MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 patch 1.07 is available now. Below are the details we have so far. As we get more information, we will update this post.
  • Added new promotional item themes
  • Battle Royale tournament and reward changes
The normal maintenance is happening now, so you will have issues connecting until they are finished later this morning. With that said, let us know what you are seeing.

UPDATE: Here are the official patch notes.
  • Added new groundwork for future promotion Item deployment. (Promo pack stuff).
  • Changes to the Battle Royale rewards were made:
    • Rewards will now unlock after winning 3, 6, 9, 12, and 20. The rewards at 12-0 and 20-0 are of the same tier (highest).
    • There is a specific reward for being 12-0 and a slightly different reward for going 12-1.
    • Users will still be able to play to 20 games in order to get the trophy.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Comduklakis @ 07/24/16 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by baconbits11
Quick counts are good to have in the game, but more options should be given to us, like in ASB 05. That game had random counts, smart counts, batter counts, pitcher counts, even a 0-0 count once in a while. They could also figure out how to allow us to switch a pitcher before the count is generated. This could be done simply by giving those pitches to the relief pitcher coming in. I'm saying this kind of stuff should be worked on before DD stuff.
All valid points, but not really the kind of thing that normally would get fixed with a patch anyway. That's a change in gameplay that is done in the the new version. Would also like to see the ability to choose whether you do quick counts for each batter. Nothing worse than wanting to bunt and having the quick count pop up with 2 strikes already.
# 42 tessl @ 07/24/16 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by KBLover
Or they figure, that's what sliders are for.

Depending on why the offense persists on being so anemic, that could at least help. But if it something in how the CPU plays the game (AI decisions, etc), then no that would have to be adjusted by SDS in all likelihood. Sliders can do only so much in general, but especially in regards to decision making on the field.
That might be what they figure but then why bother to have developers? There are as many slider sets as there are people who play the mode and I have yet to find a slider set which is realistic. Move speed to 9 to compensate for lack of steals - do the cpu teams know it's easier to steal or are they still trying to steal at the same rate as before? I doubt the AI manager code changes when sliders change.
# 43 Zinger @ 07/25/16 03:27 AM
They should fix auto base running, which has stopped me playing this year's game. Always worked perfectly before this year and now all messed up. Fixing it should be a top priority. SCEA's reputation has been tarnished by this in my eyes.
# 44 Mike Lowe @ 07/25/16 07:06 PM
Are online folks still able to disconnect and get a free win? Thanks for the info!
# 45 jada855 @ 07/26/16 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Two things I noticed in this patch:

1. Base running is still a major problem. Just yesterday I saw the animation where a base runner rounds the base and keeps running only to be out at the next base by literally 50 feet. This simply should not be happening.

2. Gameplay seems different. I play on Legend and before this patch, my sliders were tuned in such a way that was eliciting realistic numbers. However, after this patch, the CPU has averaged 16+ hits per game and even the user offense seems a bit easier. I had to lower the contact a bit to make the numbers realistic again. Anyone else seeing this?

I use your sliders and I did notice the base running issue a cpu runner ignored the 3rd base coach and rounded the base and was gunned down at home by a mile! I have seen this happen with default and using your sliders.

In response to the offense increase. I have not noticed much of a boost from either side. I use player lock so I watch all 9 innings and cpu at bats once the game watch option is turned on.
# 46 KBLover @ 07/26/16 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Move speed to 9 to compensate for lack of steals - do the cpu teams know it's easier to steal or are they still trying to steal at the same rate as before? I doubt the AI manager code changes when sliders change.
Speed? No.

Steal Frequency - that's possible. Some sliders do at least "tweak" the AI (manager hook being a noted one). Baserunner speed influences decisions on the bases, imo, if for no other reason they get somewhere quicker and "read" that they can keep going. It's one reason why higher OF throwing arms can "scare" runners into staying put.

But that wouldn't apply to stealing. It might apply if the ball got away into CF, just like it seems to apply when deciding to try to advance on a PB/WP.

