Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR News Post

Rory McIlroy PGA Tour wasn't reviewed in the greatest light earlier this week from us, but we wanted to give the online options a bit more time before writing any opinions on how they're stacking up. Not since Tiger Woods 14 have fans of the sport of Golf had an outlet to play golf online, at least on a console. The tagline for the game claims that users can hit the links, and “golf without limits”. While that tagline may be catchy, it’s not necessarily correct.

What does Rory McIlroy PGA Tour offer fans who have waited so long to hit the digital course online? Let's dive in and find out.

Read More - Rory McIlroy PGA Tour: Online Modes Review

Game: Rory McIlroy PGA TOURReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 OnlookerDelay @ 07/18/15 08:31 PM
At this point, I'd give the Online Tournaments a thumbs-down also. I was at least expecting to see an updated, hole-by-hole leaderboard as the round progressed, but all you get is the leaderboard before you start the round and afterwards. It's not dynamic at all and I found it rather lifeless. I was sort of hoping that they would be able to do the Connected Tournaments bit they did in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14, where you could see the shot telemetries of other players who were playing the round concurrently with you. I think criticisms like this will be addressed over time, but right now, this game has very little appeal to me in the online area. It doesn't do much for me offline at this point either, but that's another story that has no relevance in this topic.
# 2 Ruffy @ 07/18/15 09:07 PM
Not since Tiger Woods 14 have fans of the sport of Golf had an outlet to play golf online, at least on a console.

- The Golf Club has online.
# 3 jaygaming901 @ 07/18/15 09:17 PM
Where is the match play? I've only seen it in offline?
# 4 mykull85 @ 07/18/15 11:20 PM
Is it just me or are the pictures used to market this game not on par with what the game actually is?

I'm not saying it's a bad looking game but It's not a stand out game graphically like the pictures suggest in my opinion.
# 5 McG @ 07/19/15 12:45 AM
All I can say is this (don't want to bash this game too hard even though it would be merited), I'm glad that I had EA Access so I didn't waste $60 on this. I hope that one of the Xbox 360 games ported over to One is TW14, that will be the only thing close to a decent golf game on a next-gen console.
# 6 JayBillups36 @ 07/19/15 10:08 AM
Let's face it the game sucks. Customization sucks. The career sucks. Online sucks. Commentary sucks. This game blows
# 7 Hunkerdown @ 07/21/15 10:29 AM
I am glad I went to EA Tiburon playtest and got this game for free. It is worth free.
# 8 sroz39 @ 07/21/15 05:59 PM
I've played three H2H matches on Tour mode the other night, all three times with full foursomes, and it was fun. I wish the opponent shot was alot more visible, put the tracers back in or something, but the three matches were competitive.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
# 9 ShivasIrons @ 07/21/15 10:03 PM
Rory McIlroy online is a huge disappointment. "Golf without limits." In online H2H, the game limits one to a double bogey at most. That's right. Once an online player gets to one over par on a hole without holing out, the hole is over. The game "shot-limits" the player, giving him an automatic double bogey. Go to the next hole. You are limited to double bogey. No triple bogeys or higher allowed.

Why no XP allowed in H2H? You can only earn XP by playing career mode. No XP in live tourneys either. The game forces one to play career, which I personally have no interest in playing. In TW14 you could buy a maxed character and go online and play. This game eliminated that option. And, then we have to read from some idiotic EA developer that the "telemetry in the data shows that most players all play career." Well, the game forces one to play career if you want a maxed out character to go online to compete with.

TW14 on simulation mode was an outstanding game, even considering the glitches and defects that EA promised to fix but never did. I miss the diagonal swing and the fading red dot. Never thought I'd be saying that when I first encountered that analog fading red dot strike meter, but it was a very innovative feature. Rory McIroy is a huge disappointment. It's made me go full, head-on into The Golf Club.

Seconding the comment above about hoping Microsoft makes TW14 backwards compatible.

