NBA 2K17 News Post

RedCityBoi2K17 has posted his NBA 2K17 hands-on impressions, with plenty of gameplay details. Check it out and post your thoughts.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Barncore @ 08/31/16 12:45 PM
Awesome that every crowd has their own unique chant. This is going to be fun.
# 2 blingballa333 @ 08/31/16 01:00 PM
Sounds awesome. Good vid!
# 3 23 @ 08/31/16 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Barnsey
Awesome that every crowd has their own unique chant. This is going to be fun.
That doesn't tell you anything at all.

Theae guys are just amazingly vague

For example the spurs had their own chant the last 2 years by it sounded like a bunch of zombies chanting

The real crowd sounds live

Try it and see for yourself what i mean
# 4 stillfeelme @ 08/31/16 02:06 PM
New information on the steal system explained

  • You actually have to pick a steal direction and time it right
  • Live ball on steals you actually have to run and pick the ball up
# 5 capwulf @ 08/31/16 02:13 PM
You forgot the tried and true, "So much better this year!"

I just watched a community day guy say "What the did with hair is amazing this year!......." thats it, no elaboration at all.
These fellows seem like shysters to me.
# 6 segarr @ 08/31/16 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by topdog9007
Why do all these guys sound like paid hype men?
They need to change the name of "community day" to "pocketed fanboy day"
# 7 Jhawkfootball06 @ 08/31/16 02:15 PM
I'm at work and can't listen. Does he say anything new?
# 8 JayBillups36 @ 08/31/16 02:25 PM
Can small guards grab clean rebounds if they're timing is on point? Speaking of diving for the ball did they fix that? Diving for the ball was a joke 2k16
# 9 Goffs @ 08/31/16 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by 23
That doesn't tell you anything at all.

Theae guys are just amazingly vague

For example the spurs had their own chant the last 2 years by it sounded like a bunch of zombies chanting

The real crowd sounds live

Try it and see for yourself what i mean
I'm expecting that hype dj announcer at MSG. "When I say D you say FENCE!"

I really hope that they captured the atmosphere for each stadium.
# 10 kehlis @ 08/31/16 03:21 PM
He's banned guys.
# 11 jeremym480 @ 08/31/16 03:21 PM
Okay, he's gone. Let's get this thread back on 2k Gameplay.

# 12 TreJayMMA @ 08/31/16 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by topdog9007
lol, who am I offending exactly? If its you I'm offending, you gotta lighten up. shame on you for getting defensive .
xD get banned
# 13 TreJayMMA @ 08/31/16 03:22 PM
I wonder what they mean by when they said they "improved the hair." Is it gonna be physics based sorta like EA UFC 2 or is it still going to look like plastic.
# 14 mcpats @ 08/31/16 03:24 PM
I have to admit that as someone who can only fit a few hours a week on the sticks, these controls are sounding a little intimidating. I'm sure the competitive gaming peeps will the advanced controls though
# 15 coachcolbert @ 08/31/16 03:25 PM
im not a huge RedCity fan (younger crowd) but i do feel he was as honest as he was allowed to be, which i appreciate. i loved hearing more confirmation about the rebounding and defensive changes. defense is my favorite part of the game! everyone will learn how to score but not everyone will attempt to master the other parts of the game. i love it
# 16 mcpats @ 08/31/16 03:25 PM
will love the advanced controls*. Sorry bout that
# 17 scottyp180 @ 08/31/16 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by TreJayMMA
I wonder what they mean by when they said they "improved the hair." Is it gonna be physics based sorta like EA UFC 2 or is it still going to look like plastic.
Havent seen any players with long hair yet (like Steve Nash or a Kelly Olynyck) so not sure if hair is physics based but just seeing some of the players with afro type hair ito simply looks more realistic. It actually looks fuzzy and you can make out the strands of hair. Much more detailed. Hopefully this will be true of players with long hair, nowintszki for one could definitely use a hair makeover in the game.
# 18 jada855 @ 08/31/16 05:20 PM
@redcity can you elaborate on the "jersey pulling" I wonder how this is pulled off. Are there some cloth physics? Thanks
# 19 Richardcg @ 08/31/16 05:49 PM
Cool as this stuff sound he mentioned, I'm thinking some of it is a bit exaggerated.
# 20 RLebron12 @ 08/31/16 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by SlyNumb3r1
my only question is.. who is this guy looking at.. i mean he holds the camera but talks to a different angle.. lol

My guess is his notes that he keeps looking at so he can touch on his talking points.

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