
FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

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Old 01-13-2017, 08:00 PM   #17
Fino Alla Fine
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

Originally Posted by PPerfect_CJ
Right off the bat, let me be clear that I understand Ultimate Team is a huge money maker for sports games and isn't going anywhere. That said, the majority of us on OS believe that UT has ruined sports games. We don't appreciate that companies concentrate almost entirely on this aspect of their games, these days. If you go to other sections of this website, you'll see that probably most of us, or at least a very high number of us are "sim nation" for lack of a better description. Don't get all hot about us running down FUT. We are just sick and tired of it. Wanna be even MORE sick and tired of it? Go look at FIFA's Twitter page. Try and ask them a question about Career Mode. Try and find where they even acknowledge that Career Mode EXISTS. I'm not saying don't enjoy the mode if you're in to it. I'm not saying don't spend your money on packs. It's yours to spend if that's what you want to do. I'm not saying you can't post here, even if I had that kind of authority. I'm just saying don't expect a lot of sympathy and then get angry when it's not given. We're not upset with YOU. We're upset with the GAMING COMPANIES. Just had to make myself clear on where I stand. Nothing personal and no hard feelings. Have a good day, fellas.
I gotcha, no hard feelings on this end either. I don't mean to sound angry or mad at any one of you here, I know that most on OS are not in favor or into the Ultimate Team modes.

I fully understand what the Ultimate Team modes have done to EA and 2K, I get it. Those types of modes definitely funnel people towards spending money, I totally get it. I also spend some extra cash on them each year, nothing crazy like Streamers/YouTubers do, but more than nothing.

I understand where you guys are coming from, I play and like Career mode too. I agree that it's pretty barebones and has been roughly the same for many years now, it's frustrating that don't put more effort into it. I'm with you guys and would love more to be done each and every year with it and for them to not just focus 80/20 on Ultimate Team.

I appreciate the post, thanks man.
Fino Alla Fine


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Old 01-14-2017, 10:55 AM   #18
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

You got it, man. At the end of the day, we're all in this together. All any of us can do is hope for the best. 👍🏻
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Old 01-17-2017, 04:50 PM   #19
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

Can't stand UT in any game now. Wish they would make a separate game with FIFA, madden, show, NHL etc all the buy a pack modes into one separate game so they could concentrate on the real fans the career/dynasty/sim players.. UT may be popular now but who were the ones supporting all of EA games before there was a UT?? Those career/dynasty/sim loyal customers who they now **** on. So UT wouldn't exist without us from the early years and you are mistaken thinking it's the other way around. Go buy some real cards ..

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Old 01-19-2017, 07:33 AM   #20
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

First of all, "I hate the idea behind FUT" and EA way to communicate with their user is directly arrogant and narrow-minded. But !, we all complain about FUT and how much better the game could be if EA shifts focus ?. On what basis and with what facts can we make such a statement ?. What do we really know what goes on behind the scenes at EA ?.

Last edited by andanesean; 01-19-2017 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 01-22-2017, 08:51 PM   #21
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Why is is the same issues every year. Is it that hard to change those aspects of career mode? Maybe. I have heard "Better cpu management" for 5 years. The focus on UT is ridiculous. What are they doing all year when they barely update any aspect of the game from last year? I get if completely changing the whole system takes more then a year, but really its all minor things.

However, is EA losing any customers by not focusing on career mode at all? Not really.. that may be why they do not respond, on the surface level
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Old 01-24-2017, 06:55 AM   #22
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

Originally Posted by quintessence21
Why is is the same issues every year. Is it that hard to change those aspects of career mode? Maybe. I have heard "Better cpu management" for 5 years. The focus on UT is ridiculous. What are they doing all year when they barely update any aspect of the game from last year? I get if completely changing the whole system takes more then a year, but really its all minor things.

However, is EA losing any customers by not focusing on career mode at all? Not really.. that may be why they do not respond, on the surface level
It would require a new engine for CM, no not graphic but the game's structure.They can only build on in a particular form. The many (fair) amendment wish people are calling for in CM, requires a whole new game. They have a team that right now already looking at FIFA 19, so the question is not why, but how ?. And of course focus on FUT, any company would protect their income. On the other hand, if they are so indifferent to the CM why not delete it again, dare it?, no they do not !. Dont get me wrong I do not defend EA, their way of communicating with their user's emetogenic.

Last edited by andanesean; 01-24-2017 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 01-24-2017, 01:15 PM   #23
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Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

Do you guys like how they got the exact presentation in there for the English competitions, and the German competitions? I'm gunna say yea you do. Guess where the extra money came from to get those very expensive rights for those graphic overlays? FUT. The money from FUT gets put back into the game to improve it every year.
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