EA has ceded the simulation game to The Golf Club. An indicator of this was when 3-4 months ago when EA abruptly ceased posting simulation and tournament live tournies for TW14. In true EA form their was no notice. And, the devs were all completely silent when questions were asked about that on the EA forums. Who treats their customers like that?

Now, with all the negative reviews, EA devs are out again talking vaguely about how they are going to "fix" things? I'm still waiting for the promised "fix" that never occurred in TW11 when EA sold the dlc course Cog Hill that had a defect in it of not having a pin or hole on the 11th hole. All you could do was take a max shot limit score to advance to the next hole. EA didn't fix it. They just went silent and ignored their customers who had paid for this dlc. Who treats their customers like this?
# 10 DivotMaker @ 07/22/15 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by ShivasIrons

EA has ceded the simulation game to The Golf Club.
LOL, simulation? Can't say I agree. TGC falls so short in the short game and tee to green is as easy as Tiger or RM in Arcade mode. No tempo in the swing of TGC and they refuse to resolve a bug in the putting engine that allows for the ball to not react properly off the putter head when on sidehill lies and the putt is hit perfectly straight. TGC is far easier than RM for me to play and there are NO OTHER gameplay options. They refuse to listen to their customers asking for additional gameplay challenge. HANDSWARD is developing an improved TOUR swing that is coming out soon.

Don't disagree with the rest of your post.
# 11 Pappy Knuckles @ 07/22/15 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
LOL, simulation? Can't say I agree. TGC falls so short in the short game and tee to green is as easy as Tiger or RM in Arcade mode. No tempo in the swing of TGC and they refuse to resolve a bug in the putting engine that allows for the ball to not react properly off the putter head when on sidehill lies and the putt is hit perfectly straight. TGC is far easier than RM for me to play and there are NO OTHER gameplay options. They refuse to listen to their customers asking for additional gameplay challenge. HANDSWARD is developing an improved TOUR swing that is coming out soon.

Don't disagree with the rest of your post.
The lack of commentary online is disappointing. It's too quiet, I had to throw on some music.

And why don't you play 18 holes with ranked matches? They way they distribute wins and losses after 9 holes is very weird.
# 12 DivotMaker @ 07/22/15 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
The lack of commentary online is disappointing. It's too quiet, I had to throw on some music.
I played an online tournament the other day and there was commentary when there wasn't during EA Access.....
# 13 Pappy Knuckles @ 07/22/15 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
I played an online tournament the other day and there was commentary when there wasn't during EA Access.....
Maybe in tournaments it's different. In ranked and unranked it was dead quiet out there for me.
# 14 DivotMaker @ 07/22/15 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Maybe in tournaments it's different. In ranked and unranked it was dead quiet out there for me.
I've heard that and my understanding that was not the case in previous Tiger versions, at least not TW14....
# 15 JoeFrancis @ 07/23/15 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
. HANDSWARD is developing an improved TOUR swing that is coming out soon.
How many more things will break when they release this "improvement"? EA's track record is horrible. I'm not sure they can "fix" anything.
# 16 ShivasIrons @ 07/23/15 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
LOL, simulation? Can't say I agree. TGC falls so short in the short game and tee to green is as easy as Tiger or RM in Arcade mode. No tempo in the swing of TGC and they refuse to resolve a bug in the putting engine that allows for the ball to not react properly off the putter head when on sidehill lies and the putt is hit perfectly straight. TGC is far easier than RM for me to play and there are NO OTHER gameplay options. They refuse to listen to their customers asking for additional gameplay challenge. HANDSWARD is developing an improved TOUR swing that is coming out soon.

Don't disagree with the rest of your post.
With all due respect and not trying to offend in any way, you might consider the possibility that your position/relation with EA may leave you a little biased. I don't consider RM even in the same league as TW14 simulation. So, take TW out of the comparison.

