/17 03:26 PM
A couple of things I do not like.

First, I hate that you can not request a team to be drafted by. Don't tell me that it does not happen in real baseball because a lot of things are in this game that are not in real baseball. For instance, you can choose whether or not to have DH in NL or choose to turn off trades, budgets, etc. If you give us a feature one year and we love it do not take it back, make it optional which it already was. Shaking my head over the thought process here.

I want to be able to play on my lifelong favorite or maybe a team that is real hot at the time, whatever. I want to have the choice. Let us choose how we wish to play, we paid for it and most of us do so year after year.

Second, the interactions in RTTS are very repetitive. I already know exactly what will be said when an event happens. I know it is first year of Pave Your Path so this will probably be fleshed out later. Just not sure this will be something worth the time and effort as it is a long way from being a finished addition.

Having said that, this is my favorite mode. I will probably start a player in '16 from now on and transfer to '17 since my most liked thing has been taken away and I am underwhelmed with Pave Your Path.

# 6 WhiteBunny @ 04/06/17 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Dumbing down just everything to make the game faster and crunch-ready for DD players is the worst path possible.
# 7 qwikphaze01 @ 04/07/17 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I miss the drills. Are they even still there? I'm a few months in, but haven't hit a single one yet. I wish they were still a regular thing as it at least added a bit more depth to the mode.

I just did a scout drill in my second year Hal way through. Place either bronze, silver or gold and earn xp

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