Madden NFL 16 News Post

has had a good year, and I believe Madden 16 is probably the best Madden ever made. Its key improvement was the interaction between receivers and defensive backs, something this community has been harping on for years (and rightfully so).

However, even with these improvements, the common phrase still remains: "Madden passes are either caught, intercepted or defended; they are rarely just incomplete."

Be that as it may, the NFL has evolved into a pass-first league, so pass types are something Madden must get right. But beyond the pass itself, there are also steps that lead to every pass in the game.

Read More - What Should Happen in Madden's Passing Game

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 ksteward84 @ 02/29/16 07:02 AM
I don't believe anything should be random, it should be based on player skill rating.

In NCAA football, a freshman QB would do things such as have "?" Over reciever's heads, and the play art would show squiggley routes. I wouldn't have a problem with Brock Osweiler having this if he's up against a good defense.
# 42 Mike Lowe @ 02/29/16 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Godgers12
I absolutely hate the randomness of penalties, especially holdings. I play nothing but online franchise, so when I lose on a holding call it annoys the hell out of me. So, in other words, if all of this were to happen in a game, I'd be liable to break my TV, and Gronk spike my controller. No thanks. I could live with poor snaps on special teams though. But no more than like 2 per season.
Keep in mind, that you may end up winning a game because these sorts of things happen to your opponent.

I know that's a case of "But that's not me winning the game the right way," but as they say, a game isn't won on just one single play.
# 43 ksteward84 @ 02/29/16 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by X_isBringingSexyBack
I liked the idea NCAA had, but as usual Tiburon comes up with a good idea and executes it poorly and this to me was an example of that. Instead of having squiggly lines and question marks, it would make more sense to just take the art and icons away from certain routes and players for less skilled QB's. It accomplishes the same thing without being hacky.
I totally understand the question marks, it shows the QB is confused. I could see people who don't play very much assuming the game is broken because there is no icon.

However, instead of the squiggles or no route shown at all, I would prefer three different routes to be shown instead of one whacky route.

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