06:02 PM - May 18, 2016 by Steve_OS
Another Madden NFL 17 blog has just arrived going over
defensive gaps, run fits and so much more. This one is filled with great information.
Let's go over a bit:
This is a much needed change in the series. For too long we've called defensive plays like they're offensive plays -- which was completely inaccurate. To be moving in a more sim direction is always welcome, especially in an area most every football game hasn't been close to right on since the dawn of gaming.
This is a nice touch and completely awesome (and much welcome).
This is a great layer that, when combined with the previous assignment/flip options makes for a compelling layer of defensive strategy that you must go into. Compare this to previously calling a play and hot routing defensive players and you can instantly see why this is a huge upgrade.
I'm not 100% certain how this will fully play out, but it sounds promising and certainly deeper than what we've seen out of Madden when it comes to line play over the past several years. The PRC rating sounds like a nice touch and addition.
For more information on Madden's defensive improvements, including techniques as well as improvements to blocking, check out the full blog post at the link.
Source -
Madden 17 Gameplay Deep Dive - Defensive Gaps and Run Fits