In the latest stream, some MLB 16 The Show developers revealed some of the "little things" we can expect to see improved this year.
-The Operation Sports community got some love from the developers when they (re)introduced "Sounds of the Show" on the PS4. I am excited to see customized soundtracks, walk-up music and chants return because these things really help create an authentic atmosphere. The feature has been sorely missed this generation, and its inclusion seems like a real labor of love for the developers.
-Sounds of the Show looks to be as fully featured as we remember, and doesn't seem too difficult to use. The number of tracks and sounds seems suitable for most users, and using a webcam or other device for chants is a reasonable hurdle to clear.
-Interactive and context-sensitive tutorials are something all games should have. While this might not be the biggest addition for longtime users, those of us with kids appreciate the help they provide for the youngest fans.
Read More - MLB The Show 16: The Little Things in This Year's Game