NBA 2K17 News Post

Ronnie2K (Game 1: Minnesota Timberwolves, Game 2: Toronto Raptors) and LD2K (Game 1: Los Angeles Lakers, Game 2: Indiana Pacers) are playing 2 full games of NBA 2K17 on Twitch, starting now.

For those of you that can't watch it now, we will update this post with an archive link when it's over.

UPDATE: The stream is over, here is the link to the archive.

UPDATE #2: (9-14) You can also watch the archive on their YouTube channel.

Post your thoughts here.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 renni @ 09/14/16 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Staffan54
Yes, they have added a lot of things.

For me it was most important so see if they got rid of the 2 problems that I can not accept.

1, skating/sliding still there

2, physics. The ball can still go right through a players body which makes it uninteresting to play good positional defense. An example at 2.35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ladhW0v580

So for me it is unplayable.
don't see why it would stop you from playing positions defense . It's not that frequent . If anything they cut down on it . It's still a game . Will be a few hiccups
# 122 extremeskins04 @ 09/14/16 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by sniapeko
I'm wondering if you actually watched the full stream or if you played basketball in real life. Because calling it "smooth and realistic" seems like a bit of a stretch to me. Scroll up a bit to read a list of just SOME of the things that should never happen in a realistic game that I saw in this stream.
Granted there were A LOT of good things and improvements, but please let's not collectively pretend that suddenly this game is perfect.
While you're entitled to your opinion, no one said the game was perfect. I also liked the fact that that one of the players was out of bounds when he got passed the ball. Now if that happens all the time, it's a problem. Players make mistakes in real life too.
# 123 lvnba @ 09/14/16 07:43 AM
No love for the playbook. Haven't seen them call a play in the whole stream.
# 124 Staffan54 @ 09/14/16 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by renni
don't see why it would stop you from playing positions defense . It's not that frequent . If anything they cut down on it . It's still a game . Will be a few hiccups
Good point, but I think it happens too often.
I saw some videos today and it was obvious in all gamed that I watched.

Most of the other sports games got this right by now, why is it so difficult for 2K?
# 125 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/16 08:21 AM
I'm glad we have a ball tangibility slider this year. I think it will open some eyes as to how wacky things can get when jacked up- assuming its the same slider Czar told us about on the developer side....I think peiple get way too caught up in the fact that clipping occurs, and not in the context its happening in.

As far as the footage- guess for me the improvements immediately jump out...I played a lot of 2K16...that defensive stickiness muddying the game out has been eliminated....while still showing the ability to defend competently...

The real test will be when I get my hands on 5 on 5 gameplay....but it looks good to me...
# 126 renni @ 09/14/16 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Staffan54
Good point, but I think it happens too often.
I saw some videos today and it was obvious in all gamed that I watched.

Most of the other sports games got this right by now, why is it so difficult for 2K?
different kind of game. It would seem incredible hard too 100% get rid of it. Im just okay knowing its progress. Physics seems amazing this year and you get penalized more for hitting someones body and ect. I feel like their is more reward on defense for offensive errors , but you are right. It still has more it can improve on
# 127 extremeskins04 @ 09/14/16 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by RNS1hunnid
It's doesn't just bother him it bothers a numerous amount of people including me it's a eye sore that can easily be patched

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I'm sure they will patch it. Hopefully it will make the first patch. I think what BA was talking about was more along the lines of it seems like every other thread that gets created, the player models complaint gets brought into again. There are numerous threads with that same complaint, and while it's a valid concern, that other user seems to bring it up over and over again in multiple threads.

I'm pretty sure 2k will patch it quickly.
# 128 Krodis @ 09/14/16 09:01 AM
OG kept trying to get LD to call plays or use some strategy but he didn't listen [emoji14]

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# 129 CrimsionXBL @ 09/14/16 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by lazyswimmer7
Exactly. But the 2k demographic is basically full of morons with a vocabulary limited to fire and lit. The SHOW community is much different, but has gotten worse after the popularity of the PS4. Based on what I've seen and especially after the stream, there is no way I'm pre-ordering. The prelude felt like NBA Live and this new shooting balance between buttons vs. analog is gonna be a joke. I'm not into park, so there's not much there. If the just put shooting strictly analog it would be fine.
This may be off-topic but let's be real here, what in the hell his this? The "2k demographic" is basically filled with morons with a vocabulary limited to fire and lit...... really dude?

And I'm someone who's apart of both the show and nba 2k's demographic and I can tell you that my vocab isn't limited to that degree, but to challenge someone in that regard based off what games they like...

Back on topic, I liked what I saw for the most part and I'm excited to get my hands on it this friday. I do still have my gripes but being able to see the game in motion for an extended period of time was very nice.
# 130 extremeskins04 @ 09/14/16 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by CrimsionXBL
This may be off-topic but let's be real here, what in the hell his this? The "2k demographic" is basically filled with morons with a vocabulary limited to fire and lit...... really dude?

And I'm someone who's apart of both the show and nba 2k's demographic and I can tell you that my vocab isn't limited to that degree, but to challenge someone in that regard based off what games they like...

Back on topic, I liked what I saw for the most part and I'm excited to get my hands on it this friday. I do still have my gripes but being able to see the game in motion for an extended period of time was very nice.
Well said. I agree.
# 131 CBAT @ 09/14/16 09:18 AM
Was cool to get to see some live gameplay last night. I am impressed by most of the dribbling, the help defense, and needing to protect the ball (not being so reckless dribbling and passing). I will have to work on the latter, being an uptempo kind of guy.