To me, TGC wins versus RM tee to green and in the short game in a rout, even though TGC has much room for improvement. The swing in RM with the analog stick is very unnatural and nothing like a real golf swing. You take the backswing a little quick, and then on the forward swing one has to *really flick* the stick forward to get a "perfect" forward swing. It doesn't "simulate" a real swing in golf that starts from a good transition that slowly unwinds from the top smoothly accelerating through the ball. Rather, the fast flick feels like you're hitting from the top casting away wildly. TGC's swing mechanic is much, much better, although there is room for improvement.

As far as the short game, TGC also has room for improvement, but RM's short game on Tour difficulty is way, way easy. RM's chipping on Tour difficulty was so easy I found myself predicting my chip-ins to playing partners with about an 80-90 percent success rate, esp with the LW. And, although I can chip-in on TGC it's no where near that rate. Further, trying to hit partial shots on RM is very, very easy, esp using the green dot swing meter. Just adjust your distance marker and a couple practice backswings with RM's swing meter will have you dropping the shot right by the pin every time. There is no swing meter on TGC.

Now, Handsward says he will not be removing the swing meter on default as it would make the game too hard for average RM player. Further, this new R/L mish!t.mechanism he described sounds a little absurd. If I understand him correctly, if the length or speed of your swing is off -- even though you actually swing the stick perfectly straight -- this will cause R/L mi****s. And, those R/L mi****s will be distributed randomly. So, making the same, consistent repeatable swing (which many in golf strive for) will result in random R/L mi****s because you don't flick the stick forward as fast as Handsward/EA deems realistic. So, if you're one who plays a consistent slight fade shot, now you'll get random mi****s. Same if you play a slight draw consistently -- random mi****s. It's either going to be a straight shot or random mi****s. That's quite a change from TW14. I hit about every FW in RM. I can't say the same in TGC, but TGC swing could also be improved. At least, it has no swing meter.

I just have no confidence in the EA people to follow through and fix things. They always come around now saying this, saying that ... and they will soon go into hibernation mode ignoring their customers totally. Further, Handsward flat out says they are afraid to make changes for fear that it will "make the game too hard" for the average RM user. EA is courting the arcade player. They took out the really good simulation mode of TW14 and don't have any intention of bringing that mode back. That's why I say EA has ceded simulation mode to TGC. I have been impressed with the devs of TGC and the effort they put forth into communicating with their customers, developing updates and actually fixing things. They've earned the business. EA has lost it.
# 17 DivotMaker @ 07/23/15 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by ShivasIrons
With all due respect and not trying to offend in any way, you might consider the possibility that your position/relation with EA may leave you a little biased. I don't consider RM even in the same league as TW14 simulation. So, take TW out of the comparison.

To me, TGC wins versus RM tee to green and in the short game in a rout, even though TGC has much room for improvement. The swing in RM with the analog stick is very unnatural and nothing like a real golf swing. You take the backswing a little quick, and then on the forward swing one has to *really flick* the stick forward to get a "perfect" forward swing. It doesn't "simulate" a real swing in golf that starts from a good transition that slowly unwinds from the top smoothly accelerating through the ball. Rather, the fast flick feels like you're hitting from the top casting away wildly. TGC's swing mechanic is much, much better, although there is room for improvement.

As far as the short game, TGC also has room for improvement, but RM's short game on Tour difficulty is way, way easy. RM's chipping on Tour difficulty was so easy I found myself predicting my chip-ins to playing partners with about an 80-90 percent success rate, esp with the LW. And, although I can chip-in on TGC it's no where near that rate. Further, trying to hit partial shots on RM is very, very easy, esp using the green dot swing meter. Just adjust your distance marker and a couple practice backswings with RM's swing meter will have you dropping the shot right by the pin every time. There is no swing meter on TGC.

