NBA 2K16 News Post

NBA 2K16 Senior Producer, Erick Boenisch, a.k.a. SimBaller, has just posted a new NBA 2K16 Developer Blog detailing MyLEAGUE, MyLEAGUE Online, MyGM and much more. Read all about it here and let us know your thoughts!

To view all of the screenshots in the blog at a higher resolution, click here.

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Member Comments
# 641 crazy_87 @ 09/10/15 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by theman824
Great great blog, thanks for sharing all this in detail!

I myself am a little confused about what general features you talked about will (only) be in MyGM and what features will (only) be in Offline MyLeague.
For example: Other teams' GMs elaborating on why a trade offer was not accepted - is that in both of those modes or only in MyGM?
Can you maybe clarify on those points?
Good question i would like to know that too.
# 642 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/10/15 12:04 PM
I'm pretty sure this was answered by anybody mind answering again ...

If I start a league or online my league and a member quits the league can I invite a replacement ?
# 643 Mauer4MVP @ 09/10/15 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I'm pretty sure this was answered by anybody mind answering again ...

If I start a league or online my league and a member quits the league can I invite a replacement ?

I'm 99% sure in the podcast they said you can invite a replacement.
# 644 Bexthelegend @ 09/10/15 04:10 PM
There's a new setting under Edit Player > Vitals called "Force Non-Starter" which allows you to force the lineup/rotation logic to never consider that player for a starting position. You can set it to "On", "On (1 Season)" (meaning it will automatically reset at the start of the next year) and "Off".

Manu is an "On (1 Season)" out of the box but you can edit that setting for him (if in your mind he should be starting or you don't want it to reset to off after a year) or for any other player.
From Leftos
# 645 CookNBA03 @ 09/10/15 05:50 PM
I hope they've fixed where teams with no cap space at all get guys make $10 million plus. For example, I've seen the Thunder on multiple occasions trade solely draft picks for Joe Johnson.
# 646 jinntu @ 09/12/15 12:00 AM
*begins weeping uncontrollably*
# 647 ChemistCash @ 09/14/15 03:47 PM
A co-op/versus MyCareer would be an awesome game mode. Get drafted ahead of your friends? Fight for the title only controlling your character vs. a friend. Maybe even get drafted or traded to the same team. I would love to see if 2K could be the first to make something like this happen!
# 648 legacy0000 @ 09/22/15 04:00 AM
I spent 80$ so that my brothers Could play their yearly offline association.Ive heard about only online features Which leads me to ask if there is offline association mode available this year?Im all madden but if my brothers cant play together id like to know before hand so i can get my money back.Does anyone know?
# 649 Bealdor @ 09/22/15 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by legacy0000
I spent 80$ so that my brothers Could play their yearly offline association.Ive heard about only online features Which leads me to ask if there is offline association mode available this year?Im all madden but if my brothers cant play together id like to know before hand so i can get my money back.Does anyone know?
Yes, there's an offline association. It's called "MyLEAGUE".
# 650 legacy0000 @ 09/22/15 06:44 AM
Thank you.I always thought myLeague was online and not offline co-op
# 651 legacy0000 @ 09/22/15 08:23 PM
I agree with 23
# 652 LorenzoDC @ 09/22/15 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
Well, Steve just submitted them today, so maybe sometime this week hopefully.
Not that it matters, but I wonder why this fell through?
# 653 BluFu @ 09/22/15 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by LorenzoDC
Not that it matters, but I wonder why this fell through?
Yeah....Just going to treat it like an unofficial wishlist. Any questions that would be a 'no' are most likely going to be put on their blue sky list.
# 654 Ivanhoe @ 09/23/15 12:14 AM
Great, I was resolved to not buy this title this year...now I have no choice.

I haven't see this question asked yet so I guess I'll ask:

Have they made any improvements to the CAP creation?
# 655 Grinder12000 @ 09/23/15 11:44 AM
So no coach mode this year? That would totally blow and would make a no sale in my book. I'm not a complainer but losing the ability to "watch" your amazing visuals makes it a no sale. :-(
# 656 Cowboy008 @ 09/23/15 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ivanhoe
Great, I was resolved to not buy this title this year...now I have no choice.

I haven't see this question asked yet so I guess I'll ask:

Have they made any improvements to the CAP creation?
They haven't said anything about CAP's yet.
# 657 Scvllp @ 09/23/15 04:39 PM
We have had all of different streams and we still don't know if we rebrand/relocate a team and create and create new jerseys if we get to keep the old ones as alternates. SMH at all of these MyCareer streams.
# 658 lakers24 @ 09/23/15 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Scvllp
We have had all of different streams and we still don't know if we rebrand/relocate a team and create and create new jerseys if we get to keep the old ones as alternates. SMH at all of these MyCareer streams.
We already know the answers to that. You can rebrand without moving, you can relocate, you will only have home and away jerseys no alts and old jerseys won't become alts.
# 659 trekfan @ 09/23/15 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Scvllp
We have had all of different streams and we still don't know if we rebrand/relocate a team and create and create new jerseys if we get to keep the old ones as alternates. SMH at all of these MyCareer streams.
My number one frustration so far. I feel like everyone wants to be online and play with their buddies, but what about those of us that value creating an NBA all our own? What about the value of the true singleplayer experience?

It really seems to not be as popular as it used to be and that makes me sad ... it worries me some, too. If people are only about the online stuff, will sports games eventually junk the franchise mode offline? I don't want that day to come.
# 660 Bexthelegend @ 09/23/15 04:48 PM
According to this interview with the senior producer, apparently you can adjust the cap increase every year. So theoreticlly you can have the cap set to increase 5% every year.

If I'm thinking about the right interview


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