09:21 AM - January 9, 2017 by Steve_OS
It was a perplexing year for FIFA. Visually, the game excelled. From gorgeous lighting to amazing face scans, it’s easy to say that this year’s FIFA is the best looking to date. Apart from the cosmetic upgrades, FIFA 17 brought about a greater sense of physicality with its new shielding animation, even if it’s a tad bit overpowered at times.
Stylistically, for the first time since FIFA 14, Custom Team Tactics (CTT) work and allow for a greater sense of variety in career mode if you put the time in to implement them. The new Journey Mode, while shallow, was a decent first attempt at an engaging first-player mode akin to NBA 2K’s MyPlayer. Hopefully, future iterations of this mode will expand upon its concepts, allowing for less canned scripting and provide a greater variety of options.
Read More - FIFA 17 Year-End Recap (Written by Kevin Groves)