MLB The Show 16 News Post

Check out the latest MLB The Show 16 video, featuring Ramone Russell going over the new features and gameplay improvements to the game this year.

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MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 The Kid 24 @ 02/23/16 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
You serious Kid 24?
Haha... I'm used to them by now, just an eye sore... Curious to know why can't be removed.
# 82 The Kid 24 @ 02/23/16 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm not Russell but I have a theory - because people wearing hats while exercising outdoor sweat. I predict the uniforms will also have dirt stains on them because when the players dive on the dirt the uniforms get dirty.
Yea I get that... But sweat lines still show up in 40 - 50 degree weather in the game.
# 83 tnixen @ 02/23/16 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm not Russell but I have a theory - because people wearing hats while exercising outdoor sweat. I predict the uniforms will also have dirt stains on them because when the players dive on the dirt the uniforms get dirty.
Apparently MLB hats are now sweat free.
# 84 LastActionHero @ 02/23/16 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm not Russell but I have a theory - because people wearing hats while exercising outdoor sweat. I predict the uniforms will also have dirt stains on them because when the players dive on the dirt the uniforms get dirty.
Yeah that's why the hat of the coach is also sweating like crazy during first pitch.

Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Haha... I'm used to them by now, just an eye sore... Curious to know why can't be removed.
You're not the only one.
# 85 Turbojugend @ 02/23/16 03:41 PM
Just a nutty theory that I have, but I predict that 17 will be the year of the player overhaul. Revamped and expanded models, possibly new face scan tech, corrected jersey numbers, sweat bands, cloth physics, etc. could all be part of a singular focus for next year. I have no proof but it would make sense.
# 86 chadeo23 @ 02/23/16 04:04 PM
Does anyone know if they're bringing back user control of the back leg load-up, or 'stride', with analog hitting this year? I loved the feel of that. It was a relatively subtle change when introduced a few years ago but it really made hitting feel more fluid and true-to-life. Hitting feels a bit dull and stiff to me now without it. Don't know why they scrapped it in the first place
# 87 bcruise @ 02/23/16 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by chadeo23
Does anyone know if they're bringing back user control of the back leg load-up, or 'stride', with analog hitting this year? I loved the feel of that. It was a relatively subtle change when introduced a few years ago but it really made hitting feel more fluid and true-to-life. Hitting feels a bit dull and stiff to me now without it. Don't know why they scrapped it in the first place

Was in reference to that question a few days ago.
# 88 breakfastcat @ 02/23/16 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jaybaybay618
I was defending the nitpickers earlier but this is getting a little out of hand. There’s a difference between asking if a change has been made, or suggesting that one be made, and demanding a change like you’re entitled to it. Stop focusing so much on what the team didn’t do, and focus on what they did do. Given the cycle that they have, Sony San Diego exceeds what should be expected of them every year.

Bear in mind that EA didn’t even add female crowd members to Madden until like last year. Madden just recently started doing player scans and marketing it like a big deal, whenever The Show has been doing player scans for as long as I can remember. Also, despite having access to almost unlimited licenses, the only licensed equipment that Madden has in the game is a few outdated cleats. EA can’t even be bothered to add generic compression sleeves, let alone three different brands of sleeves like in The Show.

I’m not discouraging constructive criticism, but stop expecting every. single. feature of the game to be true-to-life, and just be appreciative to be getting an awesome game. You guys are a bunch of rage monsters.
Who is this directed at? I don't see anyone being unreasonable or disrespectful with their criticism in this thread.
# 89 chadeo23 @ 02/23/16 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
@BatmanRulez1 @MLBTheShow Won't be on the disc for lack of time to test. However, planning to patch it in, hopefully day 1. Stay tuned.
— Nick Livingston (@L1vingston) February 20, 2016
Was in reference to that question a few days ago.
Oh that's awesome! Thanks for the response
# 90 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/23/16 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Apparently MLB hats are now sweat free.
I wear my authentic Yankees hat al, summer while outside doing yard work. No sweat stains ever appear. It stays strangely dry for that much sweat. So yes I believe they are sweat free.
# 91 Bobhead @ 02/23/16 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
You guys hired him too?

That's some serious recruiting.
# 92 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/23/16 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
You guys hired him too?

That's some serious recruiting.
# 93 tessl @ 02/23/16 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Apparently MLB hats are now sweat free.
I have a ballcap which I can't get the sweat stains out of. I've tried everything. Maybe I should change my username to Mr Sweat or something.
# 94 tnixen @ 02/23/16 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I wear my authentic Yankees hat al, summer while outside doing yard work. No sweat stains ever appear. It stays strangely dry for that much sweat. So yes I believe they are sweat free.
Well there you have it guys so those sweat stain hats need to be removed.

In fact I am kind of surprised MLB would not demand Sony to remove the sweated hats since showing sweat on hats would not really represent the real MLB hats any more.
# 95 Bobhead @ 02/23/16 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Well there you have it guys so those sweat stain hats need to be removed.

In fact I am kind of surprised MLB would not demand Sony to remove the sweated hats since showing sweat on hats would not really represent the real MLB hats.
No sweat stains in the MLB style guide either. Hmmm....
# 96 briguy4747 @ 02/23/16 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
No need to use His Name in vain, sir !!!
# 97 kehlis @ 02/23/16 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
Ramone, I know this may be a bit nit picky but could you please fix this eyesore? Also the two small ad boards change very inning. I caught a glimpse in the video and it appears that it is the same is 15.

I know this is well after the fact but just as an FYI you need to be much more specific than this if you hope to get anything changed.

Preferably with picture of real life shots but you don't even bother to say what's wrong and instead just post a pic from the game and say "fix this eyesore." That doesn't help anyone really.
# 98 vidgames @ 02/23/16 11:01 PM
I wish they would stream and use a different fielding camera...I noticed they always play on all star...is the game tuned to that difficulty level?
# 99 bcruise @ 02/23/16 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
I wish they would stream and use a different fielding camera...I noticed they always play on all star...is the game tuned to that difficulty level?
It always has been in the past, at least.
# 100 tenerife10 @ 02/24/16 02:42 AM
Hi guys! First of all sorry for my English, I'm Spanish I'm a great fan of American sports, specially MLB and i have a question for you: as we all know last year the game hadn't stride in pure analog and for me it was a shock because i loved hitting form in MLB THE SHOW 14, now is there any remote possibility for the inclusion of stride this year? Otherwise you would know to say which is the best option for the hitting?

Thanks and sorry again for my English


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