NBA 2K17 News Post

The NBA 2K17 All-Time College bundle is available now for $14.99. It includes all 10 legendary college teams from Arizona, Connecticut, Georgetown, Louisville, Illinois, Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Michigan State for use in Quick Game.

You can also buy teams individually for $1.99 each.

Queue them up below or search for them in the respective Stores.Below are the rosters for each team, more screenshots can be seen here.

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Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 141 World1 @ 09/19/16 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Americas Team
Could somebody please tell me how the heck are they supposed to make players look like they did back when they were in college? And even if they did attempt to some of you would complain that they don't like right like you do with the classic players.
Literally, use your noodle bro. How do you think they put classic players in the game now? You think they had patrick ewing or larry bird come in and face scan them? Lol c'mon this sint rocket science. They'd use the same method they do now just with YOUNGER face reference. Jesus christ lol

Guess they revived dead players and face scanned them for classic teams too? Wow.
# 142 ODogg @ 09/19/16 01:20 AM
The sense of entitlement and lack of understanding of capitalism is mind boggling in this thread.

Since when should a game called NBA ship with free college teams and legendary players, both of which cost licensing fees?

Notice the words NBA and NCAA?? They're different.

Most casual basketball fans, like myself, do not care, or want, these add-ons and to include them with the base $59.99 game would mean other features, you know....NBA features, would occur and once again the name of this game is NBA !!!

Am I the only one who notices the irony of people in this thread calling the company greedy when they, in fact, are actually showing their own greed to get something for nothing? Lol, wow.....

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# 143 pslieber @ 09/19/16 06:59 AM
It's been fascinating reading the comments pro/against this DLC. I'm not being politically correct in saying I agree with both sides, completely.

Per my earlier comment, I purchased this...and have some reservations post-purchase (notably the player models, absence of atmosphere, redundant jersey numbers, few teams).

Personally and echoing ODogg, I dropped my $15 to simply send a message folks will support a college product. I also now hope 2K will update this accordingly to address the critiques on this thread.

As World1 indicated, they have these player models to do throwbacks; they did it with the legends and with no problem. Numbers are easy. College atmosphere is already there in MyCareer; just carry it over to this mode. More teams? That will probably cost a little more...or hopefully not. Only a very small number of teams are outside the general NCAA license they paid for.

Any 2K buddies out there to drop some knowledge?
# 144 crandolph @ 09/19/16 03:21 PM
UNC??? Duke??? Kentucky??? UCLA???

(sorry if thats been asked. I didnt have time to read thru all the comments...)
# 145 NINJAK2 @ 09/19/16 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by jbrock11
No Mateen Cleaves on Michigan State? What kinda sh*t is that?

Mateen is a little busy my friend...

# 146 Dyslexicphish @ 09/19/16 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
The sense of entitlement and lack of understanding of capitalism is mind boggling in this thread.

Since when should a game called NBA ship with free college teams and legendary players, both of which cost licensing fees?

Notice the words NBA and NCAA?? They're different.

Most casual basketball fans, like myself, do not care, or want, these add-ons and to include them with the base $59.99 game would mean other features, you know....NBA features, would occur and once again the name of this game is NBA !!!

Am I the only one who notices the irony of people in this thread calling the company greedy when they, in fact, are actually showing their own greed to get something for nothing? Lol, wow.....

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You're absolutely right. In fact lets take it one step further. Since this is NBA 2017 any and all non current NBA teams and players shouldn't be included in the base game. That means that historic players and teams and international players and teams should be stripped away from the game. Users will then have to purchase them separately in the form of day one dlc.

This is 2k being greedy. People are acting so blasé about it because day one dlc has become so common in the industry. What makes it worse is that this specific case is completely half hearted. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first of many attempts to further monetize the game.

As far as effort and man power is concerned just look at the ultimate base roster that a modder made for 2k14. It has over 250 teams on it. From current to historic. Even Olympic teams and legend teams. If one guy can do that by himself for free than I'm sure a company like 2k can do even better.

