Madden NFL 16 News Post

Last night, during Game Changers Radio, Kolbe Launchbaugh, Creative Director of Madden NFL 16, advised everyone to wait until the upcoming patch (no estimated date yet, but we have seen "less than six weeks" thrown around by the development team) arrives before starting their CFM.

He talks about it at roughly the 13 minute mark.
  • They are aware of everything the community is bringing to their attention
  • They are addressing many of those items in a patch coming soon (no estimated date given)
  • You should wait until the patch is released before starting your CFM, as some of the fixes will require client side and server side fixes
No details have been given on what fixes are being implemented as of yet, but for now, it would be wise not to start your Madden NFL 16 CFM yet.

As for what could be in the patch. This is all speculation but here are some of the known CFM issues:
  • Ratings boost from drive goals making some players go over 100 overall. There is no workaround right now, drive goals are always on even if you don't keep notifications going on your screen.
  • Regression being overly harsh on offensive linemen (seems to be more pass blocking than anything else) that causes their ratings to fall quite drastically. This appears to stem more from SuperSim or simulating games as linemen give up too many sacks and then regress.
  • Rookies coming in that are not scaled to the new speed/deep accuracy ratings Madden is using on default rosters. So many new rookies can come in after season one and be better than most everyone else in the game at certain things. (This one seems like it would obviously be a reason you have to start your franchise over because rookies are put in your Year 1 CFM from the start of the season.)
Other issues we are tracking but haven't confirmed on staff ourselves:
  • QBs getting too many carries during a game (in SuperSim but not regular sims).
  • Re-signing players to really crazy bargains (that is, superstars taking major discounts).

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 jhigginsluckow @ 08/26/15 10:58 AM
Does he mention how long we're going to have to wait? I doubt they are going to refund a month's worth of the price of the game even though we can't play it the way we should be able to for that month. And I doubt he's going to be willing to convince my bosses to switch my vacation I have coming up in a week so I can play my CFM after the patch.
# 2 JayD @ 08/26/15 11:04 AM
Even though they are fixing these issues it really is a bummer to have to wait to play your favorite mode within a game. You should be able to dive in upon release.
# 3 Cowboy008 @ 08/26/15 11:04 AM
I figured as much. Hopefully we won't have to wait a month or so for them to get the patch out.
# 4 JayD @ 08/26/15 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by jhigginsluckow
Does he mention how long we're going to have to wait? I doubt they are going to refund a month's worth of the price of the game even though we can't play it the way we should be able to for that month. And I doubt he's going to be willing to convince my bosses to switch my vacation I have coming up in a week so I can play my CFM after the patch.
No date has been released but he did mention that they are working 24/7 on the issues.
# 5 jhigginsluckow @ 08/26/15 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by JayD
No date has been released but he did mention that they are working 24/7 on the issues.
I do appreciate that they are working so hard on the game. I don't blame them for not putting in effort. Just sucks I can't play, especially if the patch isn't here by next Friday when I start my vacation (which I doubt it will be out that quickly)

I've considered starting early anyway. I'm sure I won't have enough time to get through more than a season or two before the patch comes out. If I have to restart my franchise for the patch to take effect, so be it. I don't play any of the other game modes other than CFM, so if I don't play it, the game is just going to be unplayed lol
# 6 Mizzou24 @ 08/26/15 11:09 AM
For a product we paid for they should have more information than just wait...

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# 7 SFNiners816 @ 08/26/15 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by JayD
Even though they are fixing these issues it really is a bummer to have to wait to play your favorite mode within a game. You should be able to dive in upon release.
Exactly......it's ridiculous.
# 8 aholbert32 @ 08/26/15 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Mizzou24
For a product we paid for they should have more information than just wait...

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They cant give you an ETA yet so thats the best they can do.
# 9 StefJoeHalt @ 08/26/15 11:11 AM
First let me say...this group of Devs have come forth and been extremely honest and open..it's a huge breath of fresh air to the Madden Community..they didn't hide from anything and took it head on! Big props for that..however, is this issue a sign that CFM in its state is just a mess? It was rolled out (combining online/offline) as easy to tune and fix..but since its creation, it been nothing but issues (in my eyes)..and I haven't seen huge positives of bring the two modes together..we lost features and I haven't seen the tuning I thought we would get throughout the year server side I thought we would see..now I have NO experience with game design..so if my expectations of what tuning server side meant, then thats my fault..but again I can't say enough about the honestly of the Devs..but doesn't help us who want to start a season..fingers crossed it a quick [email protected] currently don't have time table for fix

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# 10 T5063 @ 08/26/15 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by StefJoeHalt
First let me say...this group of Devs have come forth and been extremely honest and open..it's a huge breath of fresh air to the Madden Community..they didn't hide from anything and took it head on! Big props for that..however, is this issue a sign that CFM in its state is just a mess? It was rolled out (combining online/offline) as easy to tune and fix..but since its creation, it been nothing but issues (in my eyes)..and I haven't seen huge positives of bring the two modes together..we lost features and I haven't seen the tuning I thought we would get throughout the year server side I thought we would see..now I have NO experience with game design..so if my expectations of what tuning server side meant, then thats my fault..but again I can't say enough about the honestly of the Devs..but doesn't help us who want to start a season..fingers crossed it a quick [email protected] currently don't have time table for fix

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Agreed on all points.

