MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show patches for the PlayStation 4 (1.05) and the PlayStation 3 (1.06) are available now. Check out the details below.
  • Ball boy would, in rare situations, field fair balls in play that hit the 3rd base bag. This has been addressed.
  • Fixed Online gameplay exploit/soft lock related to the options button and down on the D-pad.
  • Addressed a rare hang issue with the Universal Profile/Marketplace collection storage. This could happen with large amount of items in your inventor when performing screen to screen navigation, including marketplace and universal profile.
  • Rare Road to the Show training points issue fixed, when quitting out of a Practice Session from the RTTS SCHEDULE screen.
The team also mentions they are actively looking at the state of the Marketplace and expect to have prices return to normal soon.

Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 kmargo @ 08/16/15 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Im having a lot of fielding errors as well. In 5 or 6 games ive had like 3 complete fails on fly balls and my outfielders cant pick a ball up off the ground to save their life.
The outfielders not picking balls up is something I noticed yesterday. After an error by my 1b the right fielder passed over the ball 3 times before picking it up. I've also noticed it's harder to pitch now.

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# 22 Splitter77 @ 08/16/15 08:55 PM
i wont buy this or nhl series again until they focus more on offline.
as of now super mega baseball is a better offline game and there is no good offline hockey game on current gen
# 23 countryboy @ 08/16/15 09:41 PM
I haven't seen any of the issues with fielding since the patch. In fact, the game plays identically to what it did prior to the patch. Only difference is that before patch I had lost 7 in a row, after patch I've won 3 in a row.
# 24 bkrich83 @ 08/16/15 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I haven't seen any of the issues with fielding since the patch. In fact, the game plays identically to what it did prior to the patch. Only difference is that before patch I had lost 7 in a row, after patch I've won 3 in a row.
Same. Game plays exactly the same as it did pre-patch.
# 25 redsox4evur @ 08/16/15 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by angels04
How about fixing the broken playoff pitcher fatigue bs, starting pitchers should not recover slower in the playoffs you guys need to fix this bs; I recently played the show 2012 on ps3 and the gameplay was just as good as 2015 IMO, you devs need to step it up or you're gonna lose your fan base.
Yea that's not a bug...it was intended to be that way and they aren't fixing it this year.
# 26 kamackeris76 @ 08/17/15 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by angels04
How about fixing the broken playoff pitcher fatigue bs, starting pitchers should not recover slower in the playoffs you guys need to fix this bs; I recently played the show 2012 on ps3 and the gameplay was just as good as 2015 IMO, you devs need to step it up or you're gonna lose your fan base.
I hope the developers admit their mistake with how stamina is implemented in the playoffs next year. I have not seen a single positive post about it, yet this was how it was intended to be. Absolutely balmy decision
# 27 rabnothimself @ 08/17/15 08:35 AM
Dissapointed in the lack of corrections to all the gameplay issues. I played a game last night and lost cause I threw home on a ball hit to right field, I had the guy out by 10 ft but my catcher just stood there and made no attempt to tag the runner as he slid in safely for the winning run. This stuff along with all the fielding issues and line drives back to the pitcher need to be corrected next year. These things have been going on way too long now.
# 28 countryboy @ 08/17/15 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by angels04
Intended or not it's broken, the one response they had was it helps facilitate 4 man rosters in the playoffs, it actually forces you to use a six man rotation; I consider this a bug and their reluctance to look into it or even defend it in a reasonable manner is lazy and arrogant. I shouldn't have to wait til next year for a playoff system that is not broken.
Well you do, because it will not be fixed this year. It was a design decision. Maybe they missed the mark but to insult them for their choice in a design decision is simply uncalled for.

And its possible that its something that cannot be fixed via a patch.
# 29 dpower15 @ 08/17/15 09:18 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I've played a solid 20-25 RTTS games since this update and it seems harder to get extra base hits and HRs now. Or maybe I am just slumping lol, anyone else feeling it?

