MLB 15 The Show News Post

It's fair to say The Show has made huge strides this season when it comes to online play. The developers behind the game struggled for many years just to provide a lag-free, consistent experience online. However, for the most part we now finally have that consistent experience with MLB 15: The Show.

There are still some pockets of lag and random disconnects, but it's not at the forefront of what is hindering The Show's online play anymore. Instead, now the folks making the game have to deal with issues every other sports game deals with on a yearly basis: gameplay shortcoming and exploits.

So that's what we'll be taking a look at here in this video.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 berenjena @ 07/28/15 10:39 PM
Excellent Chase.

You basically got every single problem I have with The Show in one video. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

That bunting animation people do while you're pitching or the perfect bunts is the most infuriating one.

Not to mention the delay animations.

Hopefully the MLB The Show devs are playing really close attention to this video,

Sort this out guys. The online would be nearly perfect if you can sort the stuff in the video out.
# 22 baseballsim @ 07/29/15 04:01 AM
I watched the video but without sound so I'm not sure if this was covered:

Quick pitching while men on base. It's gotten to a point where I'm so used to it that I think it's me hitting poorly because of lack of concentration. I have accepted the fact that balks will never be called.

On the other side, I have tried quick pitching myself to see how effective it is. Ball control takes a hit but that doesn't matter because opponents usually swing through most pitches.
# 23 ChaseB @ 07/30/15 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by baseballsim
I watched the video but without sound so I'm not sure if this was covered:

Quick pitching while men on base. It's gotten to a point where I'm so used to it that I think it's me hitting poorly because of lack of concentration. I have accepted the fact that balks will never be called.

On the other side, I have tried quick pitching myself to see how effective it is. Ball control takes a hit but that doesn't matter because opponents usually swing through most pitches.
It was not covered but it's a fair point. I think balks online would be tricky because some just want to be able to pitch and some guys do have long animations before they're set. That being said, it's super distracting and frenetic when people are just speed pitching the whole time. However, I wonder on some level if they do it (even though it doesn't really help) to try and prevent steals.
# 24 baseballsim @ 07/30/15 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
It was not covered but it's a fair point. I think balks online would be tricky because some just want to be able to pitch and some guys do have long animations before they're set. That being said, it's super distracting and frenetic when people are just speed pitching the whole time. However, I wonder on some level if they do it (even though it doesn't really help) to try and prevent steals.
I don't think it's really a SB preventer because you just need to press a button to setup a steal but it may help some guys to some extent.

Balks were on last year and I believe one year balks were accidentally turned off but the developers were alerted and they were able to turn balks back on instantly. It may be an issue this year where balks were causing freezes so they turned it off. It may also be to help cater to more players because some might not understand balk rules.

As far as animations go, Kershaw is a good example of a pitcher with a long animation. When balks were on, the game did actually allow you to release the ball early without being charged with a balk. You didn't have to wait for Kershaw to lower his arms all the way from above his head.
# 25 baseballsim @ 08/18/15 01:17 PM
I played a team last night who always sent the runner on first whenever there were 2 strikes. If the ball went into the dirt my catcher would automatically throw to 2B. There was no way for him to throw to first.

In this same game I was also was the victim of the dreaded missed tag animation during a pickle. My third baseman had the ball. Runner on 2nd retreated back. Third baseman faked to 2B. Runner ran to 3B right through the tag.
# 26 cgsdawgs @ 08/18/15 09:14 PM
I think a good idea would be to drop the speed ratings way down, still relative to the old ones, but nothing in the 90s or even 80s maybe. Madden devs heard that speed was being exploited in the game, so they gave the fastest players low 90s as opposed to 98, 99. Of course it is yet to be seen how well that will work but it seems like a good idea.

On the bright side, unlike a game like FIFA or Madden, there are no DD seasons, so if you don't really care about record, quitting doesn't really affect you too much. Also your opponent doesn't get any huge benefit from playing a stupidly boring game.

Also a quick question (Sorry it is OT): This is my first post here. Is there a certain number of posts you need to get to in order to post new threads?
# 27 ChaseB @ 08/18/15 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by cgsdawgs
I think a good idea would be to drop the speed ratings way down, still relative to the old ones, but nothing in the 90s or even 80s maybe. Madden devs heard that speed was being exploited in the game, so they gave the fastest players low 90s as opposed to 98, 99. Of course it is yet to be seen how well that will work but it seems like a good idea.

On the bright side, unlike a game like FIFA or Madden, there are no DD seasons, so if you don't really care about record, quitting doesn't really affect you too much. Also your opponent doesn't get any huge benefit from playing a stupidly boring game.

Also a quick question (Sorry it is OT): This is my first post here. Is there a certain number of posts you need to get to in order to post new threads?
Interesting suggestion for sure.

