Madden NFL 17 News Post

EA announced today in a new post on the Madden NFL blog that they have implemented several popular community requests into franchise mode. Let's take a look at them:

  • Around The League Score Ticker: Be immersed in Sunday football, with the new Around The League Score Ticker. While playing your game, you will see score updates occur from games around the league. For example, if you’re playing a 1pm Sunday game, you will see score updates and stat lines for all the other 1pm games.
  • Full Player Editing: As the commissioner in your league, you now have the ability to customize almost everything about all the players. You will be able to adjust appearance, ratings, traits, and contract information for the entire league, letting you make tweaks as you see fit to alter players.
  • Practice Squad: Each team now has a 10-man Practice Squad that they can control week-to-week. It all starts in week 4 of the preseason. Instead of cutting players, you can now easily move eligible players to the Practice Squad where they will develop as you train the various position groups during weekly training.
  • Dynamic Development Trait: Each player’s development trait is the biggest defining factor in how he develops. Players with a Superstar trait will stay in the league longer and develop into the top tier talent, while players with the Slow trait will not make it in the league long.
  • Regression Feedback: As a coach or owner, you need to have a pulse on your team’s development and you need to know exactly when your team regresses and now you will in Madden NFL 17.
  • Player Card Improvements: The Player Card has been bolstered with three key improvements. The first is a way to quickly see all the attributes for a specific player and how they rank in the league based on overall rating. The second is a view so you can see the progression history for the player. This lets you see where all the XP came from and when ratings have been impacted whether through progression or regression. Last but not least, the player card is now accessible from more areas so you will always be just a step or two from seeing the information you want.

What do you think of these add-ons? Time for rejoicing for several right?

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 221 Sheba2011 @ 06/16/16 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by bfett81
I'd imagine people will earmark a few highly ranked players before the draft to be re-rated after the draft. This way it will ensure competitive balance with the CPU, who will still draft those players high.

I think I'll actually probably end up re-rating the first player in every position group that's a first rounder, so there are some ****ing freaks that can be somewhat evenly distributed around the league.

Another thing you could do...if, for instance, the top RB speed is still 91 this year...earmark all the "speed" backs and stagger their speed ratings.
I will do something similar but I will also pick about 8 guys in the first round to turn into busts. Need to come up with a way to ensure it's random so even some of my picks will be included.
# 222 Mauer4MVP @ 06/16/16 04:35 PM
It's mind-boggling to me that they still haven't brought back mini-camps.

Some OTA/Training Camp feature would be amazing.
# 223 Trick13 @ 06/16/16 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
It's mind-boggling to me that they still haven't brought back mini-camps.

Some OTA/Training Camp feature would be amazing.
There is a large contingent of Madden people who do not want to play minicamp...

Or at least not be forced to to gain the same "bonuses" as the stay at home dad in the league who has 80 hrs a week to play practice!
# 224 Cowboy008 @ 06/16/16 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Brightline
This is the kind of thing that is "Maddening."

Unrelated Q: can we choose opponent uniforms?
Unless they changed it which I don't think they did. You are able to select the CPU's uniform in a offline CFM. All you have to do is turn on your second controller, go over to the CPU's team, select the uniform you want, and then before starting the game move the second controller back to the middle so the CPU will play the game.
# 225 Mauer4MVP @ 06/16/16 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trick13
There is a large contingent of Madden people who do not want to play minicamp...

Or at least not be forced to to gain the same "bonuses" as the stay at home dad in the league who has 80 hrs a week to play practice!
That's why I think literally everything should be optional when setting up a franchise.

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