Edit: lmao literally my first AB of my next game I dropped a monster HR on the first pitch

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# 30 countryboy @ 08/18/15 08:11 AM
They gave a reason. It was to facilitate 4 man rotations in the playoffs. Just because you choose to not accept that reasoning doesn't mean they are arrogant and lazy.
# 31 jb12780 @ 08/18/15 08:51 AM
After 150+ games I'm still rolling along. It may bot be perfect, but is a great game which has made me happy that I invested in a PS4.

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# 32 Hammerpants @ 08/18/15 12:16 PM
I made an account just for this purpose - I updated the game and now when i pitch with the curved meter, i can't select the second part (i.e. the part indicating control). I tap and hold x to determine power, and let go, when the bar comes back for the control click I can not press the button. It makes pitching challenges a pain - any ideas?
# 33 countryboy @ 08/18/15 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by angels04
That reason is ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense; they made a 4 man rotation impossible. That reasoning makes me think they never even bothered to look into it, hence "lazy". Good luck explaining how it "facilitates a 4 man rotation".
I'm done

You stay bitter and I'll enjoy the game.

Take care
# 34 countryboy @ 08/18/15 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by capa
Just played an exhibition game and saw 3 different outfielders miss picking up a ground ball hit to OF. One was charged with an error as the runner took second. Something is amiss since the patch dropped...
I don't believe the patch has done anything to affect gameplay except for the fix with the ball boy retrieving balls in play.

I have played about 15 games since the patch and it plays just as it did prior to the patch dropping.
# 35 LowerWolf @ 08/18/15 09:41 PM
This isn't really patch specific, but ...

I've only completed a season once since MLB 07. That was in 2012. I'm about 20 games behind the real season right now. Usually, this is the point where I begin to feel guilty that I'm not going to complete the season. With Madden/football season looming, my time is about to get crunched.

I don't feel any pressure to hurry up and get the season done. This game has been so good to me, I know I'll be playing it well into winter. It's easily my favorite of the series.
# 36 ShowTyme15 @ 08/18/15 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I don't believe the patch has done anything to affect gameplay except for the fix with the ball boy retrieving balls in play.

I have played about 15 games since the patch and it plays just as it did prior to the patch dropping.
How dare you post such a truthful statement on The Show forums............................... .Blasphemy.
# 37 cubby blue @ 08/18/15 10:30 PM
I'm not saying this game doesn't have issues, but the positives outweigh the negatives. It's not even close.
# 38 jb12780 @ 08/19/15 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by capa
Just played an exhibition game and saw 3 different outfielders miss picking up a ground ball hit to OF. One was charged with an error as the runner took second. Something is amiss since the patch dropped...
That's baseball Suzyn.

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# 39 HozAndMoose @ 08/19/15 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I don't believe the patch has done anything to affect gameplay except for the fix with the ball boy retrieving balls in play.

I have played about 15 games since the patch and it plays just as it did prior to the patch dropping.
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
How dare you post such a truthful statement on The Show forums............................... .Blasphemy.
I will completely agree they didnt change anything regarding fielding. But something has happened. I have played enough games of The Show over my life to know the difference between a string of bad luck and something that isnt working right. The fact that someone has said the game plays better after reinstalling shows something seems to go wrong at times for some reason. Its like that special copies crap from a few months ago. My game was fine before the patch. Everyone complaining about fielding issues was an idiot to me. Im not even playing now because guys like Gordon, Cain and Carlos Gomez cant pick up balls more than half the time.
# 40 tessl @ 08/23/15 10:58 AM
I've played 8 games since the patch in manage mode, default sliders, full counts, and twice I've seen the CPU pitcher throw over to first. Prior to the patch I had played about 200 games in manage mode and I don't remember seeing the CPU pitcher throw over to first.

Coincidence? I doubt it.

Point being, there may be thing in the patch not listed in the official information.

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