MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16
information is now rolling out fast and heavy as we head into Spring Training season. The most recent Twitch stream focused exclusively on gameplay. Below are some of my quick reactions as I watched the feed.

Read More - MLB The Show 16: Gameplay Taking Steps Forward

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Member Comments
# 1 Sip_16 @ 02/10/16 02:40 PM
A couple of the dives players made looked so smooth. I really can't wait to play defense in this game if the game runs this transitionally well. Hopefully with more hit types and just randomness of hits, this should be the most fun playing defense in The Show history.

Playing SS in my baseball life, I always loved playing the field and while I play on both sides on the ball when i play the show, it just started to feel a little stale on the defensive side and just feels like theres been new life given to it and looks fantastic!
# 2 nomo17k @ 02/10/16 02:58 PM
Regarding the new play variety, my only concern would be that all those "great plays" get triggered too frequently.

In the stream, I understand that the devs were generating hits to trigger all these new plays so I am not saying this from what I saw in the stream itself, but there are certain type of great plays that we see often in The Show but really are not completed successfully as often in real life (and vice versa).

The examples would be all the bare-hand catches by middle infielders in double plays and (a couple years ago) outfielders's failed dive attempts. The former would contribute to a slight inflation of GIDPs (which usually has been the case with The Show) and the latter contributed to inflation of triples.

Hopefully all the great plays only happen occasionally enough to keep them precious.
# 3 Bullit @ 02/10/16 03:06 PM
I wish that they would have gone into more depth with the Pitcher/Runner information. I thought a couple of times they were going to show some plays, but it never panned out.

This really has me intrigued because honestly, for me, it was one of my biggest disappointments in '15. The little bit of info that I did get has given me hope that the cat and mouse aspect is very much back in the game.
# 4 ryanmc564 @ 02/10/16 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I wish that they would have gone into more depth with the Pitcher/Runner information. I thought a couple of times they were going to show some plays, but it never panned out.

This really has me intrigued because honestly, for me, it was one of my biggest disappointments in '15. The little bit of info that I did get has given me hope that the cat and mouse aspect is very much back in the game.

I do too, I think the contest they did cut into too much time during the stream due to they just sat there for what 10 minutes? just playing and not saying anything while they did the contest.
# 5 jb12780 @ 02/10/16 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Beatles
I'm really really bummed that you can still only challenge calls at first base. Replay has been around for years now and is very important. Very disappointing that they still haven't added it for all the real life calls.
They stated in the stream yesterday something along the lines of all the new animations and gameplay improvements wouldn't have happened if they expanded replay capabilities.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
# 6 CSUFresnoClassof2011 @ 02/10/16 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by jb12780
They stated in the stream yesterday something along the lines of all the new animations and gameplay improvements wouldn't have happened if they expanded replay capabilities.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
Personally I am fine with not having challenges in the game. I'm really interested in the umpire personalities. That's going to make the game play have more variety.
# 7 Scott @ 02/10/16 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by CSUFresnoClassof2011
Personally I am fine with not having challenges in the game. I'm really interested in the umpire personalities. That's going to make the game play have more variety.
I agree, the umpire personalities and biases will add an extra element to the game.
# 8 Cowboy008 @ 02/10/16 04:41 PM
I'm really liking what they have added to this years game and the last stream got me even more excited. Just wish they would have shown off a few more things though.
# 9 asu666 @ 02/10/16 06:34 PM
MLB 16 looks great so far, I just hope Sony San Diego's QA department comes through with a solid initial release.
# 10 tsbraves @ 02/11/16 02:10 PM
I tried to ask several times in the chat feed but it was so fast they may not have seen it or maybe they addressed it earlier and I didn't hear or see it - but - I sure hope the pitcher being hit by a batted ball is WAY toned down and when he is hit hard, he doesn't just limp around a second and wave off the trainer. That was an unrealistic aspect of 15 I hope they have fixed.
# 11 Factzzz @ 02/11/16 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by tsbraves
I tried to ask several times in the chat feed but it was so fast they may not have seen it or maybe they addressed it earlier and I didn't hear or see it - but - I sure hope the pitcher being hit by a batted ball is WAY toned down and when he is hit hard, he doesn't just limp around a second and wave off the trainer. That was an unrealistic aspect of 15 I hope they have fixed.
2:45 of this video helps answer that a little bit.

