Axis Football 2015 News Post

The folks at Axis Games are excited to bring a new trailer for Axis Football 2015 to you -- in anticipation of the game's upcoming full release on July 15, 2015. We've detailed much of what Axis Football 2015 is bringing to the table in an earlier news post.

The short version is, Axis Football is a 3D American Football simulation game which features a unique aimed passing system with 32 total (fictional) teams. There is a season mode within the game, and there is mod support to edit rosters to your desire.

We are hoping to get an interview lined up with the guys at Axis Games very soon!

Game: Axis Football 2015Reader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes for game: 0 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 elgreazy1 @ 07/10/15 12:09 PM
This is looking pretty promising as a PC option. Any word on how much it will cost?
# 2 boomhauertjs @ 07/10/15 12:25 PM
According to an interview the developer did, it will be $19.99. The first week it will be 10% off on Steam.

It's not Windows XP compatible, otherwise I would consider buying it. I'm planning to get a new PC later this year, so maybe I'll pick it up then.
# 3 chrisphil1724 @ 07/10/15 01:13 PM
Who still runs XP?
# 4 huntt26 @ 07/10/15 01:15 PM
The passing system looks like it has potential
# 5 boomhauertjs @ 07/10/15 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by chrisphil1724
Who still runs XP?
Me and 250 million others...

# 6 bxphenom7 @ 07/10/15 05:53 PM
I'd get this if it had a franchise mode. Looks like a good football option
# 7 kehlis @ 07/10/15 09:54 PM
Line play is brutal, they meet their man and just stand there lol.
# 8 videlsports @ 07/11/15 01:28 PM
if the price is nice they will have my support if they make it for consoles they will defiantly get my support. They expanded on read and lead passing from NFL FEVER.
# 9 dcal @ 07/12/15 09:35 PM
I will be buying this, no way I cant support another football option even if it is as rudimentary as this at the start. We have to create the market for a football competitor. I may buy a second copy to give away here on OS if they will allow me to.
# 10 blind10 @ 07/13/15 12:33 PM
They get my support for just being up front with information.
# 11 herropreese @ 07/13/15 05:04 PM
I think I read this trailer doesn't include the improvements to the animations that they have planned. Either way, I would buy this in a heartbeat. I wish you could pre-order it on Steam, for some reason they don't have that as an option.
# 12 AxisGames @ 07/14/15 10:25 PM
Hey folks! Danny Jugan here, creator of Axis Football.

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for their support! We know this game has a long way to go, but we sincerely appreciate everyone seeing the big picture with where this game can go in the future. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun as is, but there are certainly a number of things that we can do to take it to the next level. Your support in purchasing the game or telling your friends goes a long way in making that happen!

Operation Sports should be putting out an interview that we did with them in the next day or so! That will hopefully answer any questions you might have, but you're always more than welcome to reach out to me directly.

Thanks again!

Danny Jugan
[email protected]
# 13 boomhauertjs @ 07/15/15 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by AxisGames
Hey folks! Danny Jugan here, creator of Axis Football.

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for their support! We know this game has a long way to go, but we sincerely appreciate everyone seeing the big picture with where this game can go in the future. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun as is, but there are certainly a number of things that we can do to take it to the next level. Your support in purchasing the game or telling your friends goes a long way in making that happen!

Operation Sports should be putting out an interview that we did with them in the next day or so! That will hopefully answer any questions you might have, but you're always more than welcome to reach out to me directly.

Thanks again!

Danny Jugan
[email protected]
Best of luck Danny with the release of the game today! The community appreciates you taking the time to visit us. Looking forward to hearing impressions of the game today (still need to upgrade my PC from Windows XP).
# 14 herropreese @ 07/15/15 05:20 PM
100% rating on Steam so far with six reviews. Gonna try to pick it up sometime this weekend.
# 15 Bull_Dozer @ 07/16/15 01:34 PM
Looks neat. I'll definitely buy it when coach and franchise mode are added.

Also, any chance of adding a game speed setting? I always prefer to play Madden on the slowest setting.
# 16 bluengold34_OS @ 07/16/15 04:48 PM
I bought it, and there is some fun to be had even in its current state.
# 17 Danimal @ 07/17/15 11:35 AM
I captured video of this last night but it was too late to edit it and post to youtube. Will do that soon.

Not sure what to think, I can see a lot of good but there is also a lot that is not even close to ready for prime time. The animations they have are great but then you see 2 guys engaged in a 1 on 1 block and they just stand there.

There is a coach mode option grayed out, I almost thing the game would play better in this manner. The aim passing is nice but very hard to do with a controller, will try it with a mouse.

I only played 2 games on Pro it was late but once I got past the line most runs resulted in a TD.
# 18 boomhauertjs @ 07/17/15 11:36 AM
Watch this video if you're interested in learning more about this game's potential.

# 19 elgreazy1 @ 07/17/15 12:12 PM
I may pick this up this weekend. It appears to be Mac compatible, too, which is a huge plus?

Side question: what are the logos & teams like in the game? Just interested from a designer perspective.
# 20 dcal @ 07/17/15 01:14 PM
There are flaws but there is also promise. A game has to begin somewhere and for a game made with a small Dev team it deserves recognition and support. I am currently 1-1 in my season, having come from behind to win the first game 26-20 and got my lunch handed to me in the second 55-6, four TD passes to the other team lol.

If we want this game to improve or more football options on the PC, 19 bucks is not much to spend and it is our vote to have football back on the PC in a larger capacity.

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