Looks pretty good. Would like to have seen more actual gameplay footage but I get it, it's a trailer. One thing I'm disappointed about is that it looks like the same two or three man goal celebration as last year. I know gameplay is more important but several various 5 man celebrations would just add so much realism as opposed to what they have now. Still looking forward to it of course
I'm pretty much gonna echo what everyone else is saying. Looks nice, but really need to see more gameplay...hopefully we get some videos in the coming days.
Agreed with everyone, hopefully some straight gameplay videos surface during E3. Trailer was cut nice sure, though looks like a lot more of the same animation-wise.
Biggest standout for me in that trailer was the way Tarasenko actually lunged to receive that breakaway pass. That was the only tangible gameplay difference I noticed on my initial watch. I'll take a couple closer looks when I get home, but I do like that one so far.
As we say every year around this time, graphics look pretty good, but too early to tell anything else from a hype trailer.
One thing I can kind of say this early is that the play looks stiff again. Like the animations and the overall movement of everything just looks to be too tight, like last year was. Way too hard to really judge from this video, but that was my main concern from what I could actually see.
Hopefully we actually get some gameplay footage from E3 this year.
They've been giving away a ton of information over the last few weeks, so I'm not surprised they haven't shown much in the trailer or at the EA presser. Just can't wait to get my hands on it
After last years debacle, they've had to do that because no one would even come close to thinking of buying another game from them with what they released.
They need to release gameplay, which I think they are going to do. On their last snapchat they showed they were "recording gameplay for E3".....I am hoping that a blog/gameplay trailer is released that shows nothing but 5 minutes of gameplay
So in addition to the way Tarasenko reached for the pass I liked the way Ovechkin kind of gathered up his legs and took a few crossovers to build speed as he got the puck in that brief little glimpse. Too little to tell much, but looked pretty good. Overall I agree with whoever said the players still look pretty rigid though.
It's because everyone still skates the same so everyone on the ice looks stiff and unnatural. In real life no two players really are moving the same at any given time. Some guys are crouched low, some are upright, some swing their arms a lot, some lead with their stick way out in front, some stick handle close, some stick handle out in front, some with tight little forward and backward motions, some with wider side to side sweeps. That variation still is not in the game. They talk a lot about presentation but variation in the way players move is probably one of the absolute biggest presentation points there is and they always ignore it.
Yep, trailers are kinda fun to watch. But to echo others, gameplay vids will help much more to see what's in store for '16'. How i hope we see some solid defensive ai in coming vids. To actually see a 1-4 really work, would be fantastic.
"Player ratings are still sky high, which gives the game very little in terms of player differentiation." (under gameplay)
I dont know how the "edit player" that EA allows will have an affect on this game. This player and team differentiation is one the biggest "MUST" for me and I have the notion that it will still not be there.
"The big addition to Be A GM this year is the player morale system like those found in NBA 2K." (under BaGM)
The last time EA copy from nba 2k was the MyCareer in 14, but poor implementation (ex. text base!). I just hope this could work well as they intend it to be, or else BaGM is just the same old thing, except in 16 they brought back the features that should be in the game at the very first place.
With the player edit announcement from RAMJ brought hopes in me that 16 could be different. But I just learn that you cannot d/l roster or share with someone (unlike in 360, where modio could be used) in the NG brings me back to my original state: very highly skeptic of this game and in EA's ability to produce NHL.
"The same scoring tactics from last year – wraparounds, screens, high slot shots – all seemed to still work."
"Board play, face-offs, and passing feel largely the same as NHL 15"
"Player ratings are still sky high, which gives the game very little in terms of player differentiation."
These 3 things are essentially the core of how the game plays. If these aspects of the game are not fixed then nothing anyone else says should really matter.