NBA Live 16 News Post

EA Sports and the NBA Live 16 team have just released a blog on the new playcalling system, which includes a new Play Wheel for calling and selecting plays. The team also talks about improvements on defense, which promises better help defense, ball denial, and screen defense.


You’ll find a lot more plays for each team, and that gives you more choices to keep your opponent off-guard. With more plays at your fingertips, you’ll get new ways to choose which plays to run.


First, when bringing the ball up the court, you can press the LB/L1 button to run the CPU-recommended Quick Play. A prompt tells you which play will run if you use Quick Play. No guessing and hoping that you might get a play you like. You’ll know exactly which play will be run.


If you don’t like the Quick Play suggestion, hold down the LB/L1 button and bring up the new Play Wheel. Select a play based on the top five combinations of players and play types for the line up on the floor. Want to learn Westbrook’s pick and roll plays easier and faster? Just select them from the Play Wheel and learn how they run.

If you want to choose the exact play, you can access the whole playbook through the Play Wheel. Sort plays by play type and find the exact play that you’re looking for.


You’ll spend half your time on defense, so we’ve improved the AI on that side of the ball as well. Improvements include better help defense, ball denial on the perimeter, and screen defense.

Help defense is at its best in NBA LIVE 16. No more just driving at the hoop for easy dunks and layups. If you can beat your defender, be prepared to be challenged at the rim. The defense also will rotate open to shut down any threats the ball carrier penetration causes. Be prepared to make that extra pass from the kick out to get an open shot.


You’ll discover denying the ball to outside threats too. Off-ball defenders will make it tough for you to get open shots or even get the ball to your best shooters. Get up on an off-ball player as a user, and deny him with the LT/L2 button when near your man.

Defenders will also try to bump cutters on their way to the hoop to get the offense out of rhythm and deny open cuts to the basket. You will really have to work hard to get your best players open looks in this year’s game.


Screens are going to be tougher for you too. No longer can you just call a pick and easily attack the basket every single time down the court. The screener’s defender is a smarter and more active in defending the ball carrier. From hedging, to switching, trapping and icing a screen, the defenders will do a much better job of containing the pick and roll game.

Not only will the two defenders in the pick and roll play better defense, but the other three defenders will be more aware in taking away kick outs and helping out on the roller. You’ll also see players switch on off-ball screens when a threat may get open off of one.

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Member Comments
# 1 The 24th Letter @ 09/10/15 11:14 AM
Help defense is at its best in NBA LIVE 16. No more just driving at the hoop for easy dunks and layups. If you can beat your defender, be prepared to be challenged at the rim. The defense also will rotate open to shut down any threats the ball carrier penetration causes. Be prepared to make that extra pass from the kick out to get an open shot.
That's what I like to hear.
# 2 Tonyattia @ 09/10/15 11:18 AM
News!! I'm liking the wheel. Camera seems a little too zoomed out, and what is up with Lebron's legs when he's being guarded by Butler?? Maybe it's just the angle but Him and Kobe have screens of them with really skinny legs. Butlers legs looked fine though. Just happy they aren't done releasing non mode info

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# 3 Tonyattia @ 09/10/15 11:21 AM
Lebron skipping leg day

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# 4 cthurt @ 09/10/15 11:24 AM
Looks promising, everybody sporting the ankle socks in the pics is throwing me off a bit though, cool that they brought back the NBA Live 95 cam though nice vintage touch.

And good Lord Matt Barnes arms look huge in that pic, something is up with arms looking huge and legs looking skinny at certain angles.
# 5 WTF @ 09/10/15 11:26 AM
Oh, I'm glad they finally showed the camera angle. This is easily my favorite angle in any bball game to date. It allows you to see the entire court when coming up the floor. I LOVED it.

The Quick Play button is awesome too. It picked the right plays, for the right scenarios too.

The Play calling wheel is a huge step in the right direction as well. Overall though, with as much as I enjoyed the quick play, I'll probably be using it 80% of the time.

