NBA 2K17 News Post

2K today announced that NBA 2K17 will kick off an unprecedented, in-game music series: Park After Dark, check out the trailer here. Park After Dark will transform and elevate NBA 2K17’s MyPARK mode into a high-energy music destination with special performances from music icons, including Future, Snoop Dogg AKA “DJ SNOOPADELIC”, DJ Premier and more to be announced. These one of-a-kind performances are open to anyone with NBA 2K17 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

NBA 2K has history of featuring music icons in-game, from soundtrack curations by Jay Z and Pharrell Williams, to original, custom tracklists from top DJs like DJ Khaled, DJ Mustard and DJ Premier in last year’s NBA 2K16. Music is an integral part of the NBA experience, and as the #1 NBA video-game series, NBA 2K continues to push new boundaries in entertainment – especially as NBA 2K17 Park After Dark will feature an eclectic nighttime setting reminiscent of today’s biggest music festivals, complete with a center stage for the performance featuring a superstar avatar.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 EveretteWarren @ 11/18/16 08:13 AM
# 2 info0 @ 11/18/16 08:28 AM
So instead of fixing gameplay issues we introduce bullcrap like Fitbit integration and MyPark Music Mode?

WOW. NBA Live 17 I have high hopes for you not to disappoint now -.-
# 3 PhillyIMBlog.com @ 11/18/16 08:34 AM
Huh? Where is my 3 point and dunk contest?

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# 4 Da InFaMoUs NY @ 11/18/16 09:14 AM
Another gimmick..
# 5 coachcolbert @ 11/18/16 09:27 AM
glad its released, but it may be too little too late for the community's sake. us die hards will play no matter what, but park after dark, mountain dew tournaments, etc are not for us. its to attract non traditional 2k gamers and the next generation of gamers.

also just wondering, are they still doing the pro am tourny in december? with the way things are now, i hope not?

man, hopefully park after dark gets some folks to return to the game *fingers crossed*
# 6 Glenn33 @ 11/18/16 09:31 AM
Everything is not a gimmick, cash grab, or something that takes away from the development team fixing the fast breaks or defense. This is a cool extra (like Fitbit) that adds to the experience of the game. If it's not for you no big deal. It's not costing you money and 2k did not choose this over fixing game play. Can we please not go on and on about how bad 2k is for having non gameplay things added for the game? Let's just try at least?

I know this will be ignored but I just had to say it.

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# 7 E The Rhymer @ 11/18/16 09:36 AM
So Alabaster left the Euro LG to become the park after dark DJ?

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# 8 trekfan @ 11/18/16 09:36 AM
Points for the idea -- that's a cool sounding thing if they can pull it off.

But I hope this has been in the can for awhile and they haven't spent precious time on an extra thing when so many outstanding gameplay/mode issues remain.

This is the least satisfied I've been with a 2K game ever and I'm eyeing the next Live installment to see what, if anything, the EA team has learned.
# 9 scottyp180 @ 11/18/16 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Glenn33
Everything is not a gimmick, cash grab, or something that takes away from the development team fixing the fast breaks or defense. This is a cool extra (like Fitbit) that adds to the experience of the game. If it's not for you no big deal. It's not costing you money and 2k did not choose this over fixing game play. Can we please not go on and on about how bad 2k is for having non gameplay things added for the game? Let's just try at least?

I know this will be ignored but I just had to say it.

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Not ignored by me and I completely agree. Don't get me wrong I think this a bit unnecessary, at least for me. I won't even think about using this feature but there is likely a fanbase that will be into this.

I also understand that 2k is a large studio. They could and should be capable of working on gameplay improvement while other members of the team work on a feature such as this.

Do people think that it takes every member of the entire studio to work in unison on everything that is done in the game? It's very possible, and likely, that while this feature was being worked on other members of the team worked on other things.
# 10 EveretteWarren @ 11/18/16 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by info0
So instead of fixing gameplay issues we introduce bullcrap like Fitbit integration and MyPark Music Mode?

WOW. NBA Live 17 I have high hopes for you not to disappoint now -.-
I just laughed so hard out loud in class when I saw this. XD

This is a disappointment? or do you just not care about it? which one?

Because for all the park players this is probably one of if not the most anticipated features to be in the mode.
# 11 Vroman @ 11/18/16 10:06 AM
cool event starts like 4-7 am sunday morning for Europeans.
# 12 info0 @ 11/18/16 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by EveretteWarren
I just laughed so hard out loud in class when I saw this. XD

This is a disappointment? or do you just not care about it? which one?