Two issues I do see:

1. Almost the exact same animation for a foul call near the basket, where both players bodies bump into each other, defender with hands in the air. I've seen that A LOT.

2. Many fumbling of the ball animations and then you are forced to pick up your dribble. This one is annoying because you RARELY see guys do this in the NBA, but I saw it happen three times over a few minute span.
# 132 LO6IX @ 09/14/16 09:27 AM
LD can you tell whoever is in charge of player animations to fix Kyle Lowry's jumpshot? It's the same shot as last year, and it's way off. Anyone who watches the Raptors enough can see it. I thought they were waiting until 2K17 to fix it. It should be
Form: release 117
Base: Jump shot 49
Timing: Normal

Can this be addressed this year please?
# 133 adwin7 @ 09/14/16 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by MadManCometh
Its amazing how something can look so underwelming and individuals think it looks great/amazing only because it's the "latest and greatest". I mean seriously, it looks very 2k16ish. Sliding, and the same inappropriate animations at times. But because it's new it must be 'amazing'? The level of self awareness and lack of a true opinion on here is ridiculous. Ppl only saying it's great BECAUSE they feel like that's what the should be saying and not because they are blown away.

IMO, I'm simply not impress. I'm actually more prepared for a letdown from what I've been seeing thus far.
I've owned every 2k ever made. I am amazed and excited each year, not because I think they have made a perfect game but because they have, once again, improved a great game. 2k is more than just another game in peoples library of games. I expect different things from Elder scrolls 5-7 year dev cycle than I do for 2k year over year, but if I compared this year to 2k10 then we would see the same level of innovation. There was a lot of innovation in one year and its pretty reasonable for people to be excited.

Your perspective on the game is your own but don't go assuming you know why people get excited.

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# 134 Vni @ 09/14/16 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
I'm sure they will patch it. Hopefully it will make the first patch. I think what BA was talking about was more along the lines of it seems like every other thread that gets created, the player models complaint gets brought into again. There are numerous threads with that same complaint, and while it's a valid concern, that other user seems to bring it up over and over again in multiple threads.

I'm pretty sure 2k will patch it quickly.
I woudn't bet my money on that.
# 135 ed.g @ 09/14/16 10:29 AM
Apparently no one is willing to comment on this, so I will give a try. Every gameplay video I have saw until today is making me question my decision to pre-order this game. Is really aggravating watching a gameplay video from the developers of arguably the most sim sports game out there ("this is not a game" right?) and they just played the game with no regards of any basketball fundamentals at all. The guy playing the Timberwolves was a bit better finding the open shots because the other guy just continually pull every player off their assignment to double team and spam the steal button.

They have to really consider giving the game to the sim community and ask them to release videos in anticipation to the public release date because this was a complete BS, Madden handle this a lot better.
# 136 tt500 @ 09/14/16 10:29 AM
Way too much thread hijacking in this thread. Can a mod just open a thread for guys who wanna call others idiots, the people who don't want the game and the not impressed. Came here to see what people saw in the stream.

Basically every thread we now know that in their opinion, the games not improved. Your just an idiot for being excited cause the devs are lazy and the game same as last year. They ****ed up the bodies so basically it's unplayable when they can easily patch it.

Back on topic though, those new defensive/offensive settings got me excited. Can't wait to test the ace packages that are replacing POE.
# 137 LorenzoDC @ 09/14/16 12:01 PM
Now that I've had a chance to see the first 3 quarters of the first game, I do like how the game rewards smarter play.

LD2K played a lot of hero iso ball on offense, and didn't use the ACE tools at his disposal to help him. On defense, he did a lot of double teaming just chasing the ball handler and in the process breaking down his own defense. Meanwhile, you see Ronnie using the game play adjustment and strategy quick menus a lot more, making adjustments. He didn't really run plays but he did play smarter ball using the ACE tools the game gives him. As a result, he kicked butt.

What LD2K did would have worked much better last year. True, LD2K was using a terrible team and was also taking more time to try to talk about the game and show features, limiting his ability to pay attention to just competing. I'm not saying he does not know how to play smarter ball, just saying that in this stream he didn't and that the game was not forgiving.

As far as game play goes, that's a step in the right direction for the whole franchise.

Boy, the screams and tears of the casuals will be deafening this year. Dear God, give Beluba strength to resist!
# 138 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/16 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by MadManCometh
There's nothing in that vid that resemble authentic NBA basketball if u know basketball. And maybe that's why some if you think it plays smooth. Lol, NBA players don't play like that dude. The game looked/played like a park street pick-up game with guys in NBA player models. Professional basketball simply doesn't look like that. Just my observation, hopefully when I get the game the game plays better and maybe it was just the ppl on the sticks. But ppl saying it looks smoother and amazing is just not accurate.
because it's two people playing a basletball video game...that hasn't changed...you're not watching an NBA broadcast.

Whats the point of you coming in hete telling people their opinions are wrong? Its silly. You dont need to validate your opinion by doing that.
# 139 LD2k @ 09/14/16 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Krodis
OG kept trying to get LD to call plays or use some strategy but he didn't listen [emoji14]

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I honestly struggle doing two things at once - ask my wife, she gets annoyed all the time LOL.

That said, wanted to make sure to get as much info from OG as possible for you guys. When I'm in my own element I'm locked in, hard for me to talk and play with full concentration. The talking and information was more important.

Plus it's that time of year where I have to let Ronnie2K beat me so I don't get fired.
# 140 BobChonger @ 09/14/16 12:59 PM
That was mad juicy....Give me more

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