# 147 Badasi12b @ 09/19/16 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by sva91
Really hard for me to play with retro players wearing baggy shorts. I would've preferred historic teams with their gear and courts. But still cool to offer this.
Hard for me to play with retro players in their college forms and build who look like they look NOW! lol @ Mike Bibby, Deron Williams and Allen Iverson for example...
# 148 Badasi12b @ 09/19/16 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Badasi12b
Hard for me to play with retro players in their college forms and build who look like they look NOW! lol @ Mike Bibby, Deron Williams and Allen Iverson for example...
Hell look at Ray Allen too! Lmao! They could have at least made them young! XD! Like i said for 2k all star weekend, right stick dribble moves, facescan and numerous other things... "Don't steal ideas if you won't do it better or just like it!" Just leave it out! Be yourself.
# 149 Poke @ 09/19/16 08:03 PM
I wish they offered the freedom to make a league with rankings and a 64 team tournament at the end. With all the customization we could make our own college game at this point. There are so many courts and uni's already being shared.
# 150 Poke @ 09/19/16 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
Mateen is a little busy my friend...

Yup I went to elementary and high school with him. We'll see how this unfolds.
# 151 Americas Team @ 09/19/16 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by World1
Literally, use your noodle bro. How do you think they put classic players in the game now? You think they had patrick ewing or larry bird come in and face scan them? Lol c'mon this sint rocket science. They'd use the same method they do now just with YOUNGER face reference. Jesus christ lol

Guess they revived dead players and face scanned them for classic teams too? Wow.
Yes and people constantly complain they don't look right.
# 152 Kstat @ 09/19/16 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Americas Team
Yes and people constantly complain they don't look right.
If they looked right people wouldn't complain.

If you're going to do something, do it right or don't do it at all.

It isn't too much to expect quality DLC for $15. This isn't quality, it's lazy. People can choose to spend the $15 anyway in the hopes that it encourages 2K to come back with something better. I choose to send the message that this DLC is not worth my $15 and they need to put more effort into their DLC.
# 153 Black Bruce Wayne @ 09/19/16 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Spitfirex007
just because they are a business doesn't mean they need to try and milk their customers for every cent they can. 2k knows there is a huge desire for the college game. So they are taking advantage. It's greed. 2k has been doing this more and more every year. So like EA. I might start buying their game used.

I won't even touch the VC thing. I went online yesterday. Played 2 games and quit. Everyone was 20-30 ratings higher. There was zero fun factor.
Yes but the actual players on the team want compensation for their use in the game. What about that dont you understand? Plus $15 isnt going to break you is it?
# 154 jmizzal @ 09/19/16 10:11 PM
Oh there gonna charge 15 bucks for this for only in quick game, and yet we dont even get our preorder bonus of the Dream team yet smh 2K
# 155 jmizzal @ 09/19/16 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
Everyone has their own opinion on these things, but to me what we get for 60 bucks in the base game is a tremendous value. I have zero problem with them charging extra for college teams in a game that is called NBA 2K, especially given the probable licensing costs for securing those teams.

IMO, when you dealing with things that are pure luxury items, like video games, I have no qualms about companies trying to get what they can. It's a pay or don't pay scenario.
I would agree if they were giving us like 30 college teams, but this is like 10 teams with a bunch of players who are already on the game anyways, its not costing them so much more, they much so much off of 2K base game since EA puts out a turd every year, then they make more off of people buying VC, then myteam cards. This is just nickle and diming your consumers, they could have added this to the game, and not charged extra.
# 156 cbjr @ 09/20/16 06:33 AM
Why not release a full college basketball game? Real fans would pay dearly for that
# 157 PPerfect_CJ @ 09/20/16 09:37 AM
Sure would be nice if they gave us what we already paid for (DREAM TEAM) before trying to sell us add-ons.
# 158 mcdowell31 @ 09/20/16 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
And why shouldn't they? They're in this business to make money, and they're trying to get a return on their investment.

I won't comment on the VC thing, no one is forced to buy it.

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Agreed: Economics 101, nothing is truly free. Resources of some sort are always required.
# 159 Klocker @ 09/20/16 11:27 AM
Ok i went for this but man how come they have no college atmosphere from the My Career???
No bands playing ?? Wth man
# 160 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 09/20/16 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kstat
The looks of Ewing and Wilt make me want to vomit. Can't say it any nicer than that.

I get that 2K needs to make money from this idea. However, if you want me to pay extra, do not insult me with "college" players that look like 35 year old men. Simply porting over the player models you already have is not acceptable.

It's bad enough I have to deal with old looking "rookie" players in myteam. Ruins the experience for me. 2K would have gotten my $15 if these players actually looked like their college days. I refuse to spend on this.
Agreed! Exactly how I feel. I was tempted to buy it but after seeing how they basically just ported over the existing players models...... Thanks but no thanks.

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