Help defense, you'll see a ton of great Verticality type challenges, and the rotations are solid. The quick passing allows you to work the ball around for the open shot, which is excellent as well.
# 6 ybtherockstar @ 09/10/15 11:26 AM
I really like the play wheel idea! Also like knowing that the CPU pick and roll defense improved. It's good in 15, but most of the time it can be easy to just use pick and roll to score. Great stuff.
# 7 WTF @ 09/10/15 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by ybtherockstar
I really like the play wheel idea! Also like knowing that the CPU pick and roll defense improved. It's good in 15, but most of the time it can be easy to just use pick and roll to score. Great stuff.
Definitely not the case this year. You have to use some strategy, use the Pop option for the open shot sometimes, sometimes, you have to just back it back out, reset, etc. After you beat the defense off the pick n roll, be prepared to know where to go with the ball, as there's a great chance you'll have defenders waiting, leaning towards the paint on d.
# 8 ybtherockstar @ 09/10/15 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by WTF
Definitely not the case this year. You have to use some strategy, use the Pop option for the open shot sometimes, sometimes, you have to just back it back out, reset, etc. After you beat the defense off the pick n roll, be prepared to know where to go with the ball, as there's a great chance you'll have defenders waiting, leaning towards the paint on d.
Good to know! I can't wait till next tuesday to try the demo!
# 9 WTF @ 09/10/15 11:44 AM

Even better, is that when the CPU is running offenses, you'll lose track of your man, watching others move, allowing them to free up for shots

Try to recover to get out to your man through traffic, and being bumped off your line is awesome.
# 10 strawberryshortcake @ 09/10/15 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Tonyattia
News!! I'm liking the wheel. Camera seems a little too zoomed out, and what is up with Lebron's legs when he's being guarded by Butler?? Maybe it's just the angle but Him and Kobe have screens of them with really skinny legs. Butlers legs looked fine though. Just happy they aren't done releasing non mode info
Looks like Live didn't model the thigh anatomy well. Need more girth. Even Butler's legs has that concern if you look closely.

Originally Posted by Tonyattia
Lebron skipping leg day
Pretty much. No deadlift and no squats.

Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, I'm glad they finally showed the camera angle. This is easily my favorite angle in any bball game to date. It allows you to see the entire court when coming up the floor. I LOVED it.

The Quick Play button is awesome too. It picked the right plays, for the right scenarios too.

The Play calling wheel is a huge step in the right direction as well. Overall though, with as much as I enjoyed the quick play, I'll probably be using it 80% of the time.
4 questions:
(1) How quickly can you cycle through the plays?
(2) Is traditional broadcast view is available?
(3) Can you zoom in on this particular camera angle? Custom camera?
(4) Playing Live15 demo, I notice a lot of shots goes in perfectly with a swish. Rarely did I see the ball hit the rim wherever I shot the ball. Has Live16 improved the variety in ball/rim contact physics?
# 11 bateman11 @ 09/10/15 12:01 PM
I really hope this year there is some variety in offenses especially vs the CPU. In other words, it felt no different playing against the Spurs as opposed to Cavs. I know there were team-specific playbooks last year but it seemed like every team ran the same couple of sets. It became very stale.

On the other hand, Live 15 was a cool experience when the game opened up and the tempo increased. Hopefully this is still there and even improved upon with a better passing game and more animations for driving/finishing as well as shooting off the dribble.

Also great to see some attention paid to the defensive end. I enjoyed playing on-ball defense in '15. Footplanting was great and I could actually push the ball handler where I wanted him to go. Now, with better help side these situations could be expanded on if we can funnel ball-handlers into our help defenders. Would be nice to see a drive and dish for an open jumper Live 09 style.
# 12 charlesadams3rd @ 09/10/15 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, I'm glad they finally showed the camera angle. This is easily my favorite angle in any bball game to date. It allows you to see the entire court when coming up the floor. I LOVED it.

The Quick Play button is awesome too. It picked the right plays, for the right scenarios too.

The Play calling wheel is a huge step in the right direction as well. Overall though, with as much as I enjoyed the quick play, I'll probably be using it 80% of the time.

Help defense, you'll see a ton of great Verticality type challenges, and the rotations are solid. The quick passing allows you to work the ball around for the open shot, which is excellent as well.
This is great to hear! One of my issues with 15 was the limited playcalling and having to overuse pick and rolls. In glad they have implemented a good auto playcalling mechanic. Excited!

