MLB The Show 17 News Post

We have captured a bunch of MLB The Show 17 screenshots from the trailer that was released earlier today. While the quality isn't going to be as good coming from a video, these will have to do until we get actual in-game screenshots.

If there are some things you spot from the screenshots, let us know what you're seeing!

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Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 marinofan @ 12/04/16 11:48 AM
The graphics look the same .. Was this trailer on the pro?
# 22 zzcoolj21 @ 12/04/16 01:40 PM
Ramone said they have an updated scan of Lindor. Nice.
# 23 PVarck31 @ 12/04/16 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by zzcoolj21
Hope they fix Lindors face before release. The model is great but the bottom half just looks generic.

Thank you for that. It does look a little better. Was hard to see in the trailer.
# 24 Lovesports @ 12/04/16 08:18 PM
Very disappointed. No improvement in graphics or body types whatsoever
# 25 TripleCrown9 @ 12/04/16 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by marinofan
The graphics look the same .. Was this trailer on the pro?
No, nor was it finished. That's why the very beginning made it very clear this was beta.
# 26 viperman240 @ 12/04/16 09:25 PM
I'm really excited to see more of MLB The Show 17 as I may finally jump back into the franchise after a bit of a hiatus, but it all really depends on how much The Show has improved.

So far first impressions aren't that great, I know they said this is an early build and all so there is still hope.

2 things that jumped at me right off the bat (no pun intended) was the body types/figures are still the same and that the Cubs blue is still too dark.

I made a comparison of Kris Bryant and there are more color issues going on as well. You can also see the body type of the player needs a serious overhaul, it does not look like an adult person; more like a boy's body type.

Attachment 128750
# 27 tessl @ 12/04/16 09:36 PM
It is always interesting to see the things people focus on when the first information gets released.

For me as a manage mode exclusive player the #1 item is more realistic game play. Last year there simply wasn't enough offense and chasing sliders isn't something I enjoy. I won't even mention my #2 item because it is a distant second.

But, as always, a lot of people don't care about what I care about and vice versa. A lot of things high on the priority list of other people I don't even notice. Such is the nature of this game.

One thing I'll say for the show and Russell in particular - they promote their game better than anybody with videos, lists of features, live streams, etc.
# 28 Margelofskya @ 12/04/16 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cam Fan
I'm fine w/ the models...but what I'm NOT fine with is the movement/animation. The running animations are the same for YEARS!
They added running animations last year
# 29 spike83 @ 12/04/16 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Numbers on Jerseys backs are still to low.

Man why can't they fix this already?

This was purportedly an issue that could not be resolved due to last generation limitations. Three years into the current generation, I still do not understand why this cannot be fixed.
# 30 Jros22 @ 12/05/16 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
Love the Griffey shots. But Lindor's face is still last years horrible look.

Also it looks like they still don't have the Indians red base layer.

I really hope these get fixed.
Yeah i can't believe Lindor still has that inaccurate face.
# 31 Margelofskya @ 12/05/16 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jros22
Yeah i can't believe Lindor still has that inaccurate face.
Danone said his face scan wasn't implemented yet. A lot from 16
# 32 Jros22 @ 12/05/16 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Margelofskya
Danone said his face scan wasn't implemented yet. A lot from 16

Good to know
# 33 @legendm0de @ 12/05/16 08:02 PM
I just want them to improve the ingame presentation and that's it. Still waiting for collision physics but it'll come one day.
# 34 jeffy777 @ 12/05/16 10:10 PM

Is that supposed to be Javy? If so, I hope his face gets some more love before release. It's not bad, but looks a bit generic. Could just be because of the facial expression tho?
# 35 elfdutch @ 12/07/16 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
Thank you for that. It does look a little better. Was hard to see in the trailer.

That's not Lindor, it's Ramone
# 36 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 12/08/16 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777

Is that supposed to be Javy? If so, I hope his face gets some more love before release. It's not bad, but looks a bit generic. Could just be because of the facial expression tho?

Is it Javy? I thought it was Addison. Addison looked something like that in 16 I believe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 37 elfdutch @ 12/08/16 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
Is it Javy? I thought it was Addison. Addison looked something like that in 16 I believe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's Derek Jeter making his comeback.
# 38 Turbojugend @ 12/08/16 01:28 PM

My crazy trailer-related theory of the day: The custom unis shown above are not DD related, but are actually confirmation of a full-fledged team creation mode.

Look at this way: In previous Show teaser trailers, nearly every shot was a reveal of some sort. Now, they could just be showing off Griffey Jr. and a few other dudes in a flashy DD uniform, but who wouldn't already expect Griffey to be available in DD? That will be the first place people will expect him to appear. Griffey is not the announcement is those shots... the uniform is.

Another thing: Unless you're a digital Michelangelo, that cobra logo is far more detailed than anything that is possible with their current paint system. That means that either there are now preset logos to choose from, or we can finally upload our own image files.
# 39 Russell_SCEA @ 12/08/16 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend

My crazy trailer-related theory of the day: The custom unis shown above are not DD related, but are actually confirmation of a full-fledged team creation mode.

Look at this way: In previous Show teaser trailers, nearly every shot was a reveal of some sort. Now, they could just be showing off Griffey Jr. and a few other dudes in a flashy DD uniform, but who wouldn't already expect Griffey to be available in DD? That will be the first place people will expect him to appear. Griffey is not the announcement is those shots... the uniform is.

Another thing: Unless you're a digital Michelangelo, that cobra logo is far more detailed than anything that is possible with their current paint system. That means that either there are now preset logos to choose from, or we can finally upload our own image files.

Those unis are 100% from DD and that logo was created in the editor.
# 40 countryboy @ 12/08/16 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Those unis are 100% from DD and that logo was created in the editor.
Well there goes that theory.

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