Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR News Post

Love it or hate it, it's in the game.

While playing a round in Rory McIlroy PGA Tour, I heard a fan scream "Baba Booey" after I hit the ball off the tee. Listen to it here, or in the embedded video below.

Thanks to The Big Lead for the tip.

Game: Rory McIlroy PGA TOURReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 12 - View All
Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Brian_OS @ 07/13/15 04:23 PM
Love it! They are paying attention.
# 2 pietasterp @ 07/13/15 07:39 PM
Hate it. Paying (and giving) attention to the wrong things....
# 3 jbd345 @ 07/13/15 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by pietasterp
Hate it. Paying (and giving) attention to the wrong things....
Geez you just can't please some people. Since when did the golf forums turn into the madden forum?
# 4 pietasterp @ 07/13/15 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Geez you just can't please some people. Since when did the golf forums turn into the madden forum?
I'm not taking this opportunity to bash the game or anything, I just genuinely hate it (IRL) when idiots yell out stupid catch-phrases at golf tournaments just to be jack-arses. I think it's in poor taste in general, and I'm not particularly pleased that it's being given any kind of legitimacy by being acknowledged in an officially licensed PGA Tour game. It's like streakers at baseball games - it happens, but no need to glorify it.
# 5 jbd345 @ 07/13/15 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by pietasterp
I'm not taking this opportunity to bash the game or anything, I just genuinely hate it (IRL) when idiots yell out stupid catch-phrases at golf tournaments just to be jack-arses. I think it's in poor taste in general, and I'm not particularly pleased that it's being given any kind of legitimacy by being acknowledged in an officially licensed PGA Tour game. It's like streakers at baseball games - it happens, but no need to glorify it.
True. I see your point. I don't think ea is glorifying it though. If they had put "MASHED POTATOES!" In as well then I'd see it. But I just think in the state the game is in now complaining about what fan shouts is nit picking. As for me as long as it only happens once in awhile and not on every shot, I'm cool with it.
# 6 DowntownRiot @ 07/13/15 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by pietasterp
I'm not taking this opportunity to bash the game or anything, I just genuinely hate it (IRL) when idiots yell out stupid catch-phrases at golf tournaments just to be jack-arses. I think it's in poor taste in general, and I'm not particularly pleased that it's being given any kind of legitimacy by being acknowledged in an officially licensed PGA Tour game. It's like streakers at baseball games - it happens, but no need to glorify it.
Shouting a harmless 4 syllable catchphrase while a golf ball is in the air and running naked onto a baseball field, disrupting play, are two very different things.

As a long time Stern fan, I absolutely love that they included the Baba Booey shouts.

I honestly feel bad for the people who are genuinely bothered when someone shouts a harmless phrase after a golf swing. I can't imagine the people bothered by this are very fun in social situations.
# 7 saucerset @ 07/14/15 02:13 PM
What is the history behind 'Baba Booey'?

Much like guitar stores that have signs that say 'No Stairway to Heaven', I can see signs in the future at golf tournies that say "No 'GET IN THE HOLE' please". It used to be funny but it just seems a bit old now, even IRL.
# 8 biglen @ 07/14/15 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by saucerset
What is the history behind 'Baba Booey'?

Much like guitar stores that have signs that say 'No Stairway to Heaven', I can see signs in the future at golf tournies that say "No 'GET IN THE HOLE' please". It used to be funny but it just seems a bit old now, even IRL.
Howard Stern's producer, Gary, liked to collect Cartoon Art back in the day. Howard asked him to name some of the cartoons he collected, and Gary said " I just picked up a BaBa Booey". The actual name of the cartoon character, was "BaBa Looey". The funny part about it, was they were making fun of him, and he said " nobody will even remember that I called him BaBa Booey a week from now". That was like 30 years ago, and BaBa Booey is STILL going strong.

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