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# 13 WTF @ 09/10/15 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Looks like Live didn't model the thigh anatomy well. Need more girth. Even Butler's legs has that concern if you look closely.

Pretty much. No deadlift and no squats.

4 questions:
(1) How quickly can you cycle through the plays?
(2) Is traditional broadcast view is available?
(3) Can you zoom in on this particular camera angle? Custom camera?
(4) Playing Live15 demo, I notice a lot of shots goes in perfectly with a swish. Rarely did I see the ball hit the rim wherever I shot the ball. Has Live16 improved the variety in ball/rim contact physics?
1 - Pretty quick once you get accustomed to where each play is. They're broken down by isolation plays, post up, etc within the "full playbook' option.
2 - Traditional broadcast is still there. ESPN Broadcast and EA Broadcast
3 - No, I don't think so. It zooms once you're to a certain spot on the floor. I swear, it's a beautiful angle, allows you to see so much.
4 - Much greater variety. That was a pet peeve of mine too. The interaction this year is much better. Last year, depending on the arc of a shot, you could tell if it was going in or not. This year, that's gone too,so it's an organic feel.
# 14 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/10/15 12:10 PM
I thought on ball and overall perimeter defense was an area where live was a head last year . But it lacked so bad in post D so this is s nice welcome
# 15 Playmakers @ 09/10/15 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by bateman11
I really hope this year there is some variety in offenses especially vs the CPU. In other words, it felt no different playing against the Spurs as opposed to Cavs. I know there were team-specific playbooks last year but it seemed like every team ran the same couple of sets. It became very stale.
This is what concerns me....

They added these new playbooks and the blog mentions how the USER will be able to execute those playbooks.'

But it doesn't mention anything about the CPU taking advantage the playbooks in the same manner as the User....

I really hope those Quick plays aren't the only plays that the CPU utilize all game because in years past every single team would call the same exact 3-4 Quick plays for the CPU and not even use any of their assigned playbook outside of those plays.

That is why the game has always felt stale to you as mentioned.
# 16 TDYRX @ 09/10/15 12:11 PM
Improvements sound pretty solid and I'm excited to try that new camera. Just glad we're finally getting some info.
# 17 WTF @ 09/10/15 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by bateman11
I really hope this year there is some variety in offenses especially vs the CPU. In other words, it felt no different playing against the Spurs as opposed to Cavs. I know there were team-specific playbooks last year but it seemed like every team ran the same couple of sets. It became very stale.

On the other hand, Live 15 was a cool experience when the game opened up and the tempo increased. Hopefully this is still there and even improved upon with a better passing game and more animations for driving/finishing as well as shooting off the dribble.

Also great to see some attention paid to the defensive end. I enjoyed playing on-ball defense in '15. Footplanting was great and I could actually push the ball handler where I wanted him to go. Now, with better help side these situations could be expanded on if we can funnel ball-handlers into our help defenders. Would be nice to see a drive and dish for an open jumper Live 09 style.
There's some pretty sweet news about playcalling that I can't talk about yet.

You'll see some teams sharing some of the same plays, but it's a much different ballgame this year. The ability to move the ball around the perimeter quickly is awesome, and the CPU will do it really well. Screen and re-screen, double screens working to get the ball in the right hands. Then once it's in the right hands, seeing them go to work will be a thing of beauty. Signature sizeups, crosses, step back jumpers, pull up jumpers, euro-steps, etc.
# 18 The 24th Letter @ 09/10/15 12:19 PM
Did pick and pop feel pretty fluid for you WTF?

Don't know about everyone else, but it was a pain for me the last two editions...
# 19 kolanji @ 09/10/15 12:22 PM
This info on play calling, especially defensive improvements has really gotten me excited to play the demo and get a good feel of this game......
# 20 WTF @ 09/10/15 12:23 PM
Yeah, the new mechanic really does. No better feeling than drawing that second defender to come along with the ball handler, to take the attention off of the screener to pop.

It didn't feel great in 15. It was semi-functional, but wasn't solid. This year, I feel it's solid.

You'll have fun with Lamarcus and David West this year.

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