As for why have devs - other than to make the game in the first place, there are things in the engine sliders can't make a meaningful impact on, which is where they'd come in (and like I said in the rest of my post.....), assuming they feel there's a problem in the first place.
# 47 KBLover @ 07/26/16 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
1. Base running is still a major problem. Just yesterday I saw the animation where a base runner rounds the base and keeps running only to be out at the next base by literally 50 feet. This simply should not be happening.
Zunino did this - twice - in a recent game. I figured it's because I have baserunner speed on 7...and it wasn't THAT bad of a throw out, though so might not have been the same thing.

Originally Posted by P.A.D.
2. Gameplay seems different. I play on Legend and before this patch, my sliders were tuned in such a way that was eliciting realistic numbers. However, after this patch, the CPU has averaged 16+ hits per game and even the user offense seems a bit easier. I had to lower the contact a bit to make the numbers realistic again. Anyone else seeing this?

I did, but it was a game in Coors, so I threw that out as Coors being Coors (W 15-8) and one of those things.

I played in my Boston franchise and have had four straight low scoring games (L 3-2, W 1-0, W 4-1, L 3-2 in 12 inn.), so for me that one wild game might have been Coors being Coors combined with fluky good day for offense (wind out maybe) indeed.

I'm still on All-Star, so maybe it's a Legend thing?
# 48 countryboy @ 07/27/16 08:51 AM
I play on Hall of Fame default and nothing has changed on my end. Game plays the same as it did prior to the patch. I still get a variety of games from pitching duels, to offensive outbreaks, and in between.
# 49 tessl @ 07/27/16 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by KBLover
Speed? No.

Steal Frequency - that's possible. Some sliders do at least "tweak" the AI (manager hook being a noted one). Baserunner speed influences decisions on the bases, imo, if for no other reason they get somewhere quicker and "read" that they can keep going. It's one reason why higher OF throwing arms can "scare" runners into staying put.

But that wouldn't apply to stealing. It might apply if the ball got away into CF, just like it seems to apply when deciding to try to advance on a PB/WP.

As for why have devs - other than to make the game in the first place, there are things in the engine sliders can't make a meaningful impact on, which is where they'd come in (and like I said in the rest of my post.....), assuming they feel there's a problem in the first place.
Literally everybody who uses manage mode has reported too few runs scored. It's hard for me to believe the devs aren't aware of that and yet no fix. Either they don't know how to fix it or simply aren't interested.
# 50 superbus @ 07/29/16 02:35 AM
I don't know if this was brought up earlier, but in RTTS, am I the only one noticing that pitch counts are off? This is if you sim ahead in the count while on base or in the field; if the count starts at 3-2 and the pitcher is fresh in the game, the pitch count is 0.
# 51 KBLover @ 07/29/16 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by tessl
Literally everybody who uses manage mode has reported too few runs scored. It's hard for me to believe the devs aren't aware of that and yet no fix. Either they don't know how to fix it or simply aren't interested.

Or maybe they don't think that's a problem.

I.e. the players might not like it (assuming it's literally every single MoM player that plays The Show as you say), but the devs are saying "working as designed".

Not to mention that it's one thing to say "not enough runs, I don't like this, fix it" but another to say why runs are scoring infrequently and why sliders should not be the adjustment (that is why they are there after all).
# 52 Sgexpat @ 07/30/16 05:40 PM
It was noted in a previous thread that Break and velocity did not seem to progress / regress in MLB 16 whereas that did happen in MLB 16. Kind of a big issue as guys are not drafted at their potential in those important traits.

This might have been fixed - I had several guys showing a plus to break in th minor league system. I will play a bit and take photos. If anyone else saw this start to show progression please confirm.
# 53 LowerWolf @ 08/01/16 12:25 AM
I'm not sure if it's the patch, I'm just on a hot streak or it's because I've been facing Reds/Rockies pitching (probably the last one) but I've been raking the last 10 days in my dynasty.

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