NBA 2K17 News Post

NBA 2K17 patch 1.07 is available now for PlayStation 4 and soon for Xbox One. The patch notes have not been released, but this post will get updated when they arrive.

Until then, let us know what you're seeing.

UPDATE: Mike Wang tweeted this...

Over-dribbling prior to shooting will see a noticeable drop in FG% with Patch 1.07. Tomorrow morning's tuning update will nerf contested 3s

UPDATE #2: (12-8) Here are the patch notes.

UPDATE #3: (12-14) The patch is available now for Xbox One.

  • Support for the NBA 2K17 European All-Star Tournament as well as the forthcoming NBA 2K17 All-Star Tournament.
  • Performance increase for users playing in the Old Town, Sunset Beach, and Ante-Up parks.
  • Reduced the effectiveness of shooting after excessive dribbling to achieve better game balance.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 361 LionsFanNJ @ 12/16/16 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Are offline guys not enjoying the game either?

After essentially giving up on online this year I've found myself having a really good time offline with MyTeam\Play Now

That's just going to have to be my reality this year- it's faaar less frustrating.

CPU has come a long way since release, Cavs made a point to put K Love on the block when I played them, I thought that was dope.
I play offline exclusively (myLeague/play now) and I'm enjoying the game tremendously. I also have sliders adjusted for speed so I get some user fast breaks. The only thing I don't like is there seems to be a slight nerf to user post defense(I was in excellent position for a block a few times and I didn't get a good block attempt animation with Deandre) and offensive rebounding. But i think the latter is my universal defensive "get the hell back no breaks" settings.

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# 362 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 12/16/16 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Are offline guys not enjoying the game either?

After essentially giving up on online this year I've found myself having a really good time offline with MyTeam\Play Now

That's just going to have to be my reality this year- it's faaar less frustrating.

CPU has come a long way since release, Cavs made a point to put K Love on the block when I played them, I thought that was dope.
I really enjoy mycareer mode too. On superstar difficulty the A.I is nice.
# 363 hanzsomehanz @ 12/16/16 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung

Here are two instances from one game where a smaller sharpshooter hit fully contested shots over my hall of fame defensive stopper:



On average, I'm still seeing terrible shots like those going in at least once or twice per park game when guarding a sharpshooter or shot creator. The rate of success for fully contested shots over lockdown defenders should be much lower than that. It should be something that happens once every 10 games, not once or twice per game. Otherwise, what's the point of even making a lockdown defender?
This squad at the 4 minute mark literally survived off of converting on hard and full contested shots and contact in the paint!

Since this day I am still running into zig zag patterns that lead to successful makes too favorably. I'm also still seeing the contested shots go in, almost more than before patch 7. It has some questioning whether we are waiting for a tuning to go thru to make the new patch notes go live on XB1

It was a good run we had though, GG

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# 364 MJ9257 @ 12/17/16 06:06 AM
Has anyone else had there current streak not registering in MyLeague? I'm I've won my last 4 but it still says lost 1. I don't think any of the other games have changed either.
# 365 justtxyank @ 12/17/16 08:19 AM
Anyone else have a problem starting the game after the patch? Xbox one I can't get past the team logos screen.
# 366 Flightwhite24 @ 12/17/16 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by justtxyank
Anyone else have a problem starting the game after the patch? Xbox one I can't get past the team logos screen.

I'm having this issue as well. Tried hard reset and still same problem. Had to restart at least 5 times to get it to work last night.

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# 367 justtxyank @ 12/17/16 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by CAMPBLACKMAMBA24
I'm having this issue as well. Tried hard reset and still same problem. Had to restart at least 5 times to get it to work last night.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've tried more than five and couldn't get it to work. Doing a reinstall
# 368 Flightwhite24 @ 12/17/16 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by justtxyank
I've tried more than five and couldn't get it to work. Doing a reinstall

Having the same issue again this morning. Game won't load. Guess it's ok to be disappointed right??

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# 369 hanzsomehanz @ 12/17/16 05:36 PM
Try cleaning your mac address in the console setting + cleared NBA 2k17 reserve space then use the restart console option from settings wheel

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
# 370 ELPAGA @ 12/17/16 06:51 PM
Didn't really notice any changes... only that they got rid of a few animation transitions for the Playmakers.

And my "My Career" seems still glitched. I can't unlock the Jordan connection and I'm on my 4th season
# 371 bls @ 12/17/16 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by justtxyank
Anyone else have a problem starting the game after the patch? Xbox one I can't get past the team logos screen.

Stuck at loading screen as well

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# 372 AshamanCarnage @ 12/17/16 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Stuck at loading screen as well

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You need to clear your reserve space from the game options.
# 373 DunkmanLTU @ 12/17/16 10:45 PM
These patch files too big lol
# 374 ChubbyBanana @ 12/18/16 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Azamien
The patch is also out on PC now, but the thread in the PC area was locked. Somehow we're the red-headed step children to both 2K and this site even though the game is the same for all platforms now (including price).
When that thread was locked 1.07 wasn't out on PC and there wasn't any information on WHEN it would be out.

Since it's now out, I've opened it back up. Otherwise it was just causing confusion and speculation. I assure you it wasn't a case of being "Second Rate Platform" here on the forums. I'm sorry it wasn't unlocked as quickly as the patch came out.

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