Suprised nobody realized Russell is wearing new leg sleeves.
Sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing new about the hex pads he's wearing. Nothing new in regards to accessories at all for that matter unfortunately, other than updated models of certain shoes of course.
If i had to nit-pick one specific thing it will have to be that even though they have the correct blue on the jerseys for the Knicks, it looks like they didnt apply the same blue to the arena floor. Its still has the same light blue color. Other than that, great trailer & fantastic graphics!
Sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing new about the hex pads he's wearing. Nothing new in regards to accessories at all for that matter unfortunately, other than updated models of certain shoes of course.
Keeping my expectations very low. I doubt we'll see any of the accessory updates we've been asking for.
So I went to try this, and I see where I can make my own court and all, but I don't see how I can make the current Buck unis darker or anything. All I see is where you can create new unis, but there aren't enough options to make them look like the Bucks unis.
Am I missing something? Thanks...
You can make any uniform you can imagine.
Do you have the logos and stuff uploaded to your 2k account?
All I'm gonna say is if Josh Smith still has that ashy last gen face...the word lazy will be in play. I'm not a fan of his but dude hasn't had a next gen looking face yet. No excuse for that.
All I'm gonna say is if Josh Smith still has that ashy last gen face...the word lazy will be in play. I'm not a fan of his but dude hasn't had a next gen looking face yet. No excuse for that.
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well you know it would be considered "lazy" on his part not 2k's because HE is the one that has to go in for a new facial scan, they can' t control that.
well you know it would be considered "lazy" on his part not 2k's because HE is the one that has to go in for a new facial scan, they can' t control that.
I'm joking, but still before D-Will was scanned he looked like he belonged in the game.
All I'm gonna say is if Josh Smith still has that ashy last gen face...the word lazy will be in play. I'm not a fan of his but dude hasn't had a next gen looking face yet. No excuse for that.
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I dont even care if he got scanned, just make his head slightly bigger, dude looks like a Koopa from the John Leguizamo Super Mario Bros. movie.
Sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing new about the hex pads he's wearing. Nothing new in regards to accessories at all for that matter unfortunately, other than updated models of certain shoes of course.
I meant Rose but most likely its just Hex Pad + Compression Pants. I'm just hoping we can put socks over ALL ACCESSORIES.
im still a lil disappointed that they didn't announce any olympic mode !! man that was all the hype of the summer, dreamed about getting that incorporated to mycareer mode... but man at least we've heard about better gameplay