And yes, you need to be around a certain number of time and meet certain post thresholds I believe in order to create threads.
# 28 BigDaddyRev @ 08/19/15 03:40 AM
I have asked around the forums but it seems nobody else has this particular problem but me but what the heck I'll ask anyway. I use the triggers for base running instead of the other method and every single time I have a man on any base and hit a line drive, blooper or a rocket through the gap my base runners always dive back to whatever base that they are on and its frustrating as heck ! I hit into so many fielders choices its not funny . I assume nobody else has this problem because they use the stick and pad method
# 29 ChaseB @ 08/19/15 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by BigDaddyRev
I have asked around the forums but it seems nobody else has this particular problem but me but what the heck I'll ask anyway. I use the triggers for base running instead of the other method and every single time I have a man on any base and hit a line drive, blooper or a rocket through the gap my base runners always dive back to whatever base that they are on and its frustrating as heck ! I hit into so many fielders choices its not funny . I assume nobody else has this problem because they use the stick and pad method
Hmmmm I don't think there's a full manual option for baserunning just the semi-auto. Maybe it's set to "auto" and is doing that? I would check in your gameplay options.

If that's not what it is, I'm not sure what it will be. Sometimes baserunners on first hold up a split second to avoid being hit by the ball when it's hit through the right side but that's the only situation I can think of. I mostly use the trigger to advance all baserunners as well (I'll use buttons when trying to get a specific guy to move up of course) so I don't think we do things much differently.
# 30 BigDaddyRev @ 08/19/15 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Hmmmm I don't think there's a full manual option for baserunning just the semi-auto. Maybe it's set to "auto" and is doing that? I would check in your gameplay options.

If that's not what it is, I'm not sure what it will be. Sometimes baserunners on first hold up a split second to avoid being hit by the ball when it's hit through the right side but that's the only situation I can think of. I mostly use the trigger to advance all baserunners as well (I'll use buttons when trying to get a specific guy to move up of course) so I don't think we do things much differently.
When I play they will literally dive back to the base and finally they figure out they can run but only after dusting there selves off and by then its too late. I don't use default base running , could never get the hang of it I have it set up with the L1 and L2 triggers with the button and directional pad to move individual runners . with this I am stuck with the "better dive back to base " animation but still a little easier than the other base running for me. I'm sorry its really hard to explain I wish I knew how to upload a video to just show everyone what I'm talking about
# 31 baseballsim @ 08/24/15 04:21 PM
Dive tagging seems to be improved but there are still some instances where it just doesn't make sense. I know Buster Posey has poor baserunning attributes but this still shouldn't happen. It was a sweet bloop hit over 1B too.

Successful Dive Tag due to unaware baserunning
# 32 ChaseB @ 08/24/15 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by baseballsim
Dive tagging seems to be improved but there are still some instances where it just doesn't make sense. I know Buster Posey has poor baserunning attributes but this still shouldn't happen. It was a sweet bloop hit over 1B too.

Successful Dive Tag due to unaware baserunning
I dunno, I think it's still a real problem overall. It happens most times at second base when they take the small turn, but you get nailed at first there as sometimes also happens. Between that and cutting animations short to go into a dive, I think it needs some serious love.
# 33 baseballsim @ 08/24/15 05:00 PM
Last video for today

Non-tag at Home plate:

# 34 ChaseB @ 08/24/15 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by baseballsim
Last video for today

Non-tag at Home plate:

Ugh, yep frustrating but different problem. Is that worse than when the guy goes to make the tag and yet the game claims he didn't tag him?
# 35 Degromination @ 08/25/15 09:59 AM
i hate when it looks like you got a hit and then it cuts to the fielder havin the ball and their being an out
# 36 ChaseB @ 08/25/15 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Degromination
i hate when it looks like you got a hit and then it cuts to the fielder havin the ball and their being an out
Not sure I know about this one. Or maybe I'm just not understanding right? Like the cut is just delayed?
# 37 Magrathea_42 @ 08/27/15 09:51 AM
Great Video! This very well explains the biggest problems I have seen in the game. I play in leagues mostly, and we have rules against abusing bunting and stealing, but I certainly hope they can fix this next year.

I don't play diamond dynasty very often, but last night I had a game where I gave up 16 steals. The opponent even stole home twice and my catcher for some reason didn't bother to tag the runner. I actually won the game 10-7, but I was helpless against the bunts and steals.

One question - I have a problem with my catcher throwing on a steal attempt. About half of the time he does not even make the throw. I use button w/ meter for throwing and it works great with all the other fielders. I assume I must be pressing the button too early or too late, but I can't seem to figure it out.
# 38 ChaseB @ 08/27/15 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Magrathea_42
Great Video! This very well explains the biggest problems I have seen in the game. I play in leagues mostly, and we have rules against abusing bunting and stealing, but I certainly hope they can fix this next year.

I don't play diamond dynasty very often, but last night I had a game where I gave up 16 steals. The opponent even stole home twice and my catcher for some reason didn't bother to tag the runner. I actually won the game 10-7, but I was helpless against the bunts and steals.

One question - I have a problem with my catcher throwing on a steal attempt. About half of the time he does not even make the throw. I use button w/ meter for throwing and it works great with all the other fielders. I assume I must be pressing the button too early or too late, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Hey thanks for the feedback. You are most likely pressing it too early. I have that issue sometimes after I pitch out as the timing window is actually different there it seems like. I use the analog fielding system but I don't see why it would be much different in terms of functionality.

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