I like how responsive this development team is. It shows that they actually care about the product and their customers... a few years ago we'd just get 'crickets' as an answer to most bugs or the old 'its supposed to be that way' bs.

Saying that, CFM/CCF/CCM/Franchise mode or whatever the heck its called now is a big mess... tonnes of features were lost when they moved to this new mode a few years back and on top of that there are new bugs in the features that they did add. Not only that, the mode feels, hollow and lifeless with no immersion.

However, this new dev team has my hopes are up that in a year or two down the line franchise mode will greatly improved (a whole revamp is needed), especially since the franchise mode guy from MLB the show (which has a great franchise mode) is now working on Madden.
# 11 Sphinx @ 08/26/15 11:48 AM
Well that stinks. I'm glad they're working on the issues but a little disappointed that I can't start my solo cfm.
# 12 SolidSquid @ 08/26/15 11:56 AM
Lol I can't wait for metal gear solid V to come out so I can get it day one and wait to play the main story....

But serioisly just a start a CFM to mess around in if you really wanna play. I actually have two going on one with the Chargers and one with the cardinals, I usually wait for the 53 man roster to start my bucs Franchise anyway, but I'm still having fun.
# 13 dubplate @ 08/26/15 11:58 AM
So they can't apply the fixes to current online CFMs?! I thought that was the whole point of creating one online. It even states as much in the game.

I appreciate their efforts, but if the game is not playable in its current state it should not have been released. Typically when someone purchases a product it works when you take it out of the box. If not it is considered defective.
# 14 Bull_Market @ 08/26/15 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by dubplate
So they can't apply the fixes to current online CFMs?! I thought that was the whole point of creating one online. It even states as much in the game.

I appreciate their efforts, but if the game is not playable in its current state it should not have been released. Typically when someone purchases a product it works when you take it out of the box. If not it is considered defective.
Careful with this, #TeamLiterally will say the game works. You put it in your console and indeed the game functions, just not well.
# 15 EricFreakingBerry @ 08/26/15 12:03 PM
Really unbelievable...my brother and I just started a fantasy draft in offline CFM last night (since we can't couch play an online one) and so who knows how long this is going to take now. Guess this one will be a test CFM that I won't get attached to. I'm not where I can listen to the video, do they mention what fixes are being implemented that give us an idea why we *should* wait?
# 16 RogueHominid @ 08/26/15 12:04 PM
Good to know. I was going to start mine today. Now I'll save myself the hassle of having to restart and just do skills trainer and online games vs. friends.

I do appreciate that the developers care about fixing this problem post-haste, and I'm willing to give them until the end of week one of the release to get it straight, but I think it is unacceptable to have to wait any longer than that to play a core mode in a game for which I paid $60.

I think it's fair to take a position of gratitude for their effort while also stating from a bottom-line perspective that a performance failure like this is not acceptable.

Here's to hoping the fix is speedy and effective.
# 17 goillini03 @ 08/26/15 12:05 PM
I wish that this was unbelievable, but it is the same deal with every EA Sports title release.

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# 18 aholbert32 @ 08/26/15 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by dubplate
So they can't apply the fixes to current online CFMs?! I thought that was the whole point of creating one online. It even states as much in the game.

I appreciate their efforts, but if the game is not playable in its current state it should not have been released. Typically when someone purchases a product it works when you take it out of the box. If not it is considered defective.
They likely didnt know about the bug until the game was released. Also its not realistic for them to delay a release for a bug in a mode that not everyone plays and will likely be patched in a few weeks tops.
# 19 ballgameronny @ 08/26/15 12:09 PM
This stinks alot since I am an offline only CFM guy. I started a franchise prior to knowledge of this item and I have been enjoying it. I hope it gets fixed soon but I doubt it.

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# 20 howboutdat @ 08/26/15 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by dubplate
So they can't apply the fixes to current online CFMs?! I thought that was the whole point of creating one online. It even states as much in the game.

I appreciate their efforts, but if the game is not playable in its current state it should not have been released. Typically when someone purchases a product it works when you take it out of the box. If not it is considered defective.
He said some things could maybe be fixed on server side, but others couldnt be and there was no way to undo something , like if your league already drafted and got them speed wrs. They couldnt undo stuff like that. Which is why he advised people to wait.

My only concern here is this. There are alot of issues with CFM.We need ALL of them fixed, not just some or most. Most all of these issues are Huge problems for cfm.After last year, and being handed the confidence and regression issues , and not touched at all, not even really acknowledged by them , im not going to be running my league thru a bunch of bs for another year because they didnt fix stuff. We paid for a full experience, if we get one that we are told " sorry we ran out of time" , then i think im just all around done with Madden for good. We just suffered thru a horrible year for CFM due to things just left that way to work on this one. Then we get this one and it has more issues than the last one. That to me , will be unacceptable if all of them are not fixed before even thinking of going on to work on 17.

You cant build a house half way, find out there are a ton of issues with it, fix only a few and then keep building the house on top of those issues. It will only continue to create more and more issues in the future. All of this has to be fixed before moving on to 17. If not they will spend half the time working to fix whats left from 16, then all the new stuff they add for 17 will be just as bugged as this due to "lack of time" to find the bugs because they spent too much time working on 16 bugs for 17. Somewhere they have to stop this cycle. I get it, they have limited time. So spend just 1 year, fix all your problems, give us a great game, then work on your new stuff, and that would free up more time to actually test it more.

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