Axis Football 2015 News Post

The folks at Axis Games are excited to bring a new trailer for Axis Football 2015 to you -- in anticipation of the game's upcoming full release on July 15, 2015. We've detailed much of what Axis Football 2015 is bringing to the table in an earlier news post.

The short version is, Axis Football is a 3D American Football simulation game which features a unique aimed passing system with 32 total (fictional) teams. There is a season mode within the game, and there is mod support to edit rosters to your desire.

We are hoping to get an interview lined up with the guys at Axis Games very soon!

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Member Comments
# 21 jyoung @ 07/17/15 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
The aim passing is nice but very hard to do with a controller, will try it with a mouse.
Since there's no input sensitivity slider in the game, you'll need to either:

A) Use a third-party program like InputMapper or Joy2Key to adjust the right joystick's sensitivity.

B) Start your game with only a mouse plugged in. Then plug in your controller after the kickoff. This allows you to control your players' running with the joystick while still controlling the pass aiming with a mouse. You have to trick the game into making this setup work, because it's not supported normally.

Also, any chance of adding a game speed setting? I always prefer to play Madden on the slowest setting.
There's no game speed option. There is not an in-game options menu at all, actually. All you can do is reassign your buttons in the pre-game launcher.
# 22 jahswill @ 07/17/15 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
Since there's no input sensitivity slider in the game, you'll need to either:

A) Use a third-party program like InputMapper or Joy2Key to adjust the right joystick's sensitivity.

B) Start your game with only a mouse plugged in. Then plug in your controller after the kickoff. This allows you to control your players' running with the joystick while still controlling the pass aiming with a mouse. You have to trick the game into making this setup work, because it's not supported

There's no game speed option. There is not an in-game options menu at all, actually. All you can do is reassign your buttons in the pre-game launcher.
I'm pretty sure there's a cursor sensitivity slider, and that's the only one.
# 23 jyoung @ 07/17/15 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by jahswill
I'm pretty sure there's a cursor sensitivity slider, and that's the only one.
Where is it located? All I see in-game is the option to toggle on/off sound effects and the announcer. And the pre-game launcher only has a button mapping screen for me. This is on the latest version of the game, 1.3.
# 24 jahswill @ 07/18/15 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by jyoung
Where is it located? All I see in-game is the option to toggle on/off sound effects and the announcer. And the pre-game launcher only has a button mapping screen for me. This is on the latest version of the game, 1.3.
Pause game and go to in game menu. I use a controller,hit start and b button and you should see it. On the bottom right on the play selection screen is where the menu is located.

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