MLB The Show 17 News Post

Polygon has posted a new MLB The Show 17 article on the improved player faces and lighting we will see in the game this year. These improvements will also be seen in Road to the Show, as the team has bumped up from 17 heads to over 40.

It's all about the lighting on the faces, how light affects the skin tone and how light affects the skin tone when it's being shadowed by a ballcap," Russell said. "The lighting we had last year wasn't perfect, and we were basically dimming everything and giving you too much energy from nowhere, for a guy with a ballcap on. Now in real life, if you have a ballcap on, that shadow is being created, but you still have light energy coming from the ground.

They have also included a couple of screenshots showing off the faces of Clayton Kershaw and José Altuve from MLB The Show 16 vs. MLB The Show 17.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 Tomba @ 02/19/17 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by parky_17
So you're saying that you think the screenshots they've been showing us aren't really from MLB 16?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Operation Sports mobile app

I mean honestly I remember the last two games being fairly good in the face department

I have the digital download of mlb 16 the show but id have to re download it so maybe I am lazy and was asking if anyone had it on their system offhand by chance?
# 122 parky_17 @ 02/19/17 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba

I mean honestly I remember the last two games being fairly good in the face department

I have the digital download of mlb 16 the show but id have to re download it so maybe I am lazy and was asking if anyone had it on their system offhand by chance?
The thing is they really were, it's just that the faces in MLB 17 are that much better

Sent from my SM-G920F using Operation Sports mobile app
# 123 TripleCrown9 @ 02/19/17 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba

I mean honestly I remember the last two games being fairly good in the face department

I have the digital download of mlb 16 the show but id have to re download it so maybe I am lazy and was asking if anyone had it on their system offhand by chance?
For some reason, I don't think the makers of the game would lie to us about screenshots they're providing of their game.

Could just be me, though.
# 124 Caulfield @ 02/19/17 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
How about this...now hear me out. Ramone and the gang take the scanner to a network TV studio, slip a producer a nice c note, then have the producer invite Mike Trout over to get his face scanned for CGI stuff in the new TV series The Millville Meteor. Sadly, the TV series will get cancelled in pre-production, but Mike Trout will be none the wiser...
You're on the right trail but it needs a slight tweaking.

A)TV producers use c-notes to light their cigars so they're not budging for that and anything larger wouldnt fit in to Sony's tight budget.
B)Trout dont have time for nonsense like TV shows, you gotta get him with some worthwhile cause like, I don't know, a free skin screening maybe?

So here's what I propose, a small group of us at OS here go to LA and take the esteemed Dr. Van Nostrand with us. This is right up his alley and I'm sure he will do it for a C-note. I'm also sure someone out San Diego way will let us borrow their scanner as its for 2 good causes. We go to the Angels stadium and screen all the players and coaches and when we get to Trout we also use the scanner on him.
And if someone at OS has a meat slicer for us to take as a precaution, we might find someone on the Angels who has one of freckles ugly cousin that needs taking care of.

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