MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, showing off the graphical improvements to the game this year, as well as the finals of the Developer Tournament. Post your thoughts here!

We will update this post with the archive link when it's over. Feel free to discuss here.

UPDATE: Here are the links to the archive (Part 1 - Graphics Improvements), (Part 2 - Developer Tournament Finals)

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 tessl @ 03/23/16 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
Because, someone will go looking for things like this and point out how wrong it is..............just ask merchant1874. In MLB 14 he did exactly what you just said and went into Safco Field and took a picture of the rafters at the top of the stadium and pointed out how it looked like a carboard cutout rather than a solid object. You might think it's pointless, but there will always be someone out there that takes it to the extreme.
The solution would be to ignore the .0000001% of people who obsess over stuff like that. It's great the devs take the time to get the stadiums looking realistic but at some point the focus on things a tiny minority of users will ever notice takes developer time away from other things which larger groups of people would like to see in the game.
# 102 breakfastcat @ 03/23/16 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
The solution would be to ignore the .0000001% of people who obsess over stuff like that. It's great the devs take the time to get the stadiums looking realistic but at some point the focus on things a tiny minority of users will ever notice takes developer time away from other things which larger groups of people would like to see in the game.
The stadium artists only work on stadiums, so it would only be taking dev time away from other stadium things. Since the stadiums in this game are damn near perfect, I don't think we're missing out on much by them working on the tiny details.
# 103 TheWarmWind @ 03/23/16 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
The stadium artists only work on stadiums, so it would only be taking dev time away from other stadium things. Since the stadiums in this game are damn near perfect, I don't think we're missing out on much by them working on the tiny details.
Dang, is spring training really so unpopular that pictures in distant windows take precedent over having more than 2 spring training stadiums? I'm not claiming that's an equivalent workload (that would be ridiculous) or that the devs SHOULD make more, it's just that as a spring training lover it hurts me a little to see that so many skip over it enough to justify pictures in windows more.

But the devs provide what the consumers want, and there is no denying that MLB stadiums should get the most attention.
# 104 breakfastcat @ 03/23/16 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by TheWarmWind
Dang, is spring training really so unpopular that pictures in distant windows take precedent over having more than 2 spring training stadiums? I'm not claiming that's an equivalent workload (that would be ridiculous) or that the devs SHOULD make more, it's just that as a spring training lover it hurts me a little to see that so many skip over it enough to justify pictures in windows more.

But the devs provide what the consumers want, and there is no denying that MLB stadiums should get the most attention.
I hear you on the spring training stadiums. But it wasn't those tiny details that kept them out, it was the 6 classic stadiums they added.

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