MLB The Show 16 News Post

Just announced at the PlayStation Experience, Josh Donaldson is the cover athlete for MLB 16 The Show. Will get trailer up in a bit. The game arrives on March 29, for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 (No Vita).

UPDATE: Here is the MLB 16 The Show trailer.

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Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 dubcity @ 12/06/15 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm
This forum isn't a shrine to the almighty The Show.
Well we'd like to think that's how it works, but not always. See the NBA 2K forum when people are critical of the game.
# 142 Blzer @ 12/06/15 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm
That isn't ShowTyme's first post like that in this thread. Which is why I called him out on it.

Non-Constuctive criticism of people posting criticism on game forums annoys the hell out of me.

This forum isn't a shrine to the almighty The Show.
SCEA bought the rights to his OS username to use as a feature in this video game, so he's literally in their pocket. Sometimes you just gotta give a guy a break.

Speaking of which, I've been requesting they rename Chapman's four-seamer to "Blazer."
# 143 BravoSir @ 12/06/15 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm
I really hope that "Showtime" feature is not some Max Payne slow-mo for batting and fielding.
I don't think so. From the Playstation Blog post:

"We kicked off 2016 at PlayStation Experience, where we gave fans a first look at what’s coming to next year’s game. In MLB The Show 16, you’ll experience baseball’s most epic moments like never before with ShowTime. Using ShowTime, you can slow down critical moments for maximum control. ShowTime offers gamers a powerful new tool to help them excel in those big baseball moments.

You’ll be able to make diving plays, react at the hot corner, and step up for a clutch at bat with finer and more focused control."

Looks like they're only using this ShowTime feature for those 3 things listed right above.
# 144 Spokker @ 12/07/15 12:11 AM
SDS does like four or five live streams before release. You'll know everything you need to know about the game before it comes out. They don't hide loading screens or bugs during the live streams. There was even a moment last year where there was a bug that they discovered and said they will have to fix it.

As far as consumer friendliness goes, SDS is above the rest. There's nothing to fear in that regard.
# 145 SoxFan01605 @ 12/07/15 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by BravoSir
I don't think so. From the Playstation Blog post:

"We kicked off 2016 at PlayStation Experience, where we gave fans a first look at what’s coming to next year’s game. In MLB The Show 16, you’ll experience baseball’s most epic moments like never before with ShowTime. Using ShowTime, you can slow down critical moments for maximum control. ShowTime offers gamers a powerful new tool to help them excel in those big baseball moments.

You’ll be able to make diving plays, react at the hot corner, and step up for a clutch at bat with finer and more focused control."

Looks like they're only using this ShowTime feature for those 3 things listed right above.
While at first blush I didn't like the sound of this feature AT ALL and, like many, decided outright that I'll simply ignore it, upon considering it for a bit, I can perhaps see its potential use...even for a "sim" experience.


A) it's isolated to to very specific areas that, traditionally, have been more difficult for users to manually execute (fielding hot shots down the line, leaping/diving catches, turning a fancy dp...personally, I don't think ANY hitting scenario should be included, but that's just my take).


B) It is further restricted (or can be, by way of options) to players whose ratings justify such plays being easier to pull off (either via ratings-like 90+ in fielding and/or reaction, depending on the play- or some new trait/badge type system to further individualize players) and NOT simply available across the board for any old scrub to routinely pull of highlight reel plays...

Then, I can see it being a reasonable way to further bridge the gap between the control afforded to manual fielding and the accuracy/efficacy of auto-fielding in reproducing what we see on the field.

Still gimmicky or noticeably "videogamey" (that should be a real word ), perhaps, and I'm still wary of these kind of things as a whole, but with the above considerations, when combined with the history of this team and how they typically tend to consider features, I'm at least willing to wait out a more thorough description before writing it off as merely a ploy to lure the oh-so dreaded "******s".

I mean, there are OS members who use "Guess Pitch" and still aim for a "sim" experience overall and, while I don't use it personally, I don't think its presence in the game has hindered the direction or approach of SCEA in trying to represent baseball as accurately as they can. So, we'll see.
# 146 Blzer @ 12/07/15 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
...personally, I don't think ANY hitting scenario should be included, but that's just my take).
Clearly you've never been a professional hitter. The greatest stars of the game have the illusion of the ball appearing to come in slow and big, so they can do absolutely anything they want with it!