# 12 theu715 @ 02/11/16 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by tsbraves
I tried to ask several times in the chat feed but it was so fast they may not have seen it or maybe they addressed it earlier and I didn't hear or see it - but - I sure hope the pitcher being hit by a batted ball is WAY toned down and when he is hit hard, he doesn't just limp around a second and wave off the trainer. That was an unrealistic aspect of 15 I hope they have fixed.
They actually mentioned that if a pitcher gets hit in the head they'll stay in the game. They had polled or tested people and said more people complained that they would randomly lose their pitcher that way.
# 13 ryanmc564 @ 02/11/16 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by theu715
They actually mentioned that if a pitcher gets hit in the head they'll stay in the game. They had polled or tested people and said more people complained that they would randomly lose their pitcher that way.

I thought they said it wouldn't automatically take them out, but you had the option to take them out or leave them in.
# 14 hb5239799 @ 02/12/16 09:19 PM
I haven't made it through the entire stream from Thu. yet, but I'm liking some of the touch up work on surfaces/textures so far. The batting cam kicks butt. Obviously, there's always going to be room for improvements but it plays as my favorite sports game year after year. A reappearance of SOTS puts a whole OTHER layer of greatness on this title!
# 15 abcabc @ 02/14/16 12:29 AM
i thought i had seen players crash through each other. this while during the stream they boast of looking into everything every year. good to know sounds of the show will be back
# 16 Cavicchi @ 02/14/16 12:38 PM
Pitcher repertoires are still the bugaboo of this game. It affects realism, what a pitcher really throws, such as Jose Fernandez with a slider and 83 mph changeup. according to brooksbaseball.net, a more reliable source than whatever they are using, Fernandez has never thrown a slider.

The hot/cold zones is another piece of cake. Last year, Peter Bourjos had more hot zones than Mike Trout!

Realism is not there, at least for me, with regard to Pitchers repertoire or hot/cold zones. I won't get into players attributes or potential as those are debatable, but brooksbaseball.net is far more accurate than whatever they use, and hot/cold zones is laughable. One could say hot/cold zones change from year to year, maybe so, but if realism is expected, you need to start with reality.
# 17 kehlis @ 02/14/16 12:42 PM
With regards to hot/cold zones I would really love to see them evolve over time rather than stay static.
# 18 Russell_SCEA @ 02/14/16 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cavicchi
Pitcher repertoires are still the bugaboo of this game. It affects realism, what a pitcher really throws, such as Jose Fernandez with a slider and 83 mph changeup. according to brooksbaseball.net, a more reliable source than whatever they are using, Fernandez has never thrown a slider.

The hot/cold zones is another piece of cake. Last year, Peter Bourjos had more hot zones than Mike Trout!

Realism is not there, at least for me, with regard to Pitchers repertoire or hot/cold zones. I won't get into players attributes or potential as those are debatable, but brooksbaseball.net is far more accurate than whatever they use, and hot/cold zones is laughable. One could say hot/cold zones change from year to year, maybe so, but if realism is expected, you need to start with reality.
Our data comes directly from they MLB they have best camera's and technology of any of the pitch FX tracking mechanisms. We also cross reference it wother another source. The data we get is 98% accurate.
# 19 Speedy @ 02/14/16 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
With regards to hot/cold zones I would really love to see them evolve over time rather than stay static.
I'd like to be able to edit them.
# 20 Culture Rot @ 02/14/16 11:52 PM
More animations = more canned animations and less control

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