Now, Handsward says he will not be removing the swing meter on default as it would make the game too hard for average RM player. Further, this new R/L mish!t.mechanism he described sounds a little absurd. If I understand him correctly, if the length or speed of your swing is off -- even though you actually swing the stick perfectly straight -- this will cause R/L mi****s. And, those R/L mi****s will be distributed randomly. So, making the same, consistent repeatable swing (which many in golf strive for) will result in random R/L mi****s because you don't flick the stick forward as fast as Handsward/EA deems realistic. So, if you're one who plays a consistent slight fade shot, now you'll get random mi****s. Same if you play a slight draw consistently -- random mi****s. It's either going to be a straight shot or random mi****s. That's quite a change from TW14. I hit about every FW in RM. I can't say the same in TGC, but TGC swing could also be improved. At least, it has no swing meter.

I just have no confidence in the EA people to follow through and fix things. They always come around now saying this, saying that ... and they will soon go into hibernation mode ignoring their customers totally. Further, Handsward flat out says they are afraid to make changes for fear that it will "make the game too hard" for the average RM user. EA is courting the arcade player. They took out the really good simulation mode of TW14 and don't have any intention of bringing that mode back. That's why I say EA has ceded simulation mode to TGC. I have been impressed with the devs of TGC and the effort they put forth into communicating with their customers, developing updates and actually fixing things. They've earned the business. EA has lost it.
Agree with some of what you say, disagree with the rest. TGC is as much a simulation as RM is in TOUR mode, IMO. Relationship with EA has nothing to do with what I see on my screen and how each game plays. I am hearing that TGC has improved their swing by decoupling it to the frame rates, so I will see how it plays when I can get to it.
# 18 ShivasIrons @ 07/23/15 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Agree with some of what you say, disagree with the rest. TGC is as much a simulation as RM is in TOUR mode, IMO. Relationship with EA has nothing to do with what I see on my screen and how each game plays. I am hearing that TGC has improved their swing by decoupling it to the frame rates, so I will see how it plays when I can get to it.
Well, we can agree to disagree on those points. But, I think we both want to see a good simulation mode.

EA was on the right track with TW14 simulation mode difficulty. That's why this RM game is so, so disappointing. EA took all the things that they really did right in that mode and just threw it all away. I don't see why they couldn't have the Tour mode like they have (as some like it), and just keep the simulation mode difficulty from TW14 while fixing a few defects. More options, and the sim crowd would be relatively happy.
# 19 DivotMaker @ 07/23/15 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by ShivasIrons
Well, we can agree to disagree on those points. But, I think we both want to see a good simulation mode.

EA was on the right track with TW14 simulation mode difficulty. That's why this RM game is so, so disappointing. EA took all the things that they really did right in that mode and just threw it all away. I don't see why they couldn't have the Tour mode like they have (as some like it), and just keep the simulation mode difficulty from TW14 while fixing a few defects. More options, and the sim crowd would be relatively happy.
Agree with your first comment 100%.

Sorry you feel that way on the rest of your comments. I have started my second Career mode with the PS4 version (Better than the Xbox version in every way, IMO). I have found a compelling level of difficulty using TOUR Custom on most challenging settings with grids OFF. DS4 controller is harder to hit straight than the Xbox controller, IMO. Have had a number of tee shots in the water because I was trying to hit the downswing too hard. Clicking the square button on every single shot to get rid of the default settings and using the swing to hit the shots, not the game deciding the shot. In my first CM on Xbox, I won every single event, sometimes by RM-US Open like margins. Now I am playing Bay Hill, I am in round 3 at -6 in 20th place trying to find a way to win the tournament. Just put tee shot in the water on #3 and hitting approach to the green laying 4. Placed 10th at the Bioware, so I have found what works for me. Hope this update makes it even better, especially for others.

My only other wish is that EA would give us Online Daily and Weekly Tournaments on the most challenging levels for Classic and TOUR....
# 20 hawley088 @ 07/25/15 05:37 PM
I feel no sense of competition online and where is best ball and alternate shot, those were by far the best online modes

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