Everybody go read this guy's twitter timeline (@drevoigt). Loads of info about 2k. It's a shame that the game is about to come out and this is how we are getting information though.
I was always under the impression that the offense, defense and overall ratings were derived from the player ratings on the team. Not necessarily their "rank". I take it that's not how it works.
The lakers won 17 games last year. Being 28th isn't disrespect and I'm a fan.
Count up to 17 in your head. One, Two, Three, Four... See how long that takes ? That's a **** ton of wins. By my calculations I have them at 5th overall. And surprise the Wolves are 5th overall on the screenshot. I'am guessing they accidentally inverted the ratings or the guy was filming a mirror. That's the only two possiblities.
Count up to 17 in your head. One, Two, Three, Four... See how long that takes ? That's a **** ton of wins. By my calculations I have them at 5th overall. And surprise the Wolves are 5th overall on the screenshot. I'am guessing they accidentally inverted the ratings or the guy was filming a mirror. That's the only two possiblities.
I never pay attention to team rankings, because they dont accurately represent how good a team is on 2k. I never understood the benefit of having team rankings anyway.
Count up to 17 in your head. One, Two, Three, Four... See how long that takes ? That's a **** ton of wins. By my calculations I have them at 5th overall. And surprise the Wolves are 5th overall on the screenshot. I'am guessing they accidentally inverted the ratings or the guy was filming a mirror. That's the only two possiblities.
You're one of my favorite OSers. Never change Vni. Never change