Exhibit A:

# 147 justin23IU @ 12/07/15 01:22 AM
This might be nitpicking, but they need to fix the size of the left field video board at Wrigley. In the video, it looks just a little bigger than the center field scoreboard. I'm a season ticket holder right behind home plate, and I can tell you the video board dwarfs the scoreboard. Again, nitpicky, but it was the first thing I noticed.
# 148 Blzer @ 12/07/15 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by justin23IU
This might be nitpicking, but they need to fix the size of the left field video board at Wrigley. In the video, it looks just a little bigger than the center field scoreboard. I'm a season ticket holder right behind home plate, and I can tell you the video board dwarfs the scoreboard. Again, nitpicky, but it was the first thing I noticed.
At first I thought you were talking crazy... I thought you were trying to say the center field scoreboard in real life was bigger than the board in LCF, and I wanted to say the opposite. I now realize that you were in fact saying that opposite thing, and I'd agree with you... but it's really all about perspective. Maybe we're just not seeing it right. Otherwise, that stuck out a bit to me too.
# 149 SoxFan01605 @ 12/07/15 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Clearly you've never been a professional hitter. The greatest stars of the game have the illusion of the ball appearing to come in slow and big, so they can do absolutely anything they want with it!
And here I thought I had everyone fooled.

I would think that, regardless of my views of hitting mechanics in video games, it would have been a safe bet to assume that I was never a professional hitter...lol.
# 150 ARMORALLL @ 12/07/15 01:59 AM
Really happy about the announcements so far. Everything else they add is gravy. This will be the newest baseball game for me since MLB 13 TS.
# 151 Blzer @ 12/07/15 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
And here I thought I had everyone fooled.

I would think that, regardless of my views of hitting mechanics in video games, it would have been a safe bet to assume that I was never a professional hitter...lol.
I hope you realize two of my above three posts were entirely massive jokes.
# 152 Lovesports @ 12/07/15 08:36 AM
Not excited about anything so far. Graphics and player models do not look improved. Hopefully the franchise mode will get some love. We need stats!!! Maybe they don't understand what we mean by that
# 153 Money99 @ 12/07/15 08:50 AM
Man does this series need new player models and animations.
At a quick glance, it's like you're watching an HD version of MLB08.
# 154 SoxFan01605 @ 12/07/15 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I hope you realize two of my above three posts were entirely massive jokes.
No worries, my meter was working fine.
# 155 yungincome @ 12/07/15 09:56 AM
Maybe it's me, but I don't see a difference. Please don't jump all over me, but player models, throws, etc. all look the same. If they don't fix the fielder animations, especially outfielders, I'll be upset. I guess I'm spoiled with 2K graphics, cuz I don't see a big difference.
# 156 Pezell04x @ 12/07/15 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
So sad the Vita version is done, but anyone that's followed Sony's stance on its own hardware shouldn't have been surprised this was coming.

I still play 12, 13, 14 and 15 with current and classic rosters, so I've got enough to tide me over, and I can still use Remote Play at home, I suppose.

Cross-saves was a life-saver for me and enabled me to play deeper into Franchise/Season modes with all of my travel for work. Not sure how that will work for me now that I'm restricted to just the PS4 version.
What I'll miss the most is the cross-save. My four year old doesn't let me sit in my office and play PS4, but she has no problem with me playing something on my Vita. So I'll sit on the couch and play The Show. I was able to cruise through my RTTS this way.

Remote play doesn't work well in my house because my PS4 isn't wired (yet) and its really hit or miss depending on who is home and what they're streaming from.

Sad day indeed.
# 157 tnixen @ 12/07/15 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Money99
Man does this series need new player models and animations.
At a quick glance, it's like you're watching an HD version of MLB08.
Yep new player models and animations would put this game over the top!

I know nothing is ever going to be perfect but o man when MLB The Show gets new player models along with much improved animations specially running the bases animations MLB The Show would be the king of all sports games!!

But someone here made a great point in saying he thinks maybe the reason we have not gotten new player models is because of how much detail goes into building all the stadiums. Perhaps the PS4 is already limited by it's spces. I guess we need the PS5 already
# 158 Turbojugend @ 12/07/15 12:06 PM
Hey, I'd love to see improved faces and models as well, but there's two important things to remember here. First, this is pre-beta footage and we have no idea how far along they are in development. There are still plenty of features to be introduced that we don't even know about yet, revamped visuals could be one of them.

Second (and more important), these trailers are sometimes spliced together using existing assets, which is very important when it comes to breaking down/analyzing footage. The bottom line is we won't know whether player faces/models are improved or not until we get confirmation from SDS.
# 159 Scott @ 12/07/15 01:34 PM
Wow, I don't know if I've ever seen more complaining about a Pre-Beta video out there...
# 160 tnixen @ 12/07/15 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
Wow, I don't know if I've ever seen more complaining about a Pre-Beta video out there...
We all just love this game so much and really want it to be the best we know it can be

Also I think a lot of us get very anxious around here this time of year because we are so close to a flood of info coming in.

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