Because for all the park players this is probably one of if not the most anticipated features to be in the mode.
Well, tried online and it's lag fest. If this goes through will it remove the lag online? No. It will be complete opposite imo, it will add MORE lag to the online game.

You laughed hard? I don't care for gimmick features like that, that is correct. I want them to FIX fundamental issues with game and make it play at least similar to real-life basketball. At the moment it's not playing ANYTHING like basketball. More like FIFA-esque NBA game.

Fitbit is stupid as it is. Fulfill the milestones and you get boosts for your players? Get real. Is it arcade now they sponsor? It has NOTHING to do with simulation and I bet, next year, they will scrap that idea.

Vanilla game was BEST NBA 2k game ever. After patches it feels worse than NBA 2k16. My 2c.
# 13 JayBillups36 @ 11/18/16 10:41 AM
Great a club 2k full of all dudes lol
# 14 GuwopGeezus @ 11/18/16 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by PhillyIMBlog.com
Huh? Where is my 3 point and dunk contest?

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Pretty sure from like 1:10 - 1:20 in the video was the dunk and 3 point contest
# 15 Glenn33 @ 11/18/16 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by info0
So instead of fixing gameplay issues we introduce bullcrap like Fitbit integration and MyPark Music Mode?

WOW. NBA Live 17 I have high hopes for you not to disappoint now -.-
Bruh....They patched the game 5 times already with a 6th one on the way and the game is less than 2 months in. I think it's fair to say they been trying to fix gameplay issues.

This feature is for park users. This is not for sim nation. Let them live!

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# 16 JusWood @ 11/18/16 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by info0
So instead of fixing gameplay issues we introduce bullcrap like Fitbit integration and MyPark Music Mode?

WOW. NBA Live 17 I have high hopes for you not to disappoint now -.-

With EVERYTHING WRONG with & in the game, these devs take our time and uses it as their "Development" time, which should be done in DEVELOPING stages of the software itself, hence the term 'Development Stages'!!

As a fan of the series i have invested a substantial amount of time and funds into this form of entertainment, and as a consumer of ANY product I expect for that purchased product to be COMPLETE, SATISFACTORILY USABLE, & HAVE A RESPONSIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE STAFF WHEN/IF THE PRODUCT DO EXPERIENCE A MALFUNCTION. With that said, none of the mentioned has been marked on these devs checklist, if so things like: "Lag/server connectivity, overtuned gameplay(fastbreaks are an impotant key to the game but its basically impossible), malfuctioning button input, lack of button input response in some instances, AUTO/CONTEXTUAL ANIMATIONS, (who are you to dictate which way and how my body should move in a situation CREATED BY THE USER, and why would i NOT be able to chest pass to the guy in front or next to me without a horrible overthrow), Rep system, etc.

The game has great potential, but by the devs hearing "...awesome", "...greatest yet" and **** like that they feel they can put out literally ANYTHING and its accepted and whatever WE feel its lacking they'll just use their new O.T.F. Update/Patch ability. No, that's absolutely not the case as 2K has imo, declied STEEPLY from the release of its Next Gen Console release of 2K with its PS4 2K14 release, which gave it a awesome concept (Visual Concepts) to build from, but they didn't, just changed overlays and renderances, added some features & elements and called it a new game, when we actually are still playing the 2K14/15 format +/- a few features.

IMO, a simple fix to these issues will be to simply push game release BACK to original release month/quarter to allow devs more production time for a FRESH & NEW product EACH release, get feedback from ACTUALL RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBERS NOT CLOUT CHASING YES MEN that actually sits and DISSECT EVERY movement of the game hence "GAMEPLAY DEVELOPMENT", and PLEASE OBTAIN SOMEONE WITH A SENSE OF BASKETBALL LOGIC.
# 17 Glenn33 @ 11/18/16 11:26 AM
I wanna reply....but again I will just ask the community to accept this feature is for Park users and their enjoyment.

If you don't plan on using this feuture you are only taking away from those in this community who want to talk about it.

There are 546,789 other threads to rip 2K a new one.

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# 18 Hirtec @ 11/18/16 11:29 AM
There should be things that are more important, but at least they don't let players wait a full year for new "features".
# 19 Glenn33 @ 11/18/16 11:32 AM
If I am a Park user this feuture is Hella important.

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# 20 ACE8 @ 11/18/16 11:32 AM
Fix the Defense and Fast Break it's Terrrrrrribllllleeeeee !!!! First then we can gave all this club $#!T, IMO.

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