NHL 17 News Post

To Our Readers,

It has come to our attention that the content of this article, which were meant to display EA's responses to community questions on their forums were altered and paraphrased by the author of this piece in a manner which did not accurately reflect what was actually said.

Obviously this is a huge problem and we have removed the piece from the site. The author in question was a long time author on OS and had produced some ********* pieces of content over the years. We have taken appropriate actions with the author as of this afternoon.

We apologize for the inaccuracies of the article to you our readers and to the folks developing NHL 17 at EA Sports. Operation Sports has a long track record of accurate reporting and reliable analysis, and that has begun with a tight editorial process which was too lax with the article in question. We will always strive to be better and this is one instance where we certainly will try our best to ensure complete accuracy in the future. This is not representative of our body of work thus far and we will ensure that this is reflective of our future.

We are excited about the 2016 Sports Gaming Release Calendar and can't wait to begin to share a new year of sports games with you all!


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Game: NHL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 5 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 jake19ny @ 07/20/16 08:59 AM
As much as I'm disappointed by the lack of 5 man celebration I can kind of see what he's talking about. To create 5 man celebrations to include every single player in the game could be time consuming I suppose. The more real faces they add to the harder it gets. If we can't get the five man celebrations this year I wish at least they could do something about the other two players skating away from the celebration like nothing just happened. That makes the whole thing look even worse. At least skate towards the celebration or raise their sticks or something. Even much older versions had all players raise their arms and sticks when a goal was scored
# 22 KidShowtime @ 07/20/16 09:26 AM
This "Q&A" was not officially done with the developers, and it should be noted in the article:

# 23 gopens71 @ 07/20/16 12:08 PM
Super close up view of the players faces look terrible, looks like swollen, square frankenstein faces
# 24 13whitebread @ 07/21/16 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by mwolchock1689
They seem like the laziest group of developers of any of the major spots titles. Correct me if I'm wrong but even Madden has group TD celebrations now. As does MLB to a lesser extent with walk off wins.
I thought next gen would eliminate the codeing problem for the extra. I guess we will have to wait for next next gen.
# 25 djhallberg38 @ 08/02/16 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by jake19ny
As much as I'm disappointed by the lack of 5 man celebration I can kind of see what he's talking about. To create 5 man celebrations to include every single player in the game could be time consuming I suppose. The more real faces they add to the harder it gets. If we can't get the five man celebrations this year I wish at least they could do something about the other two players skating away from the celebration like nothing just happened. That makes the whole thing look even worse. At least skate towards the celebration or raise their sticks or something. Even much older versions had all players raise their arms and sticks when a goal was scored
I don't care what they say. How was this not an issue in NHL '11?? How is this not an issue in any iteration of FIFA for as long as I can remember?? There should be no excuse acceptable for not including something so fundamentally a part of hockey. So ridiculous!! It just makes goals seem that much more generic when you see the aftermath. Just drives me crazy! I would be fine with them delaying the launch for a month or 2, just to get it right...or better yet, why can't it be patched in, if they are that hard pressed for development time?
# 26 BearishRiggs @ 08/02/16 07:01 PM
lol, delay the release a month or two just to fit in the all-important 5 man celebrations. I love it.
# 27 jake19ny @ 08/02/16 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by BearishRiggs
lol, delay the release a month or two just to fit in the all-important 5 man celebrations. I love it.
It's not that funny....while I'm quite sure they would never delay the release it is insane, the more I think about, that they cannot get this into the game. Look at a walk off home run in MLB the show....the entire team crowds the hitter at the plate. The celebrations after a goal are a big part of the game and I'm not talking about the idiotic stick riding or dabbing. I think EA has done a pretty good job with some things in this series and maybe they don't want to come out and say, "hey we're doing this with a skeleton crew" but it is stupid that scoring a goal in game one of the season looks and feels the same as scoring a game seven overtime goal. It's just something they don't understand or don't get
# 28 Splitter77 @ 08/02/16 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by jake19ny
It's not that funny....while I'm quite sure they would never delay the release it is insane, the more I think about, that they cannot get this into the game. Look at a walk off home run in MLB the show....the entire team crowds the hitter at the plate. The celebrations after a goal are a big part of the game and I'm not talking about the idiotic stick riding or dabbing. I think EA has done a pretty good job with some things in this series and maybe they don't want to come out and say, "hey we're doing this with a skeleton crew" but it is stupid that scoring a goal in game one of the season looks and feels the same as scoring a game seven overtime goal. It's just something they don't understand or don't get
the show is also choppy as hell.
the nhl game plays silky smooth 60fps .
the show not so much. especially on cutscenes like the walkoff
# 29 Caniac94 @ 08/03/16 12:37 AM
I've had a much more immersive experience with games like The Show and FIFA as opposed to NHL. I just can't